Monday, January 7, 2019

Angelus' Quote: Our Responsibility as Children Is...

[Facebook Post @ 29th Dec 15] Every month most of us would give some money to our parents, especially to our mothers. We calculate how much we need and then we give within our mean. We include our transportation budget, some of you have to pay rents, food, entertainment, etc. And when we give money to our mother, we say, "Mom, this is for you." Smile and we feel responsible.

My mother is not fair. In my mind, when I give money to mom, I thought, "I've done my responsibility. Thus, the rest of the money is mine." What mom uses the money for? Not for herself! She's not fair! She uses the money to buy food, household items, etc. For who? Me. Her family. When I received a salary, I count how much I should give away so that I can own the rest; but when mom received money she thinks of others first.

I'm selfish; mom selfless. While I'm a learned man with theological and biblical knowledge, even right doctrines; my mom lives the Word. Children, learn selflessness from your parents (or those who are older and wiser than you). And, your responsibilities as children is more than giving money monthly. Think ways to make your parent(s) happy and appreciate them.

Instagram -> Richard_Angelus

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