May I see any hand, held high because the understanding of this term ‘’shy-shy’’ cat? I bet most of the Asian ladies have this personality. They would rather stay hungry or thirsty while going out for a date with a guy than asking for it. Well, I was not raised up with this mind-set. With the additional credit of my closed relationship with my dad, I can ask for anything. YES, anything!
Unfortunately, most of the time, my dad wont fulfilled it maybe because it is out of his budget-line or he just do not want me to have it. He has to play his role as real dad ok. As the chains of my desire flows, I would usually do my ‘’puss in the cat’’ face to my aunt then present to her my wish-lists. She is my mom’s elder sister, married to a British man, up to now, I’m still her ‘’baby’’ which leads to my home-pet-name ‘’Bibi’’. From these minor details about her, you can understand how she could afford to get me anything from anywhere.
One of my favorites gift from her, was a set of navy or cheerleaders uniform, I can’t really recalled the pattern, but I know it was yellow. She got it for me from Singapore. As the joy filled me when I received the gift; she dropped me sad news. She had to leave Malaysia to follow her husband to Yorkshire, London. Years after years of separation with my aunt, I have to lives under my mom’s control. Since I was 5 years old, I didn’t have closed relationship with her because she was busy nursing my sick sister. I grew up maturely faster and full of ego because of her ‘’dictatorship’’. Therefore, I always have problem to ask anything from her. It’s like she the boss, I’m the accountant, my role is just calculating the business profit not spending it… hehe.
‘’shy-shy’’ cat attitude here I can say like ask or talk or ‘’beating around the bush’’ kind of attitude. Take for example; cat, it usually purr-ing and rubbing its fur round and round against our leg to ask for food. This attitude influenced my attitude in praying for my needs. I always scared to ask in details for my heart’s desire to God. It’s all because of my respect to God too much. I believe He has given me abundance blessings every day because He is my Heavenly Father, the creator of heaven and earth, the source of all love, send His only son to the earth to pay for my sins, why should I ask for more when He already knows my need? Why should I ask for an A’s for my economic subject when He has already got a successful career for me in future no matter what is my result? Why should I ask for the fuel price to be decrease when He has provided me a car to transport people to church? Why should I ask for his blessing upon my current relationship with a guy by mentioning the guy’s name in my prayer when I know God has chosen my life path or partner?
In Luke 11:1-11, the most popular verse is verse 2-4 which is the Lord’s prayer then goes down to verse 9-10 where God tells us just ‘’Ask u will receives, Seek, u will find, Knock and the door will be opened to you’’ Then jumped to the next verse on 11 to 13 about the Father in heaven as how our earthly father always give us great needs when we ask. I can say I am very familiar and strong hold with all this verses, however, nobody has reminded me about verse 8: ‘’he (suppose be our friend) will not get up and give you bread (in the middle of the night) because you are his friend, yet he will get up and give you EVERYTHING you need because YOU ARE NOT ASHAMED TO KEEP ON ASKING’’
The Lord Jesus Christ gave us the definition of a true friend:
"Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you" (John 15:13-15)
There is no longer be any barriers to make us feel ashamed to ask from our Mighty God, He is our friend, friend talk about everything in details and no secret are hidden. Not only the firm relationship we have in Him would guaranteed us an answered prayer but He said ‘’ TO KEEP ON ASKING’’
p/s I burst into tears after reading the verse. I kneeled upon Him without any constructive poetic prayer points but I pour out my ‘’scribbled hearts-diary’’ unto His holy friendly hand and end it beautifully with confidence saying ‘through Jesus name I ask all this, Amen’’
Priscilla Andrew is from Miri, Sarawak. She's a daddy girl, so we might assume that she's quite a tough young lady. She loves to quote, ''Look at the world with your heart not with your head'' Writing on Being a Woman doesn't mean she's there already, this is a long term process. But along the way; she's learning and that's when this note come into written words.

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