Every Sunday I will have my Social Media Sabbath and one of the things I love to do is house cleaning. As Jordan Peterson said forcefully, “If you can't even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to advise the world?” As I’m battling with dirt and spider webs, I listened to this audiobook. I’ve read this book many years ago and I’m glad to discover it again in audio format. Horatius Bonar (1808-1889) is a missionary, a preacher, and best-known as a hymn writer. He wrote this book out of his concern for the Christian leaders to be faithful to the gospel of Christ, to win souls for Christ, and to edify the body of Christ. “This is a book for winners of souls, not for loiterers on the highway or for slothful servants of our Master,” reminds Samuel M. Zwemer on the preface, “It is a heart-searching book but also one that gives new courage to continue the daily task.”
I love to learn, read, and listen to Christian classic books. They are so much depth, devotion, and meatiness. Mr. Bonar’s book is included. It is very convincing and challenging. For my 21st century ears, the standard for a leader or minister of the gospel as outline here is very high (if I pause every time a sentence hit me, I would never finish this book. Repentance, in the end, is necessary!) and it should be so. As of this writing, the Hillsong Church is in turmoil due to many controversies, scandals, and misconducts among the leaders. I’m glad that the truth is exposed and yet, I’m sad that it brings shame to the church. I’m guilty of my own shortcoming but the Scripture is clear that we have to hold ourselves to a higher Biblical standard. Paul advises Timothy and every Christian leader: “Keep a close watch on yourself and the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Timothy 4:16). James gave this solemn warning, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness” (James 3:1). The high standard is uncomfortable nowadays, but in the digital era, it is urgent and all-time Biblical.
’Tis not for us to trifle! Life is brief,
And sin is here.
Our age is but the falling of a leaf,
A dropping tear.
We have no time to sport away the hours,
All must be earnest in a world like ours.
Not many lives, but only one have we —
One; only one; —
How sacred should that one life ever be —
That narrow span!
Day after day, filled up with blessed toil;
Hour after hour, still bringing in the new spoil.
(Poet by Horatius Bonar)
This book contains five (5) powerful chapters: Ch. 1: The Importance of Being Hot for Christ; Ch. 2: The Importance of Being Right with God Ourselves; Ch. 3: The Danger of Unfruitful Ministry; Ch. 4: The Importance of Eliminating Our Faults; and Ch. 5: The Need of Revival in Ministry. If I were a senior pastor in the local church or team leader in a Christian organization, I would make this book required reading for every minister before entering the high standard calling of ministry! (Be glad, I’m not )
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