Monday, June 12, 2017

Jesus' Leadership #10 Taking Action

God is a thinking God, and as such must be coming up with new ideas constantly. Some people think that everything God created and said existed already. I do not think so.

I believe that is why Jesus came – to create new ways of thinking. To give us a New Testament. He was not content to sit around and reminisce about what used to be. In fact, once he started teaching, he did not fail to create a word picture or two or three a day. John, the apostle who wrote about Jesus once said at the end of the Gospel according to him that if someone, anyone wrote down everything Jesus ever did, the world itself could not contain the books that would be written (John 21:25). This was from someone who had known Jesus for only about three years. Even in death, Jesus had his hands stretched out as far as they could go. The enemies literally had to nail him down to keep him from creating – doing more.

Jesus said: “My Father goes on working, and so do I” (read 5:15-17). He asked his disciples to pray for more workers because the fields were already bursting and ripe for harvest. Things needed to be done, and as a leader he wanted them done – even when he knew he would not be physically present to do them.

On the cross he looked down at John the apostle and said, “John, Mary is your mother now. And you must be her son” (paraphrase from John 19:26). By doing so, he was saying to all of us, “My work here is finished, but yours has just begun.” Jesus took action.

How active and creative are you?
Do you think you could be doing more (quantity)? Or/and better (quality)? How?

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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Letters to Annie, Keep Studying God's Word

Dear Annie,

            As you desires to focus on your career and family, as a friend, now, I wants to encourage you to read and study the Word of God to equip and strengthen your faith as your pursue these goals. The Word of God determine the quality of your decisions, the quality of your life and the direction of your faith. Never neglect His guidance.

            Martin Luther once said: “I study the Bible as I gather apples. Frist, I shake the whole tree that the ripest might fall. Then I shake each limb; I share each branch and every twig. Then, I look under every leaf.” Can you imagine he’s doing it? Must be funny and at time – very determine. As much as I wants to encourage you dear Annie, you – and only you – must decide whether God’s Word will be a bright spotlight that guides your path every day or a tiny nightlight that occasionally flickers in the dark. The decision to study the Bible (or not) is an important choice; how you choose to use your Bible will have a profound impact today and your future.

            When you said you want to focus on your career and family, I respect that, just don’t neglect God’s Word okay. Read, study and meditate on it daily. “[Man] must not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God,” said Jesus when he was tempted.  God’s Word is the roadmap to success, spiritual abundance and weapon to fight temptations. Make it your roadmap as you pursue your career. God’s wisdom can be a light to guide your steps. Claim it as your light today, tomorrow, and every day of your life – and then walk confidently in the footsteps of God’s only begotten Son. Psalm 119 claims, “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Make the psalmist heart desire, yours.

I miss you.


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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Jesus' Leadership #9 Do Not Despise the Little Things

In the Old Testament a verse reads, “A day of little things, no doubt, but who would dare despise it?” Jesus did not despise the little things. When he set out to change the world, he chose only a dozen people to work with – not a cast of thousands. He packed value into every minute, every glance, every question, every encounter because he knew that out of little things come big ones.

I work as full-time Christian worker among university/college students. Once a minister questioned me by asking why I hang out with students (even non-Christians) outside campus activity and watching movies with them. “You should focus on student leaders,” he said. “Don’t ‘waste’ your time on minor things” (basically, he meant, don’t involve so much in non-church activities). But when I examined my effectiveness among students, these small engagements built bigger trust and more openness with students. While the minister leads with positional-authority, I engages through friendship and trust. In long term, this is more effective and fruitful practises. Don’t despise the little things.

Jesus did not spend his time creating operations manuals that could be franchised and duplicated by the millions. He hurried to see a little girl who was sick, focusing only on getting her well; he knew that one boy’s lunch had all the ingredients necessary to feed thousands. Every effective leaders knows not to despise the little things – that one-on-one mentoring, a thoughtful planning for small group Bible Study, writing encouraging notes (or messages) to each one under his cares… Oh, Jesus, the Leader of leaders, did not despite the little things.

What deed of yours today would you want to see multiplied?

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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Jesus' Leadership #8 Must Felt a Sense of Destiny

Do you sense you were destined to be doing what you are doing? If not, you have not yet found your harmonic C. Jesus said, “I know where I came from and I know where I am going” (John 8:14). Although he may not have known every detail of his journey (or was he? if yes, which part is fully human? If no, which part is fully divine? Mystery), Jesus felt a sense of destiny about his life. When the storm at the sea of Galilea arose that threatened to sink his ship, he slept calmly, knowing it was not his time to die. Even when he was turned over to the authorities, he said to them, “You could have no power over me unless it was given to you from on high” (John 19:11). In other words, it had to be part of the plan.

When you are surrounded by the state of grace where nothing else matters except the feeling you have within yourself that is your intersection with destiny. If our cells contains DNA molecules that determine what we are supposed to look like, isn’t it possible that at some level they also know – and can recognize – what we are supposed to act like? People get emotional goose bumps when something strikes them as a moment of truth and destiny. I believe that your destiny is like a magnet that pulls you – not a brass ring that only goes around once. Jesus felt a sense of destiny.

Do you feel as if you were destined to be doing what you are doing?
What’s it?

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Jesus' Leadership #7 Worked Through Your Fears

Jesus was afraid. He talked about his fears to his disciples. He wrestled with his fears to the point of sweating blood in the garden. Without fear, Jesus could not have been an example for us. He would have been just another man.

As Jesus grow up, he have to face some painful and gruesome events in his life. No exception. Susan Jeffers, PhD., has written a wonderful book called Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway. She tells us that we will probably always have to deal with fear. If we wait for our fears to disappear before we start, we will never even begin.

Proverbs mentions the foolish farmer who waits for a cloudless sky before he plants his field. There is almost always a cloud somewhere in the sky, and those who are trained to look will probably see more than one. Waiting for the perfect time is a great excuse and rationalization to stay stuck where you are.

Jesus knew that the best way to conquer fear was to face forward. He did not shrink from going to Jerusalem even though he has been warned. He boldly announced his identity to his executioners. He got sick to his stomach and wept till sweat became blood the hours before he was betrayed – but he went through it. Although he felt fear, he faced it.

Fear is an ever-present fact of life. Don’t avoid it, deal with it. Go through it. Remember, Jesus worked through his fears.

What are the fears that are keeping you from your goals?

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