Generosity always wins favor, particularly when accompanied by modesty. (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)If we only realize that all we have is a gift from a generous God, we have no problem to share our material and earthly possession more freely. (Richard Angelus)
Have you suffered from the cold indifference of others? Nobody help you went you need some financial support. Nobody really care either you eat once per day during your college’ or university’ time. Nobody wants to share with you their ideas or advices about the subject that you really have difficulties with. The problem here is not that they lack of resources, the problem here is that they have abundance yet they don’t care about you. Have you been in these kinds of situation before? I hope you had. And if you do, you know that the value of generosity is important in our relationship with one another as a human being.

Here are my 7 points that can help you to cultivate this noble value of generous toward others:
1. Generosity reveals the heart of the giver.
“Where your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” (Matthew 6:21NLT) It’s not about how much money you have or the abundance of your possessions that’s matter; it’s about what you do with what you have. It’s about how generous you are with it. If all this while you spent 4/5 of your leisure time with comics or Korean movies, and only less than 1/5 spending time for reading and meditating on the Word of God – I know exactly where your heart is. So it is with our money, wherever your money goes reveals what you believe is most important.
2. Generosity is both Spiritual Gift and Spiritual Discipline.
What I mean is that for some people, being generous come easily. Whenever they see needs, they just simply give. That is what I mean by Spiritual gift. But as for some people, (including me) they do not consciously give or share things with others. Therefore, they have to work hard to discipline themselves to do it. For both cases, if you not sure either you have it or not, one fact is remain true – No excuse baby!
3. It is more blessed to be Generous.
In the Book of Acts (20:25KJV), Paul recalled what Jesus said to him, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Proverbs 22:9 (NIV) also writes, “A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.” Notice the key words here: Generous. Be Blessed. Share.
4. Be Generous is a Decision.
It doesn’t come automatically. It is prompted by the Holy Spirit, not forced. I love the Scripture, the Word makes this choice very clear for us, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (1 Corinthians 9:7NIV) Make a decision to be generous today.
5. Generosity is Character trait to God.
Ronald A. Beers and Amy E. Mason summaries this point very well, “Generosity is an important character trait to God because it is the opposite of selfishness, which along with pride, are two of the most destructive sins. Selfishness promotes greed, stinginess, envy, and hard-hardheartedness – traits that destroy relationships. Generosity promotes giving, trust, mercy, and putting others’ needs above your own – traits that build relationships.”
6. All you have is a gift from a Generous God
If we can only realize that all we have is a gift from a generous God, we have no problem to share our material and earthly possession more freely. When we share His blessings, we please Him. “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16NIV)
7. Understand the Generosity Equation
This equation is not from Albert Einstein or from my old mathematical engineering equations note book. This is what I understand from reading the Bible. (If you find out that my doctrine is wrong, please write to my e-mail, ya.) The equation is, whoever, [sows generously = reap generously]. Proverbs 11:25(NIV) confirm this universal equation, “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”
Here is my conclusion: Christians can only be saved by grace through faith alone. Good work like being generous to others doesn’t contribute to our Salvation. But faith without work is dead. If you’re truly being saved, your faith will produce good works. And that include being generous to one another. Be generous with your money, time, talents, ideas, giving advice, food etc.
Don’t ever forget that there are so many needs and so many ways in which you can make a difference in someone’s life. Be generous. THINK BIG. START SMALL. GO DEEP.

Thank You -Gal-
ReplyDeletegreat post Richard! very true indeed.
ReplyDeletethis mindset has been with me for some time. to me, living it out means so much more than being able to bless other, but with all that what you have. i personally had been touched by God many many times by taking this seriously and literally, like the woman who gave two very small copper coins.
i can ensure all, that sincerely give and share from your heart, you'll find greater joy in life. i challenge you all, to take this in, and see what and how God can use even the slightest bit of you, and you'll be blown away.
i would like to share this thought that made it possible for me to do so..
"We are saved by God's greatest gift, an act of grace. We do not deserve it and God could have chosen destroy all of us and to create new human beings but He did not. So in no way, that who we are and what are we now matters anymore, for we are His. all of us belongs to Him, and we own nothing but all God's blessings."
if only we can truly understand His love for us, we wouldn't have a problem doing so..
may those who are blessed, bless. (Shaun Low)
That's the attitude Shaun! I'll take noted what you have just shared. Thank You. :)
ReplyDelete:) i can only hope that people may see this through, and really do it out of love for others. for i do not see any reason we shouldn't be doing so..