Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Happiness Is A Choice: The Symptoms, Causes, and Cures of Depression (2007) by Minirth & Meier, Book Review

Happiness Is A Choice: The Symptoms, Causes, and Cures of Depression
(2007, Updated Edition) by Frank Minirth, M.D. & Paul Meier, M.D.

"Most people are about as happy as they choose to be," said Abraham Lincoln. The authors agree with him. Probably Lincoln knows best. He went through many grievances in his life - the death of a loved one, lost elections, the Civil War, and other major disappointments. According to the authors, Lincoln once was so depressed that he considered suicide. But he chooses to overcome his depression and obtained inner joy and peace. Of course, eventually, he died but not because of depression but fell victim to the bullet.

Dr. Minirth and Dr. Meier have over 30 years of experience and study human psychology, physiology, anatomy, mentality, spirituality and are said to have exercised psycho-therapeutic skills on thousands of patients. According to them, with minor exceptions like a genetic bipolar disorder, "happiness is a choice." Granted that the human mind and emotions are a very complex, dynamic system, both authors are very confident that lasting inner happiness and depression at its core is "your choice." I agree and at the same time disagree with this statement. I agree because to solve a problem you need to realize that to some extent you're in control and it is within your power to make a change in your life. Free will is God's gift, not a curse. Who chooses to dwell in the misery? Who enjoys being a victim? Who reacts destructively? Who always blames you? You! This reminds me of Jim Rohn's quote: "If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree." Sometimes people unintentionally 'choose' depression due to guilt, bitterness, anger and even use it as a tool for manipulation.

But, on the other hand, I disagree. Why would anyone choose unhappiness and depression? What if there is a chemical imbalance in my brain? What if I'm born this way? (Now, this can be an excuse. But what excuse are you gonna give to those who are born intersex, for example) What about a spiritual attack? Where is the 'choice' in these? I think there are no once-for-all books that can simply answer these questions. Therefore, I'm going to be very gracious with the authors and try to understand their point of view based on their experiences as practitioners and from their Biblical perspective as Christ believers. My disagreement probably due to my lack of knowledge. But this is a true statement: most (not all) clinical depression is treatable and very likely curable. The rise of depression especially during the pandemic is worrisome and it is a very helpful book to keep us informed, be empathetic and hopefully, we will choose some new, healthy-producing attitudes and behavior patterns in our lives. "There is no single cause for all depressions, even though pent-up anger is the root cause of the vast majority of depression," writes the authors in the conclusion of this book. "[And] there is no single solution, even though faith in Jesus Christ and the principles of God's Word is at the root of all the solutions (known and unknown). The solutions may sometimes be very complex, but THEY DO EXIST!" Yes, they do exist. Have hope and faith in the sovereign God. Amen! [Ps: Don't be afraid to find help ya] ���������

#LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #HappinessIsAChoice #FightAgainstDepression #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

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Markus 10:13-16 Adakah Kamu Mendorong atau Menghalang Kanak-Kanak Datang Kepada Yesus? (#InjilMarkus S.1 E.74)

Mengutuk. Mendera. Menggugurkan. Ini tiga hal yang orang lakukan kepada kanak-kanak yang lemah dan tidak berdaya. Ini tidak seharusnya berlaku dan berwaspadalah bagi sesiapa yang menghalang mereka untuk datang kepada TUHAN! Lihat bagaimana Yesus Kristus melayani mereka ⚡������ #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #InjilMarkus

��� Untuk menonton video-video pengajian Injil Markus lain, KLIK DI SINI: http://bit.ly/LegasiInjilMarkus 

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Jesus Is the Light of the World

A preacher was preaching one Sunday evening when the lights in his small church suddenly flickered and went out. He stood quietly in the darkness, not knowing what to do or say.

Finally, an older deacon in the congregation called out, "Preach on, preacher, we can still see Jesus in the dark!" ��������� #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #JesusIsTheLight

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The Word of God Will Stand Forever

"Read the Bible not as a newspaper but as a letter from home," reminds F. B. Meyer, pastor, evangelist, and Bible commentary writer. "If a promise lies on the page as a blank check, cash it. If prayer is recorded, appropriate it and launch it as a feathered arrow from the bow of your desire. If an example of holiness gleams before you, ask God to do as much for you" ��������� #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #ReadTheWord #LiveTheWord

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Ibarat Untuk Orang Yang Ingin Membunuh Anak Allah (Matius 21:33-46)

Apabila hujan turun, ini berita baik dan berita buruk pada masa yang sama. Bagi petani yang memerlukan air, hujan ialah berkat; bagi penunggang motosikal, hujan ialah masalah. Hal yang sama, cuma berbeza perspektif bergantung kepada situasi pada ketika itu.

Bila Alkitab mengatakan bahawa Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah ialah "batu penjuru utama" (Matius 21:42; Efesus 2:20), ini ialah berita baik dan berita buruk. Bagi yang menerima-Nya melalui iman, Dia ialah Batu Penyelamatan (Kisah Para Rasul 2:11-12); bagi yang menolak-Nya (atau ingin 'membunuh-Nya'), Dia ialah Batu Penghancuran (Matius 21:44). Apa situasi kamu ketika ini: Menerima atau Menolak-Nya? ������ #ServeToLead #InjilMatius

Untuk mendengar episod ini ��� KLIK DI SINI, Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyMatius154  

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This is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn To See (2018) by Seth Godin, Audiobook Review

This is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn To See (2018)
by Seth Godin, Audiobook

 What is marketing? According to Seth Godin: "If you need to persuade someone to take action, you’re doing marketing." Asking you to donate to charity is as much as marketing as asking you to buy a product for charity. If you are taking a selfie for your social media or showing off your stuff on Instagram, you're marketing. I write this review and using hashtag #1Book1Week is marketing because one of the reasons (other than selfish one) is I want to persuade you to read books through my page. We all involve in marking either you realize it or not. The questions are: Are you a good or bad marketer? Do you want to genuinely serve others or just want their money? Do you always use manipulations or ethical persuasions? Mind you, Seth doesn't concern with the last question, but I thought it would be helpful to remind the believers about ethics as we read secular books like this.

In this book, Seth Godin (the first time I'm exposed to Seth is through his short book, The Dip), a marketing guru, shares the culmination of decades upon decades of marketing lessons and advice that he learned all over the world and mainly through his The Marketing Seminar. I would like to recommend listening to The Akimbo Podcast and watching his interviews with Marie Forleo and Chase Jarvis. I listened to the audiobook, not reading the book, so I get the main ideas but not in detail. And most of the lessons I learned probably not very applicable to my areas of calling and job descriptions. Although as a Bible Study teacher and Christian preacher, I am involving in 'marketing' the Gospel indirectly but here I must be careful not to mix the two. Of course, there are similarities but some principles and methods in marketing are just Biblical compromise and to a certain extend - wrong. Apply discernment, okay? ���

Back to the book. The audiobook is narrated by the author (7 hours 2 minutes, but I listened to it at 1.25x speed, so about 5.3 hours. I love listening to audiobooks when I'm walking outside and cleaning the house). Here are seven quotes that stick with me and from the interviews about the book (I Google these quotes, by the way, based on keywords that I remember):

 #1 "Marketers offer solutions, opportunities for humans to solve their problems and move forward";

 #2 "The most important lesson I can share about brand marketing is this: you definitely, certainly, and surely don’t have enough time and money to build a brand for everyone. You can’t. Don’t try. Be specific. Be very specific";

 #3 "We sell feelings, status, and connection, not tasks or stuff";

 #4 "The smallest viable market is the focus that, ironically and delightfully, leads to your growth" (my favorite is chapter 4: The Smallest Viable Market);

 #5 "Empathy is at the heart of marketing" (This is a BIG point!) For example, Seth also writes: "When we find the empathy to say 'I’m sorry, this isn’t for you – here’s the phone number of my competitor' then we also find the freedom to do work that matters";

 #6 The title for chapter nine: 'People Like Us Do Things Like This' is worth exploring;

 #7 "When you’re the cheapest, you’re not promising change. You’re promising the same, but cheaper... lowering your price doesn't make you more trusted – it actually does the opposite."

If I'm working directly as a marketer, I will surely buy the book because it has many good ideas that are very practical in the ever-changing (evolving?) landscape of marketing today. Consider it ���⚡✌ #ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #SethGodin #ThisIsMarketing #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

To read my other book reviews, CLICK HERE ��� https://legasitv.blogspot.com/search/label/Book%20Review?m=1 

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Markus 10:10-12 Apa LAGI Pandangan Yesus Tentang Perkahwinan & Perceraian? (#InjilMarkus S.1 E.73)

Menurut portal laman web Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia, dari tahun 2018 ke 2019, angka perceraian (yang sah) naik sebanyak 12%! Untuk mengatasinya, kita kena tahu PUNCA. Tetapi sebelum apa-apa terjadi - samada berkahwin atau bercerai - kita harus melihat PRINSIPNYA terlebih dahulu menurut pandangan Yesus Kristus⚡

Dalam video yang sebelumnya (untuk menonton, KLIK DI SINI: https://youtu.be/SqlDQO6o-HQ) kita sudah melihat tiga (3) prinsip dan sekarang kita akan melihat dua (2) lagi ��������� #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #InjilMarkus 

��� Untuk menonton video-video pengajian Injil Markus lain, KLIK DI SINI: http://bit.ly/LegasiInjilMarkus 

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Surat 3 John: Sambut Sida Menyadi Ti Kristian

Surat 3 John tu dibaca ari Berita Manah Ka Rebak Diatu: Sempekat Baru dalam Jako Iban (Iban New Testament, 2nd Edition) ari The Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei, 1981 ���⚡��� #ServeToLead #InjilJohn #BeritaManah #SempekatBaru

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Unplugged: How to Live Mindfully in a Digital World (2014) by Orianna Fielding, Book Review

Unplugged: How to Live Mindfully in a Digital World (2014) by Orianna Fielding

I'm very interested in digital psychology and the impact of digital technology on our mental health for many years now (for book and TED Talk recommendations, see lists below). And thus, the research studies and the author's personal experiences, although some of the ways she processes the information are unique, are very familiar to me. But it's good to be reminded over and over again about the dangers of digital addiction and how to overcome it. "Connectivity now permeates every area of our lives," admits Fielding, an internationally recognized designer, and curator, "Technology has enabled us to do things that ten years ago were unthinkable. It has also completely changed many of the elements that historically formed the foundation of how we lived and interacted with each other, increasingly adversely affecting the most essential and fundamental elements of being human."

Granted, every one of us thinks about technology differently and our level of relationship to it is based on our context, purpose, and personality. Let's talk about the most familiar digital technology: social media on the smartphone. For example, I don't see any intrinsic value in Twitter because either the post is too trivial (mean useless to know) or abridge (mean too short to care). But for my friend, Peter, Twitter is just right because he only wanted to know the main headline of the news. I also see Instagram as non-beneficial for me because the Algorithm is specially designed for users to post as frequently as possible and looking at mosaic photos of myself is just weird (plus, I'm not that attractive). But for a businesswoman like Sarah, Instagram is a haven for potential customers, or Jilian, a social media model, Instagram is just the right tool to showcase her beauty and beauty products. However, I love YouTube and Spotify the most because they contain wide treasures of knowledge, information, and entertainment. I spent most of my time here as opposed to any other social media. So you see, the way we choose to connect with our social media is not one-size-fits-all. But do you know what is our similarity? To some degree, all of us are ADDICTED to social media - and generally speaking, to digital technology. Like it or not, "we are living in a culture dominated by digital excess."

At the beginning of the book, Fielding outlines 12 signs of digital overload. Let me share the 6 most frequent signs, in summary: 1) Checking your digital device first thing in the morning, getting up during the night to check for messages, and regularly using some form of digital device in bed; 2) Checking your smartphone while at a meal with others; 3) Spending little time outside and often eating at your desk; 4) Getting distracted easily even when offline and finding it hard to focus fully on one task; 5) Being with family members but spending most of your time at home on a device; and 6) Wanting to stop using your smartphone and finding that you just can't, having tried repeatedly but unsuccessfully to control your internet use. If you can identify with most of these signs, then, this may be a good indicator that it might be the right time for you to unplugged, undertake a digital detox, and reboot your life. I believe it is not about letting go of digital technology altogether - in fact, if we want to progress in life, we must embrace it - but making sure that it doesn't control our lives. Fielding equips: "Unplugging is not so much a disconnection as a fine-tuning of our inner search engine. Practicing moderation by finding a workable balance between our digital connectivity and our real-life connections is the key to establishing a new digital protocol where we can be fully present in our lives while using our digital devices as the tools they were designed to be."

There are lots of tips, suggestions, and very useful digital detox ideas outline in this book. It is never mean to be taken literally but you must try it for yourself first (remember, our context, purpose, and personality are different) and modify your practices along the way. Think big, start small, go deep. Perhaps, you can join me in reading books!  #1Book1Week ��� I know you can if you read this till the end ��� It is possible! ��������� #Unplugged #DigitalDetox #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

 Book and TED Talk recommendations:

 1) Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success In a Distracted World (2016) by Cal Newport. CLICK HERE to read my review. Watch his TED Talk too.

 2) Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive In a World of Distraction (2018) by Christ Bailey. Watch his TED Talk too. I didn't manage to write a review for this one.

 3) Six Books on the Effect of Technology & Social Media. CLICK HERE to see my recommendations.

4) TEDx Talk: What You Are Missing While Being a Digital Zombie by Patrik Wincent https://youtu.be/TAIxb42FjwE  

5) TED Talk: Connected, But Alone? by Sherry Turkle https://youtu.be/t7Xr3AsBEK4 

6) How about documentaries? Let me suggest two - Disconnected (2017) directed by Salem Habbous https://youtu.be/MkIiMP--1h8 & The Social Dilemma (2020) directed by Jeff Orlowski on Netflix

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Ibarat Untuk Orang Yang Hanya Pandai Berkata-Kata (Matius 21:28-32)

Ibarat Yesus Kristus: "Seorang ada dua orang anak lelaki. Dia mendapatkan yang sulung dan berkata, ‘Anakku, pergilah bekerja hari ini di ladang anggurku.’ Anak itu menjawab, ‘Aku tidak mahu,’ tetapi kemudian dia menyesal lalu pergi bekerja di ladang bapanya. Ayah itu pergi pula mendapatkan anaknya yang kedua dengan kata-kata yang sama. Anak itu menjawab, ‘Baiklah, aku pergi, ayah,’ tetapi dia tidak pergi. Antara dua itu, yang mana melakukan kehendak bapanya?(Matius 21:28-31)

Apa jawapan kamu bagi soalan yang terakhir itu? Mana satu yang SEBENARNYA melakukan kehendak bapanya? Bagaimana respon and kelakuan dua orang anak ini menggambarkan hubungan kita dengan Bapa yang di syurga? Beware of words only religion! ��������� #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #InjilMatius

Untuk mendengar episod ini ��� KLIK DI SINI, Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyMatius153 

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Markus 10:1-9 Apa Pandangan Asas Yesus Tentang Perkahwinan & Perceraian? (#InjilMarkus S.1 E.72)

Pada zaman Perjanjian Baru (juga sekarang!) isu tentang perkahwinan dan perceraian dianggap seperti lampin pakai buang. Bila perlu, guna; bila tidak, buang. Ia tidak dianggap kudus lagi. Antara golongan yang berbuat begitu ialah kebanyakkan para pemimpin agama, orang Farisi. Oleh itu dengan hipokrit mereka bertanya kepada Yesus Kristus, “Menurut hukum, bolehkah seseorang menceraikan isterinya?” (Markus 10:2). Apa respon Yesus? ������⚡ #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #InjilMarkus

 Untuk memahami isu ini dengan lebih mendalam lagi, dengar episod-episod podcast #InjilMatius ini ���

  1. Yesus tentang Isu Berkahwin & Bercerai (Matius 5:31-32) ��� http://bit.ly/SpotifyMatius33 
  2. Tujuh Kesimpulan tentang Perkahwinan, Perceraian & Berkahwin Semula (Topik Khas) ��� http://bit.ly/SpotifyMatius34 
  3. Perceraian Bukan Fokus Yesus (Matius 19:1-9) ��� http://bit.ly/SpotifyMatius139 
  4. Samada Waktu Single Atau Membujang, Abdikan Diri Kepada TUHAN (Matius 19:10-12) ��� http://bit.ly/SpotifyMatius140 

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Five (5) Facts about Reading

Every Sunday, I will have my social media Sabbath from 12am to 6pm (now I'm already 10 mins late). One of the thing that I do is reading book or books ��� Here are five (5) facts about reading. Technically, #4 and #5 are just to be funny ��� Enjoy your weekend and remember God! #ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

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Autoriti Yesus Yang TIDAK DAPAT Disangkal (Matius 21:23-27)

Musuh-musuh Yesus Kristus datang bukan kerana ingin tahu tetapi cuba mempersoalkan autoriti-Nya di khalayak ramai:
"Dengan kuasa apakah Kamu melakukan perkara-perkara ini? Dan siapakah yang memberi-Mu kuasa itu?" (Matius 21:23). Dia pula menjawab dengan bertanya kepada mereka: "Baptisan Yohanes [Pembaptis] dari manakah asalnya? Daripada syurga atau daripada manusia?" (21:25)

Yesus bukan cuba untuk memberi jawapan licik (seperti kaedah Socratic) atau mahu lari tajuk (seperti ahli politik), tetapi JAWAPAN kepada soalan Dia ialah JAWAPAN kepada soalan mereka. Jika mereka menjawab dengan jujur, maka, mereka akan menjawab soalan mereka sendiri. Respon dan jawapan mereka sangat penting kerana ia akan berbalik dengan kita - sebagai pembaca dan pendengar - Apa autoriti Yesus melakukan semua hal yang telah dilakukan-Nya? Beware: This question has consequences! ��������� #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #InjilMatius

Untuk mengetahui autoriti Yesus, dengar episod ini ��� KLIK DI SINI, Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyMatius152 

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Markus 9:49-50 Bagaimana Garam Boleh Mengajar Kita Tentang Pemuridan? (#InjilMarkus S.1 E.71)

Yesus Kristus ialah bukan sekadar seorang guru yang hebat. Tetapi dari segi mengajar, Dia memang tiada tandingannya. Kumpul semua guru-guru dari dulu sampai sekarang dan bandingkan dengan Rabbi Yesus, tiada yang setara dengan-Nya. Dengan hanya menggunakan objek "garam" Dia boleh mengajar banyak perkara tentang pemuridan ⚡ Genius! ��������� #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #InjilMarkus

��� Untuk menonton video-video pengajian Injil Markus lain, KLIK DI SINI: http://bit.ly/LegasiInjilMarkus

��� Untuk mendengar Podcast pengajian Injil Matius, KLIK DI SINI: http://bit.ly/LegasiSpotify 

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Surat 2 John: Anang Nyambut Munsoh Kristus

Surat 2 John tu dibaca ari Berita Manah Ka Rebak Diatu: Sempekat Baru dalam Jako Iban (Iban New Testament, 2nd Edition) ari The Bible Society of Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei, 1981 ������ #ServeToLead #InjilJohn #BeritaManah #SempekatBaru

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Goodbye, things (2015) by Fumio Sasaki & Minimalism (2017) by K.L. Hammond

Goodbye, things: on Minimalist Living (2015) by Fumio Sasaki &
Minimalism for Living, Family, and Budgeting (2017) by K.L. Hammond

Finished listening to these two audiobooks this week as a follow-up with the previous one by Kiku Katana's Minimalism (to read my general view and opinion on minimalism philosophy, CLICK HERE). I find that these two authors are very interesting. Like I said in the review, the philosophy of minimalism is simple (true to its meaning), but the implementation is different based on context, culture, and preferences.

Fumio (read the book a few years ago borrowed from the state library) writes from the Eastern - or Japanese, to be exact - background. Meanwhile, Hammond, I presume based on his examples and contents, from the Western background. Fumio is well-known (next after Marie Kondo) in the minimalist world, but, Hammond, although has written other books on different subjects, is not that popular. I can relate to Fumio's experience more than Hammond's because Fumio is a single man but Hammond is a family man. Yet, I'm more inclined to Hammond's ideal of things because Fumio can be a little bit extreme (oh yes, Hammond too in some points). Which one is better? Well, it depends. If I have to suggest one between the two, I say, read Fumio's goodbye, things, especially if you're still single. But the holistic view that Hammond adopts in this book like family and budgeting (i.e. financing) is very much needed for both singles and married couples in a difficult time nowadays. By the way, consider their ideas and suggestions but don't take them too literally. Follow it if it's good. Tweak it until you're comfortable. Toss it if it's impractical. This is a philosophy, not an orthodox religion.

Let me suggest some FREE resources for you to get to know what is minimalism and probably you can apply some of the ideas in your lives ��� P.s: Just be careful not to be too obsessed with it. I find that the philosophy is harmless but the movement(s) have the potential to become a cult ��� #1Book1Week #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #Minimalism #Philosophy #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain

1) DOCUMENTARY. Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things (2016) by The Minimalists, click here ��� https://youtu.be/27So9GlE87w 

2) SERMON. Less: A Biblical Guide for Living Joyfully with Less Stuff by Spencer Bernand, click here ��� https://youtu.be/-YzZijLr-bo 

3) BLOG & PODCAST. Becoming Minimalist by Joshua Becker, click here ��� https://www.becomingminimalist.com/

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Berdoa Dengan Iman Tanpa Ragu (Matius 21:20-22)

Yesus Kristus mengajar para murid-Nya:
“Sesungguhnya, Aku berkata kepadamu, jika kamu beriman tanpa ragu, kamu dapat melakukan begitu juga... Apa sahaja yang kamu minta dalam doa dengan iman, akan kamu terima" (Matius 21:21-22). Eh, berdoa semudah itu? Bolehkah kita mencapai "tanpa ragu"? Betulkah "apa sahaja"? ���

Sebelum ini saya berdoa untuk mendapat kereta yang baru, kenapa tidak terjadi? Bila saya berdoa tentang hal A, kenapa hal B yang dijawab? Seorang kawan saya menghidapi kanser tulang, sudah berdoa, kenapa diakhirnya dia meninggal dunia juga? Mari saya jelaskan apa itu "doa", "iman", "tanpa ragu" dan minta "apa sahaja" dalam konteks petikan ini ��� #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #InjilMatius

Untuk mendengar episod ini ��� KLIK DI SINI ▶▶▶Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyMatius151 ◀◀◀

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