I think I've listened to this audiobook more than four times already. I can finish most of the late Jim Rohn's famous sentences because they are very profound and memorable. He is a good storyteller and each story is filled with life lessons. His emphasis on personal philosophy is very important. To him, it means to use one's mind in all aspects of life. Refining one's mind or philosophy can change everything and it doesn't have to be very big at the beginning. It's about implementing simple, good, and positive disciplines daily. For example, if every day for an hour or two I decided to study the Scripture instead of playing online games, full-time ministry-wise, I have begun to turn my life around. By simply changing my philosophy, I can overcome ignorance, laziness, and unproductivity.
Here are my Top 5 favorite quotes - and they have become my personal philosophies - by Jim Rohn from this audiobook:
- "Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job."
- "Don't wish it was easier, wish you are better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom."
- "The major value of life is not what you get. The major value of life is what you become."
- "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
- "If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree!"
A few things that you should keep in mind when reading books and/or hearing audiobooks on personal development (which also can fall into the category of self-help), especially as a Christ follower: #1 Develop and strengthen your Biblical worldview; #2 Apply the spiritual gift of discernment and critical thinking; #3 Learn and read widely but stand on the foundations of the Word of God deeply; #4 Don't believe someone who says, "I read my Bible ONLY." He or she is either delusional or impractical. Avoid at all costs; #5 Have a balanced perspective of human depravity and human potential; and last but not the least, #6 Don't read too many self-development or self-help books. Read the best of the best and leave most of them behind. In fact, most of them I wouldn't recommend at all because they can expose you to new-age teachings and the like. Ask me if you want to know more.
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