Based on the chronological order, this is the first book in the series, but this is the sixth book based on the publication order. According to HarperCollins Publishers, C.S. Lewis wanted or preferred The Magician's Nephew to be read first (although C.S. Lewis later said it doesn't matter). There is too much fuss about which one is better, but chronological order is good for me because of the way my logical mind works. I bought the one-volume book at BookXcess, and it was too thick! So I cut and hard bind it into each separate book. I've read the whole series in 2013, but now I want to begin the journey again into the magical world of Narnia!
In my opinion, The Magician's Nephew is one of the series's best and most important books. It told us about who Professor Digory Kirke is in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, how humans can enter the other worlds (ah, the rings must be influenced by J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, but it's not the only way), what is the mysterious place called The Wood between Worlds (I imagined Marvel multiverse here), sort of the origin of Jadis the White Witch (Queen of Charm), how Aslan the Great Lion creates Narnia, why the other children later can enter Narnia through the wardrobe, etc. The storytelling, the adventure, and the themes like good versus evil, are beautifully woven by C.S. Lewis. One of my favorite parts is when Digory begged Aslan to cure his mother, and as he cried, he looked at Aslan, he saw "great shining tears stood in Lion's eyes. They were such big, bright eyes compared with Digory's own that for a moment, he felt as if the Lion must really be sorrier about his Mother than he was himself. 'My son, my son,' said Aslan, 'I know. Only you and I in this land know that yet...'" While sorrow hasn't entered the newly created Narnia yet, how can Aslan know? Ah, the story within The Story.
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