Wednesday, September 22, 2021

A Word to Fellow Pastors and Other Christian Leaders (1875) by Horatius Bonar, Book Review


A Word to Fellow Pastors and Other Christian Leaders:
Things Every Minister of the Gospel Must Consider (1875, 2019)
by Horatius Bonar

Every Sunday I will have my Social Media Sabbath and one of the things I love to do is house cleaning. As Jordan Peterson said forcefully, “If you can't even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to advise the world?” As I’m battling with dirt and spider webs, I listened to this audiobook. I’ve read this book many years ago and I’m glad to discover it again in audio format. Horatius Bonar (1808-1889) is a missionary, a preacher, and best-known as a hymn writer. He wrote this book out of his concern for the Christian leaders to be faithful to the gospel of Christ, to win souls for Christ, and to edify the body of Christ. “This is a book for winners of souls, not for loiterers on the highway or for slothful servants of our Master,” reminds Samuel M. Zwemer on the preface, “It is a heart-searching book but also one that gives new courage to continue the daily task.”

I love to learn, read, and listen to Christian classic books. They are so much depth, devotion, and meatiness. Mr. Bonar’s book is included. It is very convincing and challenging. For my 21st century ears, the standard for a leader or minister of the gospel as outline here is very high (if I pause every time a sentence hit me, I would never finish this book. Repentance, in the end, is necessary!) and it should be so. As of this writing, the Hillsong Church is in turmoil due to many controversies, scandals, and misconducts among the leaders. I’m glad that the truth is exposed and yet, I’m sad that it brings shame to the church. I’m guilty of my own shortcoming but the Scripture is clear that we have to hold ourselves to a higher Biblical standard. Paul advises Timothy and every Christian leader: “Keep a close watch on yourself and the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Timothy 4:16). James gave this solemn warning, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness” (James 3:1). The high standard is uncomfortable nowadays, but in the digital era, it is urgent and all-time Biblical.

’Tis not for us to trifle! Life is brief,
And sin is here.
Our age is but the falling of a leaf,
A dropping tear.
We have no time to sport away the hours,
All must be earnest in a world like ours.
Not many lives, but only one have we —
One; only one; —
How sacred should that one life ever be —
That narrow span!
Day after day, filled up with blessed toil;
Hour after hour, still bringing in the new spoil.
(Poet by Horatius Bonar)

This book contains five (5) powerful chapters: Ch. 1: The Importance of Being Hot for Christ; Ch. 2: The Importance of Being Right with God Ourselves; Ch. 3: The Danger of Unfruitful Ministry; Ch. 4: The Importance of Eliminating Our Faults; and Ch. 5: The Need of Revival in Ministry. If I were a senior pastor in the local church or team leader in a Christian organization, I would make this book required reading for every minister before entering the high standard calling of ministry! (Be glad, I’m not )

#ServeToLead #GrowingLeaders #LeadersAreReaders #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

To read my previous #1Book1Week book reviews, CLICK HERE  

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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How To Think Like Einstein (2015) by Scott Thorpe, Book Review

How To Think Like Einstein: Simple Ways to Break the Rules and Discover Your Hidden Genius (2000, 2015) by Scott Thorpe

Three primary materials sparked my interest in the life of Albert Einstein, namely, Walter Isaacson's Einstein (2007, an extensive volume biography that I didn't get to finished), a TV series Genius: Einstein (2017, based on Isaacson's book), and John Gribbin's Einstein's Masterwork (2015). I also watched lots of documentaries about his life and works. Thus, I can boast about having general knowledge about Albert Einstein. Still, I cannot say the same when it comes to an understanding of how the general theory of relativity really works (Yes, YouTube videos are helpful. Thank you). Although Albert Einstein wasn't the only gifted intellectual during his lifetime, his accomplishments, especially the 1905 papers, make him the poster-child or the symbol of GENIUS. The words Einstein and genius are synonymous. So no wonder many authors who want to write books on being a genius or discovering your hidden genius will go to Einstein for reference or as the chief model. But I think we shouldn't want to be like Einstein or think precisely like Einstein because Einstein is one of a kind. We are created by God (not evolve) wonderfully and uniquely from everyone else. However, we can - and should - learn from others, including Einstein, even if we disagree with them. When I approach this book with this attitude, I get more from it.

The essence of Einstein's secret to think like a genius, according to the author, is that "you've got to break the rules." I know this is not a piece of top-secret information. But I agree with Scott Thorpe when he writes: "Rules are not always bad things. They are like railroad tracks. If you want to go where the track goes, they are perfect. But like destinations without a rail line, some solutions cannot be reached by following our rules. The only way to get there is to leave the tracks. Rules stunt innovative thinking because they seem so right. They hide the numerous superior solutions that exist but are outside our rule ruts. These great solutions will only be found by breaking the rules." As I observe myself and others, I find that most of our rule ruts are in our heads: we are trained to obey the rules mindlessly, we refuse to think differently when we become 'experts', we hold on to our limited perceptions, we don't stop to notice external forces that influence us, we quickly rejecting contrary evidence, we tend to conform to groupthink, the fear of rejections paralyzes us, etc. A world-class problem-solver and master of rule-breaker, Albert Einstein said, "We must recognize what in our accepted tradition is damaging to our fate and dignity - and shape our lives accordingly."

But even Einstein is not immune to rule ruts. Imagine this: Einstein's intelligence was consistently high throughout his life, and as he grew older, his vast knowledge of mathematics and science increased steadily. At the beginning of 1905, the young Einstein made significant discoveries in physics in his spare time, especially when he developed his special and general theories of relativity (and don't forget the formula, E = MC2). One of the rules that he broke was Isaac Newton's 'time is absolute' rule. When most scientists think that time is absolute, as decreed by Newton, Einstein believes otherwise, saying that time is relative. His productivity and problem-solving skills are in the beast mode. But as he gained reputation and acquired more knowledge, the old professor's spark was diminishing (Ronald William Clark's remarked in his book, Einstein: The Life and Times, another book that I didn't finish, "…later years, he moved his interest from science to politics"). He was still brilliant, but he didn't solve any more critical scientific problems after that. Why? Thorpe explains, "If rule-breaking was the secret to Einstein's genius, then we should expect his problem-solving decline when he didn't break the rules - and that is exactly what happened." Isn't this is sad but true? When you first enter the Christian ministry, you're so full of revolutionary ideas, but after few years of service, you are settling for the old-unchristian rules? When you were appointed leader, you wanted to make a difference, but now it seems like you're stuck in the same situation as before? Perhaps it's time to rethink and examine your current physical and mental rules and start to break the rules! Read this book is an excellent way to know-how.

#ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #ThinkLikeAlbertEinstein #BreakTheRules #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

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#1Book1Week book reviews, CLICK HERE  

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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Why I Read Book Every Day (and 10 Ways to Increasing your Reading Efficiency) #1Book1Week August 2021


Before the pandemic, when I'm busy doing fieldwork, I listen to audiobooks or sermons in the car. I also love to watch educational videos on YouTube at home and listen to podcasts while walking, cycling, or jogging. But with all the technological advancements available today, I still prefer reading books as my primary mode of learning. I guess you can call me 'old fashioned.' Besides my natural thirst for knowledge, I need to read books to be effective in the ministry (as the saying goes, "You can't give what you don't have") and keep me sane in today's world of shallow information. So I read at least 30 minutes to 1 hour every day on various subjects, especially on the Scripture and Christian living.

In his book Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, Brian Tracy shares this excellent calculated insight: "If you read just one hour per day, that will amount to about one book per week. One book per week will amount to about 50 books per year. So 50 books per year will total about 500 books over the next ten years. At the very least, you will need a bigger house just to hold your books". Oh yeah, the power of consistency and small incremental changes! Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit!

If you are persuaded to read every day too, I recommend you to follow these 10 Ways to Increasing your Reading Efficiency:

1) SELECT YOUR READING MATERIAL CAREFULLY. Don't waste your time on books of little value. Instead, preview what you are considering reading before you start a book. For Christians, your primary and most important book to read and study is the Scripture.

2)  ELIMINATE POOR HABITS. Find a place where you're free from distractions. Get rid of junk foods and avoid contact with electronic gadgets and television if possible. As you try different positions and ways to cultivate your reading habit, identify what works for you and avoid what doesn't.

3)  MAKE A CONSCIOUS EFFORT TO BROADEN YOUR READING. Don't confine your reading to only one narrow area. I tend to choose Christian literature, but I will vary my reading occasionally to a novel, leadership, motivational, business, science, other religions, etc. My rough ratio is 3-4 Christian books to 1 other title. You don't have to follow my pattern. The point is – broaden your reading.

4) TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE BIG PICTURE. Read for main ideas. Don't get caught up or spend too much time with insignificant problematic details.

5) ASK THE AUTHOR(s) QUESTIONS AS YOU READ. Be an investigator. Ask: Why? What? When? Where? Who? How? And try to find the author's answers in the pages of the book.

6) Also, ASK YOURSELF QUESTIONS AS YOU READ. Test your understanding of the author's points, arguments, and ideas.

7) DON'T READ TOO FAST FOR THE SAKE OF FINISHING THE BOOK. Make sure you really (or try to) understand what you are reading before you go further. Or mark the sentences first and come back to them later. If you still don't understand, then don't finish the book. Time is precious.

8) CONCENTRATE ON WHAT YOU ARE READING. Don't entertain unnecessary distractions; focus on the author's message. Off your smartphone, if you must!

9)  TAP INTO YOUR IMAGINATION. Try to imagine the concepts of ideas described by the author(s). Turn texts into mental images. When the author(s) gives illustrations or parables to amplify their points, 'see' them with your mind's eye. If you can't do it at the beginning, it's okay. This ability requires practice.

10) TAKE NOTES WHILE READING (in my case, I write reviews) or underlines important gems that you get from your reading in the book itself or both. This habit is essential if you want to review them from time to time, and it helps to retain what you read.

#ServeToLead #GrowingLeaders #LeadersAreReaders #CultivateReadingHabit #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #ReadingEfficiency

To read my #1Book1Week book reviews, click the RED LETTERS:

  1.  The Heavenly Man (2008) by Brother Yun, CLICK HERE

  2. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (1950) by Clive Staples Lewis, CLICK HERE

  3. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew (1955) by Clive Staples Lewis, CLICK HERE

  4. Beyond AD 2000: A Call to Evangelical Faithfulness (1999) by Bishop Hwa Yung, CLICK HERE

  5. What Is Reformed Theology? Understanding The Basics (2016 Edition) by R.C. Sproul, CLICK HERE

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TUHAN Tidak Mengabaikan Sesiapa Yang Mencari-Nya (Eksposisi Mazmur 9)

Ini ialah rakaman eksposisi Alkitab dari Mazmur 9 yang saya kongsikan bersama staf dalam Prayer Meeting minggu lepas. Semoga perkongsian ini akan memberkati kamu. Kata kunci dalam Mazmur ini ialah ayat 10: "[Mereka] yang mengenal nama-Mu akan percaya kepada-Mu, kerana Engkau, ya TUHAN, tidak mengabaikan sesiapa yang mencari-Mu." Amen! ⚡

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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Horse and His Boy (1954) by Clive Staples Lewis, Book Review

 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Horse and His Boy (1954) by Clive Staples Lewis

 This story is not as familiar as the famous ones made into movies like The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe or Prince Caspian or The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (by the way, in 2018, Netflix already purchased the rights and will reboot the series. I have high expectations about the production quality. Still, I hope that they will not distort the character of Aslan and kept the stories as original as possible) and that's what makes it an exciting read. The Horse and His Boy is the third book in chronological order but the fifth book in the publication order. There are four main characters in this story. First, a boy named Shasta, who lived in Calormen, discovered that the man he stayed with was not his birth father and would be sold into slavery. It makes sense since Shasta felt that he had "little love" for his guardian. While thinking about what to do, Shasta was surprised to know that the would-be master's horse was a Talking Horse from Narnia. So, the second character is the horse named Bree. Together they planned an escape and heading "For Narnia and the North!" Then early on their journey, they meet another pair of runaways, the third character, a girl named Aravis, and a mare, the fourth character, a Talking Horse too, named Hwin.

Bree and Hwin know for sure where they are going, namely, the land of Narnia, their birthplace, before being captured as dumb animals by the Calormenes. Meanwhile, Aravis, a girl from a noble Calormene family, just wanted to run away as far as possible to avoid being forced into marriage. So she followed wherever Hwin went. Shasta (funny name), on the other hand, is very clueless. He still needs to know his identity. Before the journey, he always "look eagerly to the North" but doesn't know why and he felt very out of place as the 'son' of fisherman in the far south of Calormen. So like any other adventure story, the journey of these four characters is about self-discovery, friendship, conflicts, and especially for Shasta, an exploration of his true identity. Interestingly, the story takes place when Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy were kings and queens of Narnia (although Peter the High King was absent from this story because he was fighting against the giants elsewhere). The four characters encountered with the mysterious Aslan always fascinate me. He was 'there' even before they began the journey and every step of the way. When Shasta first met with Aslan (as "The Voice," then as "The Thing," and as himself), he asked, "Who are you?"

"I was the lion… I was the lion who forced you to join with Aravis. I was the cat who comforted you among the houses of the dead. I was the lion who drove the jackals from you while you slept. I was the lion who gave the Horses the new strength of fear for the last mile so that you should reach King Lune in time. And I was the lion you do not remember who pushed the boat in which you lay, a child near death so that it came to shore where a man sat, wakeful at midnight, to received you" (page 281). And as you read on - I hope you do - you will discover that Aslan was not 'safe' in a sense that he was the one who puts the children and horses amid danger, and yet he is 'good' because he would make sure that they will be victorious (although wounded along the way) to the end. Remember what Mr. Beaver said to little Lucy years ago about Aslan? "He isn't safe. But he's good." To enter Narnia, you have to be tested by fire! As I closed this book last week, I was inspired and shouted, "For Narnia and the North!" Of course, not too loud as to wake up my neighbors…

 #ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #TheChroniclesOfNarnia #CSLewis #RealmOfImagination #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

 To read my previous #1Book1Week book reviews, CLICK HERE  

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Markus 11:12-19 Bagaimana Rumah Doa Menjadi Sarang Pencuri? (#InjilMarkus S.1 E.85)

Soalan ini sangat relevan kerana inilah yang terjadi pada masakini dimana keagamaan dan kerohanian dijadikan sesetengah pihak sebagai tempat bisnes dan berjual beli. Memanipulasi, menakut-nakutkan orang dan beban agama yang berat menjadikan Rumah Ibadat yang sepatutnya menjadi tempat orang mengenal, menyembah dan berdoa kepada TUHAN Allah dijadikan sebagai markas atau sarang pencuri!
Apa kata dan respon Yesus Kristus? ⚡

Untuk menonton video-video pengajian Injil Markus lain, KLIK DI SINI 

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Meme-logy: Khutbah vs. FB Post vs. Firman Allah

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Tanda Akhir Zaman #2 Penganiayaan, Penyangkalan, Kejahatan & Penginjilan (Matius 24:9-14)

"Kamu akan ditangkap dan akan diserahkan untuk diseksa dan dibunuh. Kamu akan dibenci oleh semua bangsa kerana nama-Ku" (Matius 24:9). Menurut statistik oleh World Watch List, pada tahun 2020 sahaja (yang dilaporkan): ada lebih kurang 340 million orang Kristian mengalami penganiayaan dan diskriminasi di seluruh dunia; 4,761 dibunuh kerana iman mereka; 4,277 ditangkap dan dipenjarakan tanpa perbicaraan; dan 4,488 bangunan gereja diserang dan dirobohkan.

Penganiayaan ialah salah satu hal yang terjadi dalam Tanda Akhir Zaman ke-2 ini. Begitu juga kejahatan akan semakin berleluasa. Namun begitu, cahaya PENGHARAPAN masih ada. Bagi pengikut Kristus, sudahkah kamu bersedia? Bagi yang belum mengenali Kristus sebagai Juruselamat, bagaimana kamu akan menghadapinya? Bagi para pemimpin, adakah kamu menyiapkan jemaah gereja untuk semua ini dan memberitakan tentang kedatangan Kristus kali kedua?

Untuk mendengar episod ini, KLIK DI SINI Spotify: 

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Minta Hikmat Kebijaksanaan Daripada TUHAN Allah

"Jika"? Saya TIDAK perlu ayat "jika" sebagai sebab kerana memang saya sentiasa "kekurangan hikmat" atau kebijaksanaan. Bagaimana saya boleh hidup dalam iman tanpa hikmat daripada TUHAN Allah? Mustahil! Tanpa hikmat, saya menimbulkan masalah sendiri, saya melakukan keputusan yang membawa kepada penyesalan dan saya bertutur kata-kata yang bodoh. Jadi, apa yang harus dilakukan? Firman Allah memberi jawapan yang mudah dan jelas:

"Jika di antara kamu ada yang kekurangan hikmat, hendaklah dia memintanya kepada Allah, yang dengan murah hati memberi kepada semua orang tanpa mencela, dan itu akan diberikan kepadanya" (Yakobus 1:5). Minta! Tanya! Doa! Pertama, bagi "yang kekurangan hikmat"; kedua, "kepada Allah" yang kita kenal dalam nama Yesus Kristus; dan ketiga, dengan kesabaran dan iman tanpa ragu "itu akan diberikan kepadanya.”

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The Blind Evangelist Who Sees! (China: Chang Shen) #PersecutedChurch

Before his conversion, Chang Shen had been known as a gambler, womanizer, and thief. When he was stricken blind in midlife, neighbors said it was the judgment of the gods for his evil doings. But everything changed when he heard about Christ for the first time. What happened next?

The story is taken from The Voice of the Martyrs Extreme Devotion Apps.

To watch other stories from this series, CLICK HERE

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Nubuat Yesaya Dalam InjilMatius #1 Mesias akan Dilahirkan Oleh Anak Dara & Dipanggil Immanuel

Ini ialah rakaman pendek dari Pengajian Alkitab #DugDownDeep bab demi bab yang dikendalikan oleh saya dan rakan-rakan setiap minggu. Pengajaran khas ini (iaitu sampingan selepas pengajian utama) ialah tentang nubuat-nubuat dalam Kitab Yesaya yang digenapi oleh Tuhan Yesus Mesias dalam Injil Matius.

Ada tujuh (7) nubuat yang akan dikongsikan setiap hujung bulan. Saya kongsikan ini di agar dapat memberkati kamu yang berminat.

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Pemandang 12 Perang Bisi Nyadi Di Serega (Iban)

Bup Pemandang (Wahyu) Pasal 12 tu dibaca ari Berita Manah Ka Rebak Diatu: Sempekat Baru dalam Jako Iban (Iban New Testament, 2nd Edition) ari The Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei, 1981 ⚡#ServeToLead #BupPemandang #BeritaManah #SempekatBaru

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Lima (5) Cara untuk Menyambut Hari Merdeka 2021

1) HARGAI SEJARAH. Dulu saya langsung tidak peduli dan menghargai sejarah Malaysia tetapi apabila saya sudah berkerjaya dan memasuki pelayanan, saya mendapati bahawa sejarah banyak mempengaruhi bagaimana kita berfikir, bergaul, berkomunikasi dan mengenal identiti sesama kita. Sumber terbaik untuk mengetahui sejarah Malaysia - dan isu-isu semasa - ialah melalui buku-buku yang diterbitkan oleh Gerakbudaya ( Selain itu, dokumentari seperti Road to Nationhood: Formation of Malaysia juga sangat membantu ( Tak kenal Malaysia maka tak cinta.

2) MENGUBAH MINDSET. Syukur kepada TUHAN Allah kerana kebanyakkan kita tidak perlu pergi berperang untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan. Tabik dan hormat penghargaan kepada para pejuang kita dahulu! Namun begitu, kemerdekaan sebenar ialah holistik termasuk dari segi minda atau mindset. Lirik rap Joe Flizzow dalam lagu Negaraku sangat cun: "Nak merdeka dijasad harus bebas diakal." Apabila ada isu* yang melibatkan keutamaan dan kepentingan sesama kita timbul, salah satu mindset yang penting ialah ini: I am Malaysian first, then my race or tribe second (*bergantung kepada konteks).

3) KURANGKAN SIKAP PERKAUMAN. Saya memahami sesetengah orang yang optimistik yang mengatakan bahawa mereka ada sifar (zero) sikap perkauman. Namun begitu, ianya mustahil. TIADA seorang pun yang langsung tidak ada prejudis dan stereotaip. Apa yang kita boleh buat ialah mengakui bahawa kita ada sikap itu, memiliki kesedaran apabila kita bersikap begitu dan hari demi hari cuba mengurangkan sikap itu. Berkawan dan berkomunikasi dengan orang daripada pelbagai kaum ialah cara yang ideal untuk melakukan semua ini. Tetapi oleh kerana kita sekarang berdepan dengan isu pendamik, jadi, empat cara lain yang disenaraikan di sini boleh membantu.

4) BERDOA BAGI NEGARA. Yesus Kristus berfirman: "Kasihilah musuhmu dan doakan orang yang menganiayamu" (Matius 5:44). Jika kamu marah kepada musuh kamu, cuba kamu berdoa sesuatu yang baik untuk dia. Bolehkah kamu kekal marah dan terus berdoa? Tidak! Malah, kasih mulai timbul. Begitu juga, kita mungkin pasrah, kecewa dan marah tentang apa yang terjadi dalam negara kita sekarang. Berdoa. Berdoa untuk para pemimpin, keadaan & isu-isu semasa dan kebajikan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Bagi orang Kristian, ebook The 40-Days Fast & Prayer 2021 ( boleh membantu kita untuk mendapatkan perkara-perkara doa bagi Malaysia.

5) BUKA & TUTUP MULUT. Penjelasan ini mudah tapi sukar dilakukan oleh kerana sifat manusia. Jika ada perkara yang melibatkan keadilan, kebenaran dan mempertahankan orang yang lemah, kita harus berani membuka suara dan bertindak atau melakukan sesuatu. Bukan hanya merungut, jadi keyboard warrior atau mahu going viral tapi benar-benar terbeban. Sebaliknya, tutup mulut. Jika tidak ada apa-apa yang baik, jelas, membina atau benar-benar penting untuk diperkatakan. Ataupun tangguhkan respon dahulu dan berfikir sebelum bersuara. Malaysia boleh berpecah lebih cepat melalui konflik dalaman berbanding dengan pengaruh secara luaran. Bukankah itu yang kita lihat dalam 'drama' politik negara?

#ServeToLead #SelamatHariMerdeka #MalaysiaYangTercinta

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Tanda Akhir Zaman #1 Kristus-Kristus Palsu, Peperangan, Kebuluran & Gempa Bumi (Matius 24:4-8)

"Apakah tanda-tanda kedatangan-Mu dan akhir zaman?" tanya para murid Yesus Kristus kepada-Nya. Jawapan Dia yang pertama ialah: "Awas, jangan terperdaya oleh sesiapa pun! Ramai orang akan datang dengan nama-Ku dan berkata, 'Akulah Kristus!' Mereka akan membuat ramai orang terpedaya" (Matius 24:4-5). Amaran kepada para pengikut Kristus: "Jangan terperdaya"!

Dan fakta yang akan terjadi kepada para pengikut palsu: "ramai orang terperdaya." Google search atau pergi ke YouTube dan kamu akan melihat ramai orang yang mengakui diri mereka sebagai "Kristus." Contohnya, Sun Myung Moon, Ahn Sahng hong, Sergey Torop, Alan Miller, Apollo Quiboloy, dan sebagainya. Semua ini kristus-kristus palsu! Apakah yang PASTI akan terjadi pada akhir zaman? Apakah tanda-tandanya? Bagaimana respon kita sekarang? ✅❎

 Untuk mendengar episod ini, KLIK DI SINI Spotify: 

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Pemandang 11 Dua Iko Saksi Allah Taala (Iban)

Bup Pemandang (Wahyu) Pasal 11 tu dibaca ari Berita Manah Ka Rebak Diatu: Sempekat Baru dalam Jako Iban (Iban New Testament, 2nd Edition) ari The Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei, 1981 ⚡#ServeToLead #BupPemandang #BeritaManah #SempekatBaru

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Minoriti dengan TUHAN Allah Berserta Kita Ialah MAJORITI

Prinsip untuk ayat ini jelas: Minoriti dengan TUHAN Allah berserta umat-Nya ialah MAJORITI. Segala kemenangan Yosua dan orang Israel adalah kerana TUHAN yang berperang bagi mereka. Gambaran ini lebih jelas dalam Hakim-Hakim 7. Pada mulanya, Gideon ada 32,000 orang bersamanya untuk berperang. "Terlalu ramai," kata TUHAN. Kemudian, 22,000 orang pulang, tinggal 10,000. "Masih terlalu ramai," kata TUHAN lagi. Sampailah Gideon dan hanya 300 orang bersamanya. Dengan minoriti ini, TUHAN Allah menyerahkan orang Midian kepada mereka!

Jangan kecil hati jika Persatuan Pelajar Kristian kamu sedikit orang; jangan kecewa jika kumpulan Pengajian Alkitab kamu beberapa orang sahaja; jangan takut jika kamu berdiri sendirian kerana kamu berpegang teguh dalam iman Kristus ��� Ingat: Minoriti dengan TUHAN Allah berserta kita ialah MAJORITI ✅✅✅

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Markus 11:8-11 Kenapa Ramai Orang Salah Sangka Tentang Yesus? (#InjilMarkus S.1 E.84)

Apabila Yesus Kristus masuk ke Jerusalem, ramai orang berseru, "Hosana! Diberkatilah Dia yang datang dengan nama Tuhan!" (Markus 11:9), tetapi beberapa hari kemudian, ramai orang pula berseru, "Salibkan Dia!" (15:13). Kenapa perubahan yang sangat mendadak dalam beberapa hari sahaja? Apa yang terjadi? Bagaimana salah sangka mereka juga mencerminkan salah sangka ramai orang masakini?

Untuk menonton video-video pengajian Injil Markus lain, KLIK DI SINI 

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Empat (4) Kebenaran dalam Pembaptisan Yesus Kristus (Berdasarkan Matius 3:13-17)

Untuk mendengar podcast, Kenapa Yesus Kristus yang TIADA Dosa Perlu Dibaptiskan? KLIK DISINI 

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