Monday, March 25, 2019

Pemimpin CF #8 Seorang Yang Berani & Rendah Hati

Jika seorang pemimpin itu,

Jika kamu berani tetapi tidak ada kerendahan hati, kamu akan menjadi sombong. Kamu akan menyangka bahawa kejayaan kepimpinan kamu itu datang daripada kamu sendiri. Kamu akan memandang rendah dengan team yang lain dan mengandalkan kekuatan sendiri. Selain itu, kamu akan lebih cenderung untuk menggunakan posisi kamu untuk memimpin dan ini juga boleh dikira sebagai ‘pembuli.’ Tetapi jika kamu seorang yang kurang berkeyakinan tetapi memiliki kerendahan hati, kamu tidak akan memberi apa-apa impak dalam kepimpinan kamu. Tidak ada inovasi, kurang idea baru dan bergantung dengan tradisi CF yang lama. Kerendahan hati tanpa tindakkan dan initiatif hanya melayakkan kamu untuk menjadi pengikut sahaja. Kamu akan menjadi pengikut yang baik tetapi tidak cukup untuk dipanggil seorang pemimpin.

Sebagai pemimpin Christian Fellowship (CF), kamu harus ada kedua-duanya. PEMIMPIN = BERANI + RENDAH HATI. Keberanian sangat diperlukan kerana seorang pemimpin harus melakukan apa yang benar walaupun ianya sukar. Selain daripada itu, kamu juga perlu membuat keputusan yang berat (mungkin ada yang tidak suka) dan jika kamu ingin memimpin dengan cara dan personaliti kamu sendiri, kamu kena berani melakukan perubahan. Apabila ada konflik dan kekeliruan di dalam sesebuah team, pemimpin harus berani bertindak dan menyelesaikan masalah itu. Pemimpin yang berani tidak bererti dia tidak takut apa-apa – disebalik ketakutannya, dia bertindak! Tetapi keberanian harus diikuti dengan rendah hati. Rendah hati ini berbeza dengan rendah diri. Rick Warren, penulis buku The Purpose Driven Life, menerangkan, “Rendah hati tidak bermaksud kamu kena memikirkan kekurangan sendiri, tetapi ia bermaksud kamu kurang memikirkan tentang diri sendiri.” Apabila kamu berani dan rendah hati melayani, fokus kamu tidak akan kepada diri sendiri, tetapi orang lain.

Apabila saya membaca tentang nabi Daniel di dalam Perjanjian Lama, saya melihat dia memiliki kedua-dua ciri kepimpinan ini. Dalam Daniel 2:27-28, kita boleh melihat bahawa Daniel seorang yang berani dan juga rendah hati. Untuk menghadap dan bercakap dihadapan raja Babel, Nebukadnezar yang agung dan berkuasa, Daniel harus berani (kamu harus tahu bahawa bukan calang-calang orang yang boleh bercakap dengan raja seperti ini). Dia juga berani untuk menyatakan kebenaran: “Rahsia yang ditanyakan Raja tidak dapat diberitahukan kepada Raja oleh orang bijak, ahli mantera, ahli ilmu ghaib, dan jurufaal” (ayat 27). Tetapi disebalik keberanian dia, Daniel juga memiliki kerendahan hati: “Akan tetapi, di syurga ada Allah yang sanggup menyingkapkan rahsia…” (ayat 28). Daniel tahu dia tidak tahu dan dia sedar hanya TUHAN sahaja yang tahu. Wow!

Ada empat (4) cara untuk kamu menjadi seorang pemimpin yang berani dan rendah hati:

#1 Mengetahui Kekuatan dan Kelemahan Sendiri. Secara jujur, tanya diri sendiri. Pada pendapat saya, lebih baik kamu sedar dahulu kekuatan/kelemahan kamu daripada orang lain yang mengatakannya. Tanya juga dengan orang yang terdekat dengan kamu seperti ahli keluarga, kawan-kawan, mentor dan rakan-rakan yang melayani bersama-sama dengan kamu. Kamu perlu tahu kekuatan kamu supaya kamu boleh memimpin dengan lebih yakin; dan tahu kelemahan kamu supaya kamu ada rendah hati dan berusaha untuk memperbaiki diri sendiri.

#2 Mengetahui Bahawa Kekuatan Kamu Boleh Menjadi Kelemahan Kamu. Ini antara kos sekiranya seorang pemimpin itu tidak mempunyai kerendahan hati. Kadang-kadang, kekuatan kamu juga boleh menjadi kelemahan. Contohnya, saya sangat efektif dalam mengajar Alkitab (kekuatan) tetapi lama-kelamaan saya tidak lagi mahu belajar daripada orang lain (kelemahan) dan beranggapan saya sudah tahu semua (kelemahan).

#3 Menjadikan Kelemahan Kamu Sebagai Kekuatan. Tusy ialah salah seorang daripada AJK CF yang agak pemalu (dengan orang baru) dan seorang yang introvert. Mungkin bagi dia ini ialah kelemahannya, tetapi apabila saya melihat dia melayani dengan penuh semangat dan komitmen terutamanya dibelakang tabir, ini sebenarnya kekuatan dia. Sebagai seorang pemimpin, jika kamu menyatakan kelemahan kamu dengan berani dihadapan team dan tetap bersemangat untuk melayani, kamu sebenarnya menjadikan kelemahan kamu sebagai kekuatan.

#4 Melayani dengan Mengandalkan Kekuatan TUHAN. Walau seberapa yakin dan berani kamu memimpin, walaupun kamu rendah hati, semua kita – pemimpin atau bakal menjadi pemimpin – harus mengandalkan kekuatan Tuhan. Dalam Zakharia 4:6, Allah berfirman: “Bukan dengan kegagahan dan bukan dengan kekuatan, melainkan dengan Roh-Ku.” Begitu juga bagaimana kita memimpin di CF – melalui kekuatan Allah dan pimpinan Roh Kudus.  


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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Video: Pengorbanan Seorang Ibu

[Ada musik latar] Pengorbanan Seorang Ibu. Bagaimana kita boleh menghuraikan kasih Allah kepada kita? Dari dulu sehingga sekarang, ramai orang sudah menulis buku tentang kasih Allah, tetapi semuanya masih tidak cukup, tidak sampai sepenuhnya, tidak dapat dijelaskan dengan menggunakan ayat. Paling dekat dengan kasih Allah bagi kita manusia ialah kasih seorang ibu.

Sila menonton video ini... dan cium ibu (& bapa) kamu... hargai mereka.


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Video: Cerita tentang Kesatuan

Sebagai pemimpin, kita harus menjaga KESATUAN. Bak kata pepatah: “Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh”... atau, dibaham oleh singa!


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Video: Setiap Kita Ada Cerita Masing-Masing

Setiap Kita Ada Cerita Masing-Masing… Jangan mudah menghakimi. Boleh kamu luangkan 1:30 minit untuk video ini?


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Video: Jangan Buang Masa dengan Merungut

Jangan Buang Masa dengan Merungut. Apabila kamu suka merungut, kamu menjadikan diri kamu sebagai mangsa. Biarkan keadaan itu sahaja atau ubah keadaan itu atau terima keadaan itu, tetapi jangan sesekali merungut. Jika kamu ada masa untuk merungut, maknanya kamu ada masa untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Muka yang cantik dan tampan pun boleh serupa beruk jika selalu merungut!


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Saturday, March 23, 2019

5 Lessons I Learned from Self-Leadership and the One Minute Manager (2018) by Ken Blanchard

Self-Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Gain the Mindset and Skillset for Getting What You Need to Succeed (2018, Revised Edition)
by Ken Blanchard with Susan Fowler & Laurence Hawkins

Next to John C. Maxwell, Ken Blanchard is one of the writers who has influenced and shaped the way I think and practice leadership. Most of his books, perhaps except Lead Like Jesus, are short, concise, and filled with pearls of wisdom. What’s unique about Blanchard – and other co-writers of The One Minute Manager Series – is that he can teach leadership principles and skills in a fun way through narrative and interesting stories. Some of the books that make a difference in my leadership life are The Secret and Great Leaders Grow in which he co-authored with Mark Miller. I fully recommend any of Blanchard’s books.

Now, about the book… There is one fact that every leader must understand: If a leader can’t lead him/herself effectively, everything else in the leader’s life will be a struggle. Self-leadership comes first. Some of the toughest challenges you face as a leader, I think, come from the way you lead yourself. You may assume they come from someone or something else when you actually need to look at yourself as the source. Ken Blanchard writes, “Today it’s imperative that people become self-leaders – individuals capable of setting priorities, taking initiative, and solving problems independently.” Yes, you need to become a leader who is a proactive contributor and not just a reactive order-taker. In today’s fast-changing world, self-leaders are all the more important. Blanchard observes, “Our research shows that when individual contributors and managers align around self-leadership, both become more engaged and produce better results. As a result, customers are happier and organizations become more profitable.” He continues, “In fact, a culture of self-leadership is the hallmark of great organizations.” Are you ready to be a self-leader?

 This book starts with a disillusioned account executive, Steve, who meets an off-beat magician, Cayla. She talks him through his problems until they “magically” became mentor-mentees. Basically, self-leadership can be summed up into what the One Minute Manager told Steve in the last chapter of this book, namely: “Self-leaders challenge assumed constraints, activate their points of power and are proactive about getting what they need to succeed” (page 127). Let me share 5 lessons I learned from this book:

#1 Accept the Responsibility for Getting What You Need. When Steve initially failed with his proposal, he immediately played a victim and blame-game on his boss and team. But upon reflection, Steve realized that he didn't ask for any help from his boss nor did he give his creative team the direction and guidance they required from him. People are not mind-readers and they can't be expected to know what you want or need if you don't explain it to them. You need to take responsibility for creating the situation you are in (whether it be good or bad).

#2 Challenge Assumed Constraints. An assumed constraint is a set of beliefs you have, based on past experience that limits your current and future experiences (also referred to as “Elephant Thinking.” To read about it, CLICK HERE). There is a quote that says something like this: “Whether you think you can or can't, you're right.

#3 The “Points of Power.” Steve initially believed that the only form of power that existed in the business world was “position power.” Actually, he (and most of us) failed to understand that there are actually four (4) forms of power: 1) Knowledge Power; 2) Task Power; 3) Relationship Power, and 5) Personal Power. Steve had to learn that although he had position power, he still lacked many of the pieces required to put the entire puzzle together. He had to work as part of a team and maximize the different powers each and every individual had to offer.

#4 Developing a Continuum. “There is a joy in diagnosing your development level and getting the direction and support you need to achieve your goal.” There are four (4) stages to this continuum and each stage is factored by a level of competence and commitment:

Stage 1: Low Competence, High Commitment [Need: Direction]
Stage 2: Low to Some Competence, Low Commitment [Need: Coaching]
Stage 3: Moderate to High Competence, Variable Commitment [Need: Supporting]
Stage 4: High Competence, High Commitment [Need: Delegating]

#5 The Power of Collaboration and “I NEED.” Steve needed to stop making excuses, identify what points of power he possessed, where he was lacking and where he was on the Development Continuum. From there he was able to assess his needs and admit them to those around him. He needed a lot of direction and support. By admitting these needs to his boss and team, he found everyone was more than willing to help. They were all working towards the same goal and everybody wanted to succeed. Steve simply needed to collaborate with others. “The two most powerful words to get what you need to succeed are, ‘I NEED.’

I love this quote:
Empowerment is something someone gives you.
Self-leadership is what you do to make it work.”

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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Hati Seorang Pemimpin #5 Mengambil Tanggungjawab Apabila Mengalami Kegagalan

Jawab manusia itu, ‘Perempuan yang kautempatkan bersama-samaku itulah yang memberikan kepadaku buah daripada pokok itu, maka aku memakan buah itu’
(Kejadian 3:12, AVB)

Apabila ada perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku, reaksi yang biasa akan kita lakukan ialah menunding jari kepada orang lain (atau tidak mahu bertanggungjawab). Semua ini pernah terjadi suatu masa dahulu, dari awal penciptaan manusia – di Taman Eden. Apabila TUHAN bertanya kepada Adam, Adam menuduh Hawa. Kemudian, bila TUHAN bertanya kepada Hawa, dia menuduh si ular. Perkara yang sama juga terjadi sekarang.

Jika kamu ada mengalami kegagalan, fikirkan tentang kenapa kamu gagal dahulu dan bukannya siapa yang bersalah. Cuba melihat situasi itu secara objektif supaya kamu boleh melakukan yang terbaik lagi untuk masa akan datang. Tanya diri kamu sendiri tiga soalan-soalan ini:

Pemimpin yang suka menunding jari dan menuduh orang lain (dulu) apabila mengalami kegagalan tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah itu dengan baik. Untuk mencapai potensi kamu, kamu harus cuba untuk memperbaiki diri kamu sendiri, dan ia tidak akan terjadi sekiranya kamu tidak mengambil tanggungjawab atas perbuatan dan tindakkan kamu dan tidak mahu belajar daripada kesilapan.

Bagaimana kamu menghadapi kegagalan?
Adakah kamu akan menuduh orang lain dulu
atau kamu cuba untuk memperbetulkan diri sendiri dulu?

Untuk menonton video-video Siri Pemimpin CF, sila KLIK DI SINI


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Thursday, March 14, 2019

8 Lessons I Learned from Captain Marvel (No #7 Is the Cutest One)

I don’t watch movies as much I do last year. I think that movie ticket nowadays is quite expensive (in comparison to the second-hand book, of course. I bought The Last Lecture, CLICK HERE for RM10 only). Although I make three exceptions: #1 If someone wants to sponsor me a free ticket, then I’ll go; #2 Family time or dating by watching a movie is worth the investment, and #3 If the movie ticket is RM10 or below. Oh, maybe I should add another one… if its Marvel or DC movie, without exception, I go for the first-day screening! I was excited for Captain Marvel and I’m not disappointed by the storyline and good acting. The challenge for Caption Marvel is that people will always try to compare it with other Marvel movies (fairly so) and thus, some people dislike Captain Marvel because it doesn’t achieve their expectations (again, fairly so). In my opinion, you got to watch it because it is a good movie on its own and in order for you get the most of The Avengers: Endgame this coming April 2019 (P.s: Wait for the Captain Marvel first end credit).

Okay, since I say that movie ticket is getting expensive nowadays, it is a waste of money if I only watch it for the sake of entertainment. I want to treat it as I would reading books. I’m a learner and I want to learn from movies too. So, here are Eight (8) Lessons that I Learned from Captain Marvel a.k.a. Binary a.k.a. Warbird a.k.a. Carol Susan Jane Danvers:

Lesson #1 Don’t Suppress Your Emotions, Control It. At the beginning of this movie, Vers (named by the Kree, taken from the last 3 words of her name, Dan-vers), suffers from recurring mysterious nightmares. So she meets Yon-Rogg, Vers' mentor and commander of Starforce, to talk about it and train with her. Yon-Rogg trains her to control her abilities and emotions. “You have to let go of the past,” Yon-Rogg advice Vers. “But I don’t remember my past,” she replied. “Control it,” Yon urges her. The Supreme Intelligence, an artificial intelligence, and ruler of the Kree, also urges Vers to keep her emotions in check. Later in the movie, you’ll realize that the reason they ask her to control her emotion is that she might release the great power within her. Actually, what they do is they want Vers to suppress her power. The link between emotion and power can be negative or positive. By suppressing your emotion like anger, it will destroy you internally. It will eat you alive. Anger, on the other hand, can be a good emotion if kept under control. I’m angry with Bible illiteracy among young people today, so I teach Bible Study. I’m angry with false and negative blog articles on social media, so I write inspiring and motivational blog articles. Suppressed your emotions and you’ll lose your power. Control your emotions, and you're in power.

Lesson #2 Your Memory Helps Make You Who You Are. During a mission to rescue an undercover Kree from a group of Skrulls (alien shapeshifters) with whom the Kree are at war, Vers is captured by Skrull commander, Talos. While the Skrull scientists subjected Vers to a memory probe, they found out that her memory is strange and unlike normal Kree. They wanted to find out about Dr. Wendy Lawson, but in turn, they jolted Vers’ memory of the past. It turns out that, Vers was brainwashed by the Kree. “I have this power, but I don’t know where it came from,” she once recalled. When Vers escapes in a pod and crashes in Los Angeles, she makes friend with Nick Fury. In one of the scenes, Vers tells Fury (please don’t call him ‘Nick’!), “I keep having these memories. I see flashes. I think I had a life here, but I can’t tell if it’s real... Something in my past is the key to all of this.” Yes, something in the past, the memory that we have, is what makes us who we are. Memory plays a vital role in every aspect of our lives. It provides us with a sense of self and makes up our continual experience of life. Although the memory can be distorted (I read about it somewhere), nevertheless, memory influence the way we make decisions, the way we see things and perceive events in our lives. The rule to a better life is simple but often neglected: Makes good memory.

Lesson #3 The Power of I Am. When Vers and Fury meet former pilot Maria Rambeau, Vers’ best friend, gradually Vers’ memory comes back to her. Vers discovers her real name is Carol Danvers. Talos, the Skrull commander (who they found out is actually a friend, not a foe), plays the recovered black box from Lawson's plane, prompting Danvers to regain her memories and remember the day of the crash. “I AM Carol,” Danvers realizes, “not Vers.” When she knows who she is and what she is capable of, she finally knows her purpose. She was an aimless soldier but now she is a determined hero. The Kree lies to her. Yon-Rogg lies to her. The Supreme Intelligent lies to her. So her aim is to destroy her enemies (and saved the oppressed). During Danvers intense conversations with the Supreme after she was captured by the Krees, she is able to destroy an implant that was suppressing her powers, gaining full access to all her abilities. How she did it? By denying the lies that people put in her mind and accepting her true self that come from the heart. “I AM Carol, not Vers.” And then she glows! The immense power radiate from within her. Awesome! Who are you?

Lesson #4 True Freedom Is When You Know the Truth (Not by Running from It). This is easy to explain. The desire for Danvers to know the truth about herself is what makes her discover true freedom. But to gain this freedom you need to want it. Franklin Roosevelt once said, “In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.” Truth is a vital element for true freedom. “The truth will set you free” but first, it will hurt you. Don’t run from it… run to it. Know the truth about yourself. You never know, just like how Danvers finds freedom for herself and at the same time fight for the Skrull’s freedom, you too might help and inspire others to find theirs’.

Lesson #5 Your Power Is A Part of You. After watching the black box video from Lawson’s plane, Danvers’ memory triggered and she suddenly remembers the day of the crash when Lawson, a renegade Kree scientist who want to help the Krulls, died at Yon-Rogg's hands. When Danvers attempting to destroy the engine's energy-core before Yon-Rogg gets it, she pulled the trigger toward the energy-core and causes it to explode! During the explosion, Danvers flew away and at the same time absorbing the energy from the core and losing her memories. That’s how she gets the power. Since then, the power is a part of her. The Supreme Intelligent masquerades as Dr. Wendy Lawson (Mar-Vell? Let’s stick with the movie version okay) says to Danvers, “Your life began the day it nearly ended. We found you with no memory. We made you one of us so you could live longer, stronger, superior. You were reborn.” That’s half-bullshit, half-true. No matter how what or why Danvers gets her power, the power is part of her. When Yon-Rogg asks her to fight one-on-one without power, our Captain Marvel just blast Yon-Rogg with a photon blast and coolly says, “I don’t have to prove myself to you… I’m kind of done with you telling me what I can’t do.” Yes! She doesn’t have to separate her power with who she is. Whatever talents, gifts, and advantages that you have, it’s part of you and uses it without apology!

Lesson #6 Even Hero Needs Friends. Even Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe, needs friends, a team – Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Maria Rambeau, Talos, and Goose! If you want to make a change in the world, you need help. No-one makes a significant impact without people supporting and encouraging them. Unless you’re more powerful than Danvers, you need friends too.

Lesson #7 Do Not Despise the Small Thing (or Cat is A Dangerous Animal). Goose a.k.a. Cutest Little Thing a.k.a. Cool Cat a.k.a. Stowaway a.k.a. Flerken Kitty is not your normal cat. Fury petting Lawson’s cat, “Aren’t you the cutest little thing! Aren’t you cute? And what’s your name?” The cat didn’t answer. Carol Danvers called him, “Fury.” “Hmmm?” She indicates they need to go, and so Fury says to the cat, “I’ll be back.” Little that they know that this cat is an alien Flerken with a pocket dimension inside its body that can swallow the Tesseract and the one responsible for scratching Fury's left eye and permanently blinding him (funny). Small characters, small things, small events, small beginnings, small actions can cause big things to happen. Never underestimate the power of, “Think Big. Start Small. Go Deep.” Inside the small thing, there is a pocket dimension!

Lesson #8 Help Is Only… One Call Away. In the last scene Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos wiped out half the universe that includes Nick Fury. Fury, however, had time to page Carol Danvers. In the first post credit of Captain Marvel, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and James Rhodes are monitoring the pager in which Danvers appears in the scene. “I'm only one call away,” sang Charlie Puth, “I'll be there to save the day.” I’m not sure about call now and you get help now. I’m sure about this: If you ask for help (or better, if you keep asking for help) soon or later, you’ll get the help that you need. My teacher once said to me: “You are never strong enough that you don't need help.” Ask. Call. Page.


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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Last Lecture (2008) by Randy Pausch, Book Review MUST-READ BOOK

The Last Lecture (2008) by Randy Pausch with Jeffrey Zaclow

I have an engineering problem,” writes Randy, a former professor of Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction and Design at Carnegie Mellon University, who is now famous for his YouTube video entitled The Last Lecture [check it out, CLICK HERE], “While for the most part, I’m in terrific physical shape, I have ten tumors in my liver and I have only a few months left to live.” How heartbreak, right? He continues, “I am a father of three young children, and married to the woman of my dreams. While I could easily feel sorry for myself, that wouldn’t do them, or me, any good. So, how to spend my very limited time?” To me, that sounds like late Steve Jobs who once said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Randy doesn’t waste his limited time. He wanted to leave a legacy for others, especially for his children. He desires to give a ‘last lecture’ at the university. “If I were a musician, I would have composed music. But I am a lecturer. So I lectured,” he said.

Carnegie Mellon University has a tradition whereby the organizers will ask selected professors to offer reflections on their personal and professional journeys called The Last Lecture Series (later it was renamed to Journeys series). Randy’s Last Lecture was really his last lecture! When I read this book – for my personal retreat this year, 7-11th March 2019 at Kundasang, Sabah – I imagined I was among the people who witnessed this historical event. I was hooked and listened to it attentively. “I lecture about the joy of life, about how much I appreciated life, even with so little of my own left,” explains Randy (his mother like to call him Randolph, which he hates very much), “I talk about honesty, integrity, gratitude, and other things I hold dear. And I tried very hard not to be boring.” Not a boring lecture [I watched the YouTube video] and book [I read the book in 2 days] indeed! After he presented his CT scans images of 10 tumors in his liver, he turned to his audience, “If I don’t seem as depressed or morose as I should be, sorry to disappoint you. I assure you I am not in denial…” He doing his push-ups at the center of the stage and the audience began to laugh and applauded. Not a dying man – not that day – he is a living person who will speak to the crowd in the fresh.

He divided his lecture (and his book) into six (6) parts:

Part 1: The Last Lecture. In the chapter An Injured Lion Still Wants to Roar, Randy outlines what happened after he found out about pancreatic cancer, how he accepted the invitation to speak, what he wanted to speak, what are the struggles and why he did it anyway. His interactions with his wife, Jai (pronounce as Jay) and his love for his children really touched me. In his preparation to write his speech, he asked himself, “What makes me unique? ...Cancer doesn’t make me unique… My uniqueness, I realized, came in the specifics of all the dreams – from incredible meaningful to decidedly quirky – that defined my 46 years of life.” And so, in…

Part 2: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams… he talks about how his parents (and mentors) supported and contributed to his motivations to achieved his childhood dreams, namely, 1) Being In Zero Gravity [“Being weightless is a sensation hard to fathom when you’ve been an Earthling all your life”] 2) Playing In the NFL [this is the only dream that he didn’t achieve. My favorite quote in relation to this dream is this: “Even though I did not reach the National Football League, I sometimes think I got more from pursuing that dream, and not accomplishing it, then I did from many of the ones I did accomplish”]; 3) Authoring an Article in the World Book Encyclopedia [you’ll find him under ‘V’ for Virtual Reality article]; 4) Being Captain Kirk [“I seriously believe that I became a better teacher and colleague – maybe even a better husband – by watching Kirk run the Enterprise,” he said matter-of-factly]; 5) Winning Stuffed Animals [This is funny. “The coolest guy was easy to spot: He was the one walking around with the largest stuffed animal… If he had the biggest stuffed animal, then he was the coolest guy at the carnival.” The desire to be cool was what makes Randy won many stuffed animals], and 6) Being a Disney Imagineer [there are many challenges that he has to face in order to be a Disney imagine-engineer but he didn’t give up. He explains, “The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.” Yes!].

Part 3: Adventures… And Lessons Learned. There are a lot of stories worth mentioning here. How he met Jai, the incident during their marriage, his relationship with his students and colleagues, his cool Dutch uncle, and many more. One story that amazed me the most is the story when Randy intentionally opened a can of soda, turned it over and poured it on his brand-new Volkswagen Cabrio’s cloth seats in the back. He wanted to deliver the message to his nephew, Christ, 7 years old, and niece, Laura, 9 years old that: “People are more important than things. A car, even a pristine gem like my new convertible, was just a thing.” Unbelievable. Crazily good.

Part 4: Enabling the Dreams of Others. Randy shared about his childhood dreams believing that it is worth to pursue and in return, he wanted to fulfill other’s childhood dreams too. “Enabling the dreams of others can be done on several different scales. You can do it one on one… You can do it with fifty or a hundred people at a time… And, if you have large ambitions and a measure of chutzpah, you can attempt to do it on a large scale, trying to enable the dreams of millions of people.” What’s important for Randy is to give back and to inspire others to achieve their dreams. Leave your legacy. Your life is short.

Part 5: It’s About How to Live Your Life. In this part, Randy explains, “This section may be called, ‘It’s About How to Live Your Life,’ but it’s really about how I’ve tried to live mine. I guess it’s my way of saying: Here’s what worked for me.” This part is very important and practical. Among his wisdoms are: dream big, earnest is better than hip, don’t complain just work harder, treat the disease not the symptom, don’t obsess over what people think, look for the best in everybody, watch what they do not what they say, show gratitude, a bad apology is worse than no apology, tell the truth, all you have to do is ask, make a decision: Tigger or Eeyore, and many more.

Part 6: Final Remarks. There are three chapters in this part: 1) Dreams for My Children, where he writes about what he wants his children to remember about him and give short messages for each of his children. This chapter is very touching and sad; 2) Jai and Me, his personal message to his wife, his hope for her, and what he appreciates about her soon-to-be widow; and 3) The Dream Will Come to You. Why he delivered the lecture, why he writes this book, Randy ends his lecture with this message: “It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you…”

At the back cover of this book, there is a photo of Randy standing by one swing set, holding a smiling Logan with his right arm and sweet Chloe with his left, and Dylan sitting happily on his shoulders. “…It was [also] for my kids.” Randy Pausch died in the same year this book is published, 2008. “We cannot change the cards we are dealt,” he famously said, “just how we play the hand.” Read this book… think about your life… making the most of your time here on earth. This is not a Christian book, but I can’t help but to recall a line in C. T. Studd’s poet that says, “Only one life, ’twill soon be past/ Only what’s done for Christ will last.” Think about it.


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5 Books that Make A Different In Richard's Life

To try to think of 5 books is hard for me. Only 5? There are a dozen of Books that make a difference in my life! But then, let's be concise... :) Here are 5 books that I read more than 1 time, underlines, make notes and I won't lend it to anyone:

#1 Don't Waste Your Life (John Piper)
#2 Knowing God (J.I. Packer)
#3 The Message of 2 Timothy (John Stott)
#4 Awaken the Giant Within (Anthony Robbins)
#5 Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)

What's yours?


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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

5 Books that Make A Different In Gabriel's Life

I asked Gabriel Fletcher while he was struggling with stomach pain, when he was about to lay on his bed, "Quickly, tell me what are 5 books that make a difference in your life?" "Besides the Bible?" he asked softly. "Yes." In pain he said,

"#1 Who Moved My Cheese? (Spenser Johnson)
#2 The Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseine)"

Erkkk Erkkk... He continued,

"#4 With Open Hands (Henri Nouwen) he literally open both of his hands...

Erkkk Erkkk.... Let me think, hmmm... oh...

#5 The Case for Christ (Lee Strobel)"

Even in pain, he can think of these five (5) books, how about you? What's yours?


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5 Books that Make A Different In Caroline's Life

I texted Caroline Lee , "What are 5 books that make a difference in your life?" She didn’t reply and wait for one day. Maybe she was taking time to think or she read it and then forget about it. The next day, at 7.49am, she replied:

#1 Growing Deep In God Integrating Theology and Prayer (Edmund Chan)
#2 Crazy Love (Francis Chan)
#3 Why I Am a Christian (John Stott)
#4 The Ragamuffin Gospel (Brennan Manning)
#5 Compassion (Henri Nouwen & other authors)

#1 and #2 from the "Chan". Interesting! What about your book lists?


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5 Books that Make A Different In Peter's Life

One day during lunch, I told Rining Peter , "For the last 2 years I don't 'feel' like reading Christian books, is it normal?" I want to know about his experience and wonder if he ever feels the same way as I do. Like a doctor said to his patient, like a psychiatrist tells the result of the diagnosis, like a fellow prisoner who tells the secret of prison-break, like a pope, he issued a decree: "Yes, it's normal." Sealed. Laminated. A sign of relief. I'm fine!

Here are 5 books that influence Peter's worldview:

#1 'L' Is for Lifestyle (Ruth Velerio)
#2 Our Father's World (Edward Brown)
#3 Long Walk to Freedom (Nelson Mandela)
#4 I Am Muslim (Dina Zaman)
#5 Pray for Me: Pope Francis (Robert Moynihan)

What do you think about this list? #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

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5 Books that Make A Different In Yonny's Life

Yonny Stanly Anyie claimed herself as 'Royal Customer' of Richard Angelus' Bookstore. Bold, Confident and - true! Trust me, she loves to read. While being away in the Borneo jungle (last February 2019), she bought two books with her. Btw, what do you bring to the jungle? Here are five (5) books that make a difference in Yonny's life:

#1 Tuesdays with Morrie (Mitch Albom)
#2 Battlefield of the Mind (Joyce Meyer)
#3 The Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle)
#4 The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
#5 Right Place Right Time (Joseph Prince)

Which of these books you will bring to the jungle? Or, maybe a bit less radical, how about to your workplace?


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5 Book that Make A Different In Ibi's Life

If you ever wonder how believer + craziness looks like, or firm-faith + free-will-curiosity looks like, or genius (often show off) + humility (genuinely fear God) looks like, packed in one man? Just look at Ibi Gibreson . A book-lover with a cocktail of weirdness. What makes a man? Look at his lists:

#1 Sherlock Holmes: Ultimate Collection (Arthur Conan Doyle)
#2 Kluge (Gary Marcus)
#3 The Roadside MBA (Michael Mazzeo, Paul Oyer & Scott Schaefer)
#4 The Prayer of Jabez (Bruce Wilkinson)
#5 The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-Time (Mark Hardon)

"Interesting" is Ibi's favorite word. What interesting books on your lists? Share with us.


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5 Books that Make A Different In Sandra's Life

Sandra Allenson or Madam Sandra (as how I called her), a staff at SIDMA College and adviser of SCF, don't read books that much lately. She read The Book, of course - this is the source of her wisdom and daily inspiration - and I suspect she read books slowly, savoringly and thoughtfully. As educator, counselor and mother, she prioritizes quality over quantity. "These 5 books have taught me to always rely on God in whatever I do, be it in my personal life, ministry, and relationships," she writes to me through WhatsApp. She continues, "These books inspired me to always pray." Here are her book lists that she bought and read when she was a young* leader in the church:

#1 Too Busy Not To Pray (Bill Hybels)
#2 Who You Are When No One's Looking (Bill Hybels)
#3 Excellent In Leadership (John White)
#4 Wisdom (Larry Lea)
#5 More Than a Carpenter (Josh McDowell)

*Madam Sandra is so beautiful that I have to put a picture of her and her husband so that nobody still thinks that she's a single young woman.


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5 Books that Make A Different In Albert's Life

We were scheduled to have lunch together. Albert had arrived 10 minutes early to my office to fetch me (as a real estate agent, came early for a meeting is his life principle), and so, before 12.30pm we were already at the coffee shop. On the way back to my office, in his car, I noticed a red bright book at the backseat. I browsed it and decided to borrow it from him. And he lends it to me (although I wish he would just give it to me. Huh). The book is entitled How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield.

That evening, I devour the 300+ pages and read it from cover to cover. So good! So inspiring! I remember I finished reading the book at Taman Sahabat. One of the principles in the book is "# 37 Stay Motivated with the Masters." I thought: One of the reasons I became an avid reader today is because of the 'masters' like Albert R. Macewell , who model the habit of continuous learning and motivator for personal growth (this man decorate his car with books!). Do you want to know what drives this man to succeed in life? Just look at his book lists:

#1 The Magic of Thinking Big (by David J. Schwartz)
#2 Awaken the Giant Within (by Anthony Robbins)
#3 Unlimited Power (by Anthony Robbins)
#4 The Psychology of Winning (by Denis Waitley)
#5 Who Moved My Cheese? (by Dr. Spenser Johnson)

#1, 2 & 3 are must-read!


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Hati Seorang Pemimpin #4 Berhati-Hati dari Mana Kamu Beroleh Nasihat

Diberkatilah orang yang tidak berjalan menurut nasihat orang zalim
atau berdiri di jalan orang berdosa
atau duduk di kerusi orang yang mengejek.
Tetapi dia bersukacita dengan hukum TUHAN,
dan merenung hukum-Nya siang dan malam.
Dia seperti pohon yang ditanam di tepi perairan,
yang menghasilkan buahnya pada musimnya dan daunnya tidak layu.
Apa sahaja yang dilakukannya berjaya.”
(Mazmur 1:1-3, AVB)

Penulis Mazmur 1 menulis tentang perbezaan diantara orang yang benar dan orang yang berdosa. Perbezaan yang ketara diantara kedua-dua orang ini ialah – dari mana mereka mendapat nasihat atau dari siapa mereka menerima nasihat. Perhatikan apa yang terjadi kepada pemimpin yang bodoh: a) Mereka menurut nasihat yang salah; b) Mereka mendengar ajaran yang menyimpang; dan c) Mereka mengikut para pemimpin yang sesat.

Pemimpin yang bijak pula “merenung hukum-Nya siang dan malam.” Perhatikan apa yang terjadi kepada mereka apabila mereka mentaati Firman Allah dan mendengar nasihat orang yang benar:

Jadi, biar saya bertanya dua soalan: Dari mana kamu mendapat nasihat atau siapa yang memberikan nasihat kepada kamu? Jika ia datang dari sumber yang negatif, bagaimana kamu boleh menjauhinya?

Ingat: Berhati-Hati Dari Mana Kamu Beroleh Nasihat.

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