“To the King of the
ages, immortal, invisible, the only God,
be honour and glory forever
and ever. Amen.”
(1 Timothy 1:17,
I never knew this word
before – doxology. Simply, it mean “an expression of praise to God.” As I read
through 1 Timothy 1, it’s not surprise that the apostle Paul, who recognizes
the grace and mercy of God in his own life, would conclude his testimony with a
doxology praising the God who did it all. Paul calls God “the King of the ages” which literally described God as
the eternal King. He is unaffected by time and is the King ALWAYS. Paul also refers the Lord Jesus as King, “King of kings and Lord of lords” (1
Timothy 6:15). In the time of Paul and Timothy, most early Christians were
persecuted because they won’t acknowledge the Roman emperor as divine and they
paid for their lives believing and praising God as the only King that they will
worship! Describing God as “the King of the ages”
represents Him as higher than all authorises or other gods of the Roman and
pagans world (Paul was writing this letter to Timothy who served in the city of
Ephesus in which emperor worship took place).
God is also “immortal,” meaning He does not die, ALWAYS is. He is “invisible”
as the Spirit (read John 1:18 which also refers to Jesus) and He is “the only God” (read Exodus 20:1-4 and Deuteronomy
6:4-5). With all of these wonderful descriptions about God, I join Paul in
giving “honour and glory”
to Him my King! The closing phrase “forever and ever”
is also translated as “to the ages of
ages” and this compliments God as “King of the ages,” the Triune God. Wow! The word “amen,” meaning “so
be it” or “Yeszzza!” concludes
the doxology very well. This is how Eugene Peterson paraphrased Paul’s doxology
and as you read this – on laptop, tab or smartphone – read it aloud (it’s okay
if people think you’re crazy) as you give praise to the King:
“Deep honour
and bright glory
to the King
of All Time –
One God,
Immortal, Invisible,
ever and always. Oh, yes!”
ever and always. Oh, yes!”