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Picture: http://carolroque.com/emptyinside.html |
If your car fuel is nearly empty, you will go to the nearest station to pump petrol. If your stomach is empty, you will satisfy it with food. If you feel empty inside, where can you find fulfillment?
I’m not familiar with car, simply because I don’t have one yet. But I’m familiar with food though. Why is it that some foods satisfy our hunger for a long time while others foods satisfy us only for a short time before we are hungry again? Extra size Domino’s pizza with tuna temptation sauce or vegie fiesta sauce with an aromatic blend of creamy, cheesy flavors with an unmistakable garlic zest might fill you up for long. While Gardenia’s chocolate bun only can satisfy your hunger for a while. If while reading this your saliva might spill all over your keyboard, call 1-300-888-333 for Domino’s Pizza now!
But what if you’re empty inside? Food, fuel or material things can fill physical space, but they can’t fill the space in your soul. They can satisfy you only for awhile, but your soul, oh your soul is still empty inside. We build a big house with elevator inside it, we call Joey Yap to calculate fung shui for us on where to build a mini garden but alas, we place soul alone inside. Feelings of emptiness come when you try to fill yourself with the wrong things; eventually you realize they didn’t satisfy for long.
Feelings of emptiness can come when your heart is not filled up enough for God…Feelings of emptiness can come when you confuse accomplishment with purpose…Feelings of emptiness can come from living without loving. ..Feelings of emptiness can come when your main focus is accumulating wealth…Feelings of emptiness can come when you seek satisfaction only in your work…
…Feelings of emptiness fade away when you find meaning and purpose in life when God uses you to accomplish the purpose for which He created you.*
There is a bell rings on your door post. There is a sense of gentle and loving Person is standing at the door. There is a knock in your heart today. Invite Him into your heart. Let God’s Spirit occupied your empty room. And when He came into your life, you will find true satisfaction and fulfillment. “Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and eat with him, and he will eat with me.” (Revelation 3:20)
*Quote from Divine Moments By: Ronald A. Beers, Amy E. Mason Tyndale House / 2008 / Paperback

hi, i have a Question here, how to fill a person heart who r non-christian?
ReplyDeleteAre you asking about 'how to fill' or 'can the non-Christian be fill'?
ReplyDeleteHere is my responds;
1)'How to fill a person heart'?
Only God can filled the empty void in people's heart. You simply can't 'do' or 'work' about it.
What you can do is to pray for them, pray together with them, show them the promises in the Scripture, and ask them to open their heart to accept His Holy Spirit. He is willing to fill a person heart with His Peace... if they are willing it.
2) Now, can the non-Christian heart be filled?
Are you a Christian? What do you think?
This topic caught my intentions. I have a dull 2011 ever since my mum left us on last february this year. i kept on asking myself what are reasons for God gave us these much of pain, sorrow & difficulties. i'm a choir leader in my church, played the organ, assistant to the nun in the convent, etc. why me God u put me too much into temptations? I realized, my heart is so much empty. i couldn't put my trust any more into God. For i felt that what i have, He took it away. I'm not eager to let Jesus come into my heart because before, I have prayed hard; He didn't answered me. Towards the end of 2011, my heart still feel empty...
ReplyDeleteI might be surrounded with love from friends and families but why is my heart feels so empty?? I try to find new love after i've been left by my love one but still this heart feels different although im with the peoples who cares so much about me. Sometimes i do feel it is not fair when God took that person away from me....
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous (both),
ReplyDeleteToday I read about Jesus calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41) As I read through the verses, I studied it with details... It was an excited discovery, and you know, the verse 4:38 caught my attention. As if God want to say something about it... and he does. I want to share with both of you:
"... the disciples woke him and said to him (Jesus),
"Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
I think this is where the excitement of the Bible come into displayed. It speaks so openly honest that Jesus' disciple 'dare' to say this kind of word to Him. "Don't you care..?" That's authentic concern. They really afraid, they really transparent towards their faith. They have nothing to hide - they ask. Yes, they dare to ask Jesus, the Son of God... They don't pretend that everything is fine, they just asked.
Thought Jesus pointed out of their lack of faith "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" (verse 40) Jesus never failed to save the day - He commanded the storm to calm.
You have empty heart inside... Why don't ask Him honestly, "Lord, why I'm feel so empty inside? Lord, help me to overcome this. Lord, filled my heart with your present."
Perhaps you (both) might looking for something 'else' to filled your inner emptiness... Something created rather than the Creator Himself.
Perhaps you desire for His 'gift' rather than "Himself' - I tell you, you won't find peace. He is All that you want. He is all that we should desire. He is enough.
God is above your loved one... He is above your personal need. Who say that following Jesus and all things will rise and shine? Nope... You'll be persecuted even you'll experience 'storms' in your life. But you know what's the difference between His disciples and the "other boats"?
His disciples simply have Jesus in their boat... that's the difference if you treasure God above all things.
"There is a bell rings on your door post. There is a sense of gentle and loving Person is standing at the door. There is a knock in your heart today. Invite Him into your heart. Let God’s Spirit occupied your empty room. And when He came into your life, you will find true satisfaction and fulfillment."
May His spirit dwell in your heart,
Richard Angelus :)
i'm yet another anonymous,
ReplyDeletebut i want to thank you(Richard) for these comments you wrote. the way you explained it, with the disciples having Jesus in their boat
Jesus just entered my heart!
I have tried to be christian a few times in my life... always failed. now, something in me "unblocked" hehe..
thanks =)
Jesus is a messenger of God, and not actually God. Please do not dishonor the God we believe in by equating him with one of his messengers!
ReplyDeleteDo not be a blind follower - how can Jesus be god,,,if he was then who did he pray to????
Research if you REALLY love God research, I honestly challenge you. Research: Jesus in the Quran, where God speaks of the miracles Jesus did from the bird to the blind leper...research!!! Dont stay in a blind bubble
Hi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure of "the God we believe in", obviously we don't believe in the same God. Mine is the God of the Scripture. Thks for the challenging - I had done it 10 years ago. Result?
I don't have to search Jesus in the Quran... What I do is I checked:
1) Are the source(s) is reliable?
2) Is the translation(s) accurate? or closed to actual texts?
3) is the God (or gods) of the text displayed His love, justice, mercy and holiness?
4) What about my sin?
5) How to recieved salvation for my soul? Work or faith?
My conclusion:
The Bible is the most reliable ancient text in the world history. The God of the Bible displayed infinite love, justice, merciful and holy. And as for salvation - I'm a sinner that suppose to be punished by God (for He is holy). Therefore death is my penalty (justice), but yet God sent His Son to die on my behalf (loving God). And I'm forgiven not because of my own doing - not by my works to gain merits from the Lord (He is not fool!) but because of His Grace (This is an act of mercy). By faith, not good doing, not going to certain places or by reading certain chants or by any other mediums - but by God's grace thru Faith. This is God in the Bible offers for me. I can't resist that...
Oh, when I read the Bible about Jesus - I ask question: When He claimed Himself as the Son of God (I can bombarding you with verses from the Bible if you want to, please request); I ask myself - is He a liar, a lunatic, a legend or is He saying the truth that He is the Son of God, co-equal with God - One wit the Father?
He is God.
Oh... have you read the Bible? He definitely doesn't healed the bird... I mean, the bird is not a big deal here. He saves humankind from the wrath of God. He gives those who believe Him eternal life. Aren't you tired of 'being' and 'play' religious? Peace.
ReplyDeleteThank you I was feeling empty today
ReplyDeleteI couldn't think of what to do until I saw this it reminded me that whenever I need help Jesus is there for me and all I have to do is ask him
feeling heaps better now