One day during lunch, I told Rining Peter , "For the last 2 years I don't 'feel' like reading Christian books, is it normal?" I want to know about his experience and wonder if he ever feels the same way as I do. Like a doctor said to his patient, like a psychiatrist tells the result of the diagnosis, like a fellow prisoner who tells the secret of prison-break, like a pope, he issued a decree: "Yes, it's normal." Sealed. Laminated. A sign of relief. I'm fine!
Here are 5 books that influence Peter's worldview:
#1 'L' Is for Lifestyle (Ruth Velerio)
#2 Our Father's World (Edward Brown)
#3 Long Walk to Freedom (Nelson Mandela)
#4 I Am Muslim (Dina Zaman)
#5 Pray for Me: Pope Francis (Robert Moynihan)
What do you think about this list? #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain
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