Friday, May 29, 2020

Two Wonderful Words In One Sentence! (Colossians 1:2)

May God our Father give you grace and peace” (Colossians 1:2b, NLT)

God’s grace and God’s peace. Two wonderful words in one sentence! What is God’s grace? It is God’s love for the undeserving. By grace, He has called guilty sinners and made them into saints (see Colossians 1:2a). Such grace as this can only be appreciated when we take a good look into the mirror of God’s holiness and realize how absolutely undeserving any human being - you and I, especially - is to be chosen of God. Also, God’s grace is free. But it is free only because our Lord Jesus Christ has borne the cost of our sins and guilt on the cross.

Last year, I read a wonderful book by Philip Yancey entitled What’s So Amazing About Grace? I underlined a few sentences on page 70. This is what Yancey wrote, “Grace makes its appearance in so many forms that I have trouble defining it. I am ready, though, to attempt something like a definition of grace in relation to God. Grace means there is nothing we can do to make God loves us more - no amount of spiritual calisthenics and renunciations, no amount of knowledge gained from seminaries and divinity schools, no amount of crusading on behalf of righteous causes. And grace means there is nothing we can do to make God love us less - no amount of racism or pride or pornography or adultery or even murder. Grace means that God already loves us as much as an infinite God can possibly love.” Now, let me warn us: don’t misuse God’s grace. Only after you look into the mirror of God’s holiness and Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, then, you can fully appreciate what Yancey is describing here.

With grace comes God’s peace. Peace with God is salvation but the peace of God is experienced. Both are the result of God’s grace. Paul writes in Romans 5:1-2, “[Therefore] since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into the place of undeserved privilege where we are now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.” Once we have peace with God, then we experience the peace of God. That means we can rest and trust in Him in and with all things. I said to my friend one morning, “I don’t want to die early. I’m curious how I will die, Lord, have mercy! But I’m not afraid to die.” Call it supernatural faith… call it the peace of God!

Thank you Father for Your grace and peace that you gave to the saints “in Christ” (Colossians 1:2a). Amen.


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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Nota Untuk Q & A E.1: Kenapa Injil Matius Berbeza Dengan Injil-Injil yang Lain? dan Sebagainya (#InjilMatius)

Dalam Podcast (, saya sedang membuat satu siri Pengajian Alkitab dari ayat ke ayat, bab ke bab tentang #InjilMatius. Ada beberapa orang yang mendengar podcast ini telah memberi respon yang sangat positif. Oleh itu, saya berpendapat lebih baik saya juga menyediakan platform untuk bertanya soalan-soalan tentang Injil Matius secara spesifik dan tentang doktrin atau teologi secara am. Dengan ini, saya boleh mengetahui persoalan dan membantu para pendengar podcast untuk memahami Alkitab dengan lebih dalam lagi.

Dua Soalan Minggu ini ialah:

#1 TEK: “Kenapa Injil Matius berbeza daripada injil-injil yang lain? Kenapa lebih terperinci?”
#2 JAN: “Siapa Matius?”

Untuk menonton video live respon saya, KLIK DI SINI: (video asal ada di Facebook Page)

Ringkasan Atau Rujukan untuk Respon saya:

1) Injil atau Berita Baik tentang Yesus Kristus hanya ada SATU sahaja (Galatia 1:9). Jadi, tidak ada injil-injil lain, hanya satu Injil. Dalam Perjanjian Baru, kita menyebut “Injil Menurut Matius” atau “menurut Markus” atau “menurut Lukas” atau “menurut Yohanes” atau dalam Bahasa Ingeris, “Gospel according to…” Dan bagaimana ia ditulis ialah berdasarkan saksi-saksi pertama yang pernah melihat dan mendengar Yesus Kristus secara peribadi (baca Lukas 1:14). Injil (BM) atau Gospel (BI) versi Anglo-Saxon berasal dari ayat Greek, evangelion yang bermaksud berita baik, berita yang sangat sukacita yang tidak sabar-sabar untuk diberitakan.

2) Pada pendapat saya, ada tiga kebenaran tentang Alkitab (ya, termasuk Injil):

ØDitulis oleh manusia, diilhami oleh Allah, Roh Kudus (2 Petrus 1:20-21; 2 Timotius 3:16)
ØAda konteks (sejarah) dan aplikasi atau relevan (sekarang)
ØAda perbezaan (variety) dan ada kesatuan (unity)

3) Kenapa kita ada empat kitab-kitab Injil? Ada dua sebab utama:

a) TUJUAN ia ditulis

Kitab Injil
Tujuan (pada pembacaan dan pendapat saya*)
Soalan Utama
Teks untuk pemuridan, orang yang sudah percaya, dan biasa dengan Hukum Taurat atau Perjanjian Lama (dan konsep Mesias)
Apa yang difirmankan oleh Yesus? (SAID)
Bagi yang ingin terus menerus mengenali Yesus dan ingin mengetahui secara ringkas tapi padat
Apa yang dilakukan oleh Yesus? (DID)
Lebih kepada orang bukan Yahudi yang sudah percaya atau ingin mengenali Dia dengan lebih lagi (Antara keempat-empat, Lukas bukan orang Yahudi)
Apa yang difirmankan oleh Yesus? (SAID)
Kepada orang yang sudah lama percaya, untuk meneguhkan iman, dan mengalakan mereka terus teguh kerana banyak ajaran-ajaran sesat tentang Yesus pada masa itu
Siapa Yesus itu? (WHO)

b) PERSPEKTIF ia ditulis

Kitab Injil
Siapa Yesus
The King of the Jews, The Son of David, The Messiah
The Son of Man, The Suffering Servant
The Saviour of the World
The Son of God
*setiap kitab ada menunjukkan kesemua ini

4) Siapa yang menulis Injil ‘Matius’? Jawapan: Besar kemungkinan* ialah Matius, salah seorang daripada 12 rasul-rasul Kristus (*ada yang menafikannya)

Internal Evidence
External Evidence
> Banyak memetik ayat-ayat Perjanjian Lama. Klu: Seorang yang berpendidikan agama
> Lebih tentang pelayanan Yesus di Galilea. Besar kemungkinan Matius ialah orang Galilea dari Kapernaum
> Apabila Yesus memanggil dia, nama ‘Matius’ digunakan (bukan ‘Lewi’ seperti dalam Kitab Markus dan Lukas) dan ada satu insiden tentang cukai (17:24)
> Church fathers atau bapa-bapa gereja awal mengakui bahawa Matius ialah penulis kitab injil ini seperti Papias, Irenaeus, Pantaenus dan Origen

5) Siapa Matius?

  • Dalam Kitab Matius, nama dia ditulis dalam bab 9:9-13 dan 10:3
  • Dia juga dipanggil sebagai ‘Lewi’ (Lukas 5:25-32) ‘Lewi anak Alfeus’ (Markus 2:13-17)
  • Pada pendapat saya, nama sebenar dia ialah ‘Lewi’ dan ditukar oleh Yesus kepada ‘Matius’ yang bermaksud ‘Gift of God’ (Note: Dalam Perjanjian Lama, TUHAN Allah menukar nama ‘Abram’ kepada ‘Abraham’). Dalam Perjanjian Baru, orang Yahudi biasanya ada dua atau lebih nama. Contohnya, Simon ialah nama Ibrani, Kefas ialah nama Aramaic, dan Petros ialah nama Yunani (Peter dalam English). Semuanya merujuk kepada Rasul Petrus
  • Orang Yahudi dari Kapernaum*, daerah Galilea
  • Salah seorang daripada 12 rasul
  • Apabila Yesus memanggilnya, dia terus mengikuti-Nya dan mengadakan jamuan makan bersama Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya dan juga menjemput “ramai pemungut cukai dan orang berdosa” (Matius 9:10). Dia membawa orang kepada Yesus! Oleh itu, dia digelar “Matthew the Evangelist”
  • Tradisi mengatakan bahawa dia pergi menginjil dan melayani sampai ke Ethiopia. Dia mati syahid (martyr) dibunuh dengan kapak atau pedang


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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It Might Not What It Seems to You, But I'm A Saint! (Colossians 1:2)

We are writing to God’s holy people in the city of Colosse, who are faithful brothers and sisters in Christ” (Colossians 1:2, NLT)

To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are in Colosse” (Colossians 1:2, NKJV)

There are two things that I would like to point out here: 1) Saints… in Christ.” Saints or “God’s holy people” in Christ are those who have received Him and those whom He has received. To me, this is the description of ALL believers. Mind you, God does not choose us because we are saintly - but to make us saintly! To make us holy! “Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, he freed us from sin” (1 Corinthians 1:30). Although it might not what it seems to you, in Christ, you and I are saints. And no church denominational or religious institution or Vatican council can decide either anyone a saint (or not), for saintliness is God’s decision and declaration. Only by grace through faith. This is our position in Christ!

Now, if you and I, in Christ, are saints, then why are we sometime don’t act like that? Let me explain. If you read the entire letter or epistle to the Colossians, Paul warned the believers in Colosse to protect themselves against error and sin and to stir them to saintliness, for sainthood is a possession, a profession, and a practice. While we are still here on earth with human bodies, we are not going to be perfect. We are saints - and saints in the making. God is in the process of making us into perfection and holiness. A theological term for this is sanctification. 

The second thing is 2) “Faithful brethren in Christ.” It means those who have faith in Christ. No one can be faithful until he or she has faith. And faithfulness is continuous - always have faith in Him. By calling the believers as “saints and faithful,” Paul by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is saying that: Saving faith in Christ always sanctifies, and the sanctified ones (saints) want to be (continuously) saintly and faithful. There are people who profess to know Christ but never change. The proof that one really possesses God’s salvation is becoming more perfect, saintly, and faithful.

I hope my point is not confusing… probably there are grammar mistakes… But this is not a mistake: In Christ, I am a saint. Call me Saint Richard Angelus. Praise God!


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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

No More Apostolic Succession But There Are 'Apostles' (Colossians 1:1)

This letter is from Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from our brother Timothy” (Colossians 1:1, NLT)

Paul was qualified as one of the unique apostles, “chosen” and called by Jesus Christ (“the will of God”) personally and an eye witness of His resurrected majesty (read Acts 9:1-31). Paul was able to “proof that [he is] an apostle” (2 Corinthians 12:12) and as well as being inspired to write most of the books/letters of the New Testament. In my own reading and conviction, God has NOT authorized any apostolic succession since Paul was called, so there are no new apostles living on earth today. Timothy was not an apostle but one of Paul’s converts and a fellow missionary.

Question: If there are no apostles today, is there then no representative of God for our times? Hey, yes! There are! In mission and evangelism, God always puts His witnesses in the world. The word ‘apostle’ means ‘a sent one, a missionary’, and certainly this calling has not ceased just because the initial, unique apostles during the time of the New Testament are now no more with us. The Bible says that every believer has been sent to share the Gospel to others - through living and preaching - which has now been given to us. All of Christ-followers are commissioned as messengers and missionaries for God. Our Lord Jesus said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere… to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

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Monday, May 25, 2020

Spending Money Mindfully

Orrin Woodward said it right: "You can have a Masters degree in making money, but you will still wind up broke if you have a Ph.D. in spending it." #ServeToLead #MoneyWise #BeMindful

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The Best Leaders Are Listeners

Peter Nulty observes, “Of all the skills of leadership, listening is the most valuable — and one of the least understood. Most captains of industry listen only sometimes, and they remain ordinary leaders. But a few, the great ones, never stop listening. That's how they get word before anyone else of unseen problems and opportunities" #ServeToLead #LeadersAreListeners #GrowingLeader #ListeningToContinueLeading

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Tuaian Banyak Tetapi Penuai Sedikit (Matius 9:35-38)

"Tuaian banyak sekali," kata Yesus Kristus selepas melihat orang ramai, "tetapi penuai hanya segelintir" (Matius 9:37). Jika dalam Perjanjian Baru sudah 'segelintir' bagaimana dengan sekarang? Ah, walaupun sudah tua kita masih belum serius tentang iman; kita fokus kepada aktiviti-aktiviti gereja kerana ini bermaksud kita tidak perlu keluar gereja; kita sangat berani menggelar diri kita pengikut Kristus tetapi takut untuk memberitakan tentang-Nya kepada orang lain.

Akhir zaman semakin dekat dan keadaan kita sekarang ialah klu yang hanya orang buta rohani sahaja yang tidak melihat. "Tuaian banyak sekali"... Apa respon kamu? #ServeToLead #InjilMatius #PanggilanUntukPenginjilan #DimanaPenuaiAkhirZaman #KedatanganYesusSemakinDekat

Untuk mendengar episod ini, KLIK DI SINI Podcast > ATAU Spotify >

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Kenapa Orang Farisi Benci (Sangat) Kepada Yesus? (Matius 9:32-34)

Yesus Kristus menyembuhkan seorang yang bisu dengan mengusir roh iblis yang merasukinya. Apa respon orang disana? Dua respon utama: 1) Orang ramai tercengang, "Belum pernah kami lihat hal begini di Israel!" Positif tetapi masih tidak cukup; dan 2) Orang Farisi meragui, "Ketua roh iblis telah memberi Dia kuasa untuk menghalau roh-roh iblis." Negatif dan penuh dengan kebencian.

Perkara ini biasa berlaku. Dua atau lebih orang melihat hal yang sama tetapi mempunyai respon atau pendapat yang berbeza. Kenapa? Apakah kosnya menjadi pengikut Kristus yang benar*? (*sebab ada yang tidak benar). Kenapa benci sangat kepada Yesus dan para pengikut-Nya? ⚡#ServeToLead #InjilMatius #KosMenjadiPengikutKristus

Untuk mendengar, KLIK DI SINI Podcast > ATAU Spotify >

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Five (5) Ways To Protect Yourself From the Influence of Social Media

I love social media! It broadening my social connections (see, I'm connected to YOU), it has become my main source of self-eduction and my ways of getting information. However, as you also know, social media has good and bad side effects. Its risks cannot be overlooked. Here are five (5) ways for me to protect myself from the heavy influence of social media. I hope it can help you too! #ServeToLead #SocialMediaInfluence #ProtectYourself #GrowingLeader

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