Before the pandemic, when I'm busy doing fieldwork, I listen to audiobooks or sermons in the car. I also love to watch educational videos on YouTube at home and listen to podcasts while walking, cycling, or jogging. But with all the technological advancements available today, I still prefer reading books as my primary mode of learning. I guess you can call me 'old fashioned.' Besides my natural thirst for knowledge, I need to read books to be effective in the ministry (as the saying goes, "You can't give what you don't have") and keep me sane in today's world of shallow information. So I read at least 30 minutes to 1 hour every day on various subjects, especially on the Scripture and Christian living.
In his book Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, Brian Tracy shares this excellent calculated insight: "If you read just one hour per day, that will amount to about one book per week. One book per week will amount to about 50 books per year. So 50 books per year will total about 500 books over the next ten years. At the very least, you will need a bigger house just to hold your books". Oh yeah, the power of consistency and small incremental changes! Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit!
If you are persuaded to read every day too, I recommend you to follow these 10 Ways to Increasing your Reading Efficiency:
1) SELECT YOUR READING MATERIAL CAREFULLY. Don't waste your time on books of little value. Instead, preview what you are considering reading before you start a book. For Christians, your primary and most important book to read and study is the Scripture.
2) ELIMINATE POOR HABITS. Find a place where you're free from distractions. Get rid of junk foods and avoid contact with electronic gadgets and television if possible. As you try different positions and ways to cultivate your reading habit, identify what works for you and avoid what doesn't.
3) MAKE A CONSCIOUS EFFORT TO BROADEN YOUR READING. Don't confine your reading to only one narrow area. I tend to choose Christian literature, but I will vary my reading occasionally to a novel, leadership, motivational, business, science, other religions, etc. My rough ratio is 3-4 Christian books to 1 other title. You don't have to follow my pattern. The point is – broaden your reading.
4) TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE BIG PICTURE. Read for main ideas. Don't get caught up or spend too much time with insignificant problematic details.
5) ASK THE AUTHOR(s) QUESTIONS AS YOU READ. Be an investigator. Ask: Why? What? When? Where? Who? How? And try to find the author's answers in the pages of the book.
6) Also, ASK YOURSELF QUESTIONS AS YOU READ. Test your understanding of the author's points, arguments, and ideas.
7) DON'T READ TOO FAST FOR THE SAKE OF FINISHING THE BOOK. Make sure you really (or try to) understand what you are reading before you go further. Or mark the sentences first and come back to them later. If you still don't understand, then don't finish the book. Time is precious.
8) CONCENTRATE ON WHAT YOU ARE READING. Don't entertain unnecessary distractions; focus on the author's message. Off your smartphone, if you must!
9) TAP INTO YOUR IMAGINATION. Try to imagine the concepts of ideas described by the author(s). Turn texts into mental images. When the author(s) gives illustrations or parables to amplify their points, 'see' them with your mind's eye. If you can't do it at the beginning, it's okay. This ability requires practice.
10) TAKE NOTES WHILE READING (in my case, I write reviews) or underlines important gems that you get from your reading in the book itself or both. This habit is essential if you want to review them from time to time, and it helps to retain what you read.
#ServeToLead #GrowingLeaders #LeadersAreReaders #CultivateReadingHabit #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #ReadingEfficiency
To read my #1Book1Week book reviews, click the RED LETTERS:
- The Heavenly Man (2008) by Brother Yun, CLICK HERE
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (1950) by Clive Staples Lewis, CLICK HERE
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew (1955) by Clive Staples Lewis, CLICK HERE
- Beyond AD 2000: A Call to Evangelical Faithfulness (1999) by Bishop Hwa Yung, CLICK HERE
- What Is Reformed Theology? Understanding The Basics (2016 Edition) by R.C. Sproul, CLICK HERE
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