Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Work is Worship (another reason to Smile)

Today I was encouraged by the scenes that I saw in the middle of the city. Yes, literally, in the middle of the city – KL Central. I saw a young cleaner leaning on the wall with her head rested on that cold red glorious ceramic. Mop was on her hand but there was not much movement because she managed to find her ‘sweet spot’ to close her eyes for a minutes or two. Standing she does, static she rest and savor the moment she wish. But as I entered my way to male toilet, she struck her pose and smile. Oh my, she really not that beautiful. Her look is not so attractive but what I saw that time was not her mere physical appearances. It was a genuine smile that ‘glows in the dark’. It’s not fake, vague or made up. It was a sincere smile. What a pretty smile.

Work? What is the first thing comes to your mind when you heard the word ‘work’? How about if I add the word ‘Monday’ on it, what do you feel? For some ‘I hate my work!’, but some ‘Just let me survive these 5 days’ and some pray, ‘God, make Monday to Friday faster but prolong Saturday and Sunday please. Amen.’ There is no joy in work. Many people consider their job to be chores, something to be endured in order to pay the bills.

But have you ever thought that work is part of God’s plan for your life? Work is not a result of sin. Work is not a curse, rather it was blessing. Work was one of the first assignments for Adam. It was part of the creation that God said is ‘very good’. In Genesis 2:15 reads, “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Work was part of God’s original creation. It was designed to be a fulfilling aspect of life.

Paul puts work into perspective when he writes, “Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (Ephesians 6:7)  When you have the perspective that you are actually working for the Lord, you can focus less on the task itself and more on your inner motives which is to glorify God. ‘Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.’ (Colossians 3:23) The key words are:

Work with enthusiasm…
Work willingly at whatever you do…
…as though you are working for the Lord.

I don’t know why you work where you work right now. But I know this; God had placed you in your position for a reason, do your work well until He opens a door of opportunity for you to move on. Let Stephen Hawking keeps his own theory of randomness in the Universe for himself, but you, my dear friends who believe that God of the Universe is worthy of our praise – remember this: work is worship.

Let’s come back to KL Central again. I’m not sure either she believe that her work is worship or not, it’s not the point I’m bringing up her story in this article as my introduction. I just want to invite you to think about these questions seriously; 

We who have the opportunity to study in the university and for some maybe you have parent or family members to support, with all this advantages, why we don’t cherish our work very much?

Have you thought about those who struggle to get a job? Migrants who cross the sea, working under the sun, leaving their families behind, become a ‘slave’ to others – ought we not to be rejoice and give thanks to God for giving us work to earn our living?

And if you do, does it add another reason for you to smile on your way to work today (or tomorrow)?


‘It is sublime mystery that Christ should begin to work before He began to teach; a humble workman before being the teacher of all nations.’ (Pope Pius XII) 

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1 comment:

  1. gang,
    this is very nice... really touched me. as i owes wonder why people owes muncung mulut or put in der shoutout in fb its monday blues whenever dey r working, so as im in d working world now, i dun feel d same ... so i said in my heart, maybe becoz i love my job and not much of things to do yet but i know d reason now, dat i worship God even while im working .. dats drives my motivation not to have monday or weekdays blues ...

    priscilla andrew


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