Sunday, November 25, 2012

"...tetapi Saya Tidak Boleh Memaafkan Diri Saya Sendiri"

Pernahkah kamu mendengar orang (atau kamu sendiri) berkata begini: “Saya tahu Tuhan sudah memaafkan saya, tetapi saya tidak boleh memaafkan diri saya sendiri”? Apakah maksud mereka? Biar saya cuba terangkan apa yang mereka maksudkan dengan berkata “saya tidak boleh memaafkan diri saya sendiri”. Pada pendapat saya, apa yang mereka maksudkan ialah:

Saya tahu Tuhan sudah memaafkan saya tetapi saya masih lagi merasa bersalah; saya tidak boleh melupakan kesilapan saya begitu saja, ia seringkali datang menghantui saya dan kadang-kadang kesilapan itu amat menyiksakan saya. Kadang-kadang ia membuatkan saya merasa marah dengan diri saya sendiri... Ianya begitu susah untuk saya menerima kenyataan bahawa memang sayalah penyebab kepada semua kesilapan itu. Ia bukan sahaja membuatkan saya merasa tidak berguna, malah, ia membuatkan saya tidak ada harga diri. Kehidupan lama saya tidak hanya tinggal sejarah, tetapi ianya sentiasa muncul semula bila-bila masa sampai sekarang.’

Seperti yang kita semua tahu atau kita sendiri pernah atau sedang mengalaminya, penyesalan tentang kesilapan lampau akan menghalang pertumbuhan rohani kita. Kita juga tahu bahawa memaafkan diri kita sendiri adalah sesuatu yang paling susah untuk kita lakukan, tetapi kita sedar juga bahawa kita HARUS melakukannya kerana penyesalan yang tidak disembuhkan akan menjadi dosa yang merosakkan diri kita sendiri. Merosakkan diri sendiri adalah dosa kerana diri kita sudah ditebus oleh Darah Anak Domba – kita milik Tuhan Allah dan kita berharga bagi-Nya.

Tahukah kamu bahawa kamu adalah sangat ‘berharga bagi Tuhan Allah’? Harga yang Dia sanggup bayar bagi kamu dan saya ialah dengan kematian Yesus Kristus, Anak-Nya sendiri di kayu salib. Kita tidak seharusnya merosakkan sesuatu yang Dia sudah bayar dengan harga semahal itu. Oleh itu, kekesalan yang kita ada haruslah disembuhkan supaya luka lama tidak akan ‘berdarah’ kembali.

Jadi, bagaimana kita boleh meninggalkan kesesalan kita dan belajar untuk memaafkan diri sendiri? Pertama sekali, kita harus sedar akan kenyataan bahawa adalah satu kesalahan jika kita tidak memaafkan diri kita sendiri. Ia tidak semestinya mudah! Sesetengah daripada kita masih lagi merasa bersalah, merasa harus dihukum, dan merasa terlalu kasihan dengan diri sendiri (self-pity) sehinggakan begitu susah untuk melepaskannya. Jika kita memikirkan tentang betapa parahnya kekesalan itu; jika kita memikirkan bagaimana ia boleh menjejaskan hubungan kita dengan Tuhan; jika kita sedar bahawa kekesalan itu telah membuka jalan bagi Iblis untuk menyesatkan kita, maka kita tahu bahawa ia adalah satu kesalahan. Terutama sekali, kita tahu bahawa Tuhan Allah sudah memaafkan kita, adakah kita sekarang ingin meletakkan diri kita lebih tinggi daripada Allah dengan tidak memaafkan diri kita sendiri?

Langkah kedua ialah dengan menyerahkan diri kita kepada Tuhan Yesus, datang kepada-Nya dan berdoa agar Dia menyembuhkan kekesalan lampau yang telah mengganggu kita. Dia sahaja yang mampu melakukan-Nya. Minta agar Dia dapat menunjukkan bagaimana kita sudah terlanjur menghukum diri kita sendiri dan berhenti berbuat demikian lagi. Minta agar Dia dapat menunjukkan bahawa Tuhan Allah sudah menerima kita seadanya walaupun kita sudah berbuat dosa dan melakukan kesilapan pada masa lampau. Minta agar Dia memperlihatkan bahawa kasih-Nya kepada kita tidak bergantung kepada perbuatan dan kebaikkan kita. Minta agar kita sedar bahawa kita ialah anak-anak kesayangan-Nya melalui kasih kurnia-Nya. Sekali lagi, di kayu saliblah segala bukti bahawa Tuhan Allah sudah memaafkan dan membukakan hati kita untuk menerima kemaafan itu. Ini memberi kita kuasa untuk memaafkan diri kita sendiri.

Kadang-kadang agar suka bagi kita untuk mengetahui samada kita sudah memaafkan diri kita sendiri atau belum, lebih-lebih lagi masih ada kesakitan atau kepedihan yang kita alami daripada masa lampau. Namun begitu, ia tidak semestinya bermaksud bahawa kita masih belum memaafkan diri kita sendiri. Melupakan kekesalan tidak bermaksud semua kesedihan atau kesakitan yang kita alami juga akan hilang begitu sahaja. Apabila kita sudah meninggalkan kekesalan itu, kesedihan atau kesakitan masa lampau tidak lagi akan menghantui kita. Ianya akan sembuh sedikit demi sedikit. Ia tidak akan lagi menyebabkan kita asyik memikirkan tentang diri sendiri. Hubungan kita dengan Tuhan Allah juga akan disembuhkan dan kita akan mula memikirkan tentang orang lain juga.

Rasul Paulus ialah seorang hamba Tuhan yang paling memerlukan kasih kurnia Tuhan Allah untuk memaafkan dirinya sendiri terhadap dosa-dosa lampau. Dia menulis kepada Timothy:
Aku bersyukur kepada Kristus Yesus Tuhan kita, yang sudah memberi aku kekuatan untuk menjalankan pekerjaanku. Aku berterima kasih kepada-Nya, kerana Dia mengaggap aku layak, dan telah melantik aku untuk melakukan tugas itu, meskipun dahulu aku mengufuri, menganiaya dan menghina Dia... Kristus Yesus datang ke dunia untuk menyelamatkan orang berdosa. Akulah paling jahat, tetapi justeru kerana itulah Allah mengasihi aku, supaya Kristus Yesus dapat menunjukkan kesabaran dengan sepenuhnya terhadap aku, orang yang paling berdosa” (1 Timotius 1:12-16).

Saya tidak percaya yang semua kesakitan atau kesedihan yang Paulus alami apabila mengenang kembali bagaimana dia sudah memenjarakan dan membunuh orang Kristian sebelum dia menerima Tuhan Yesus Kristus hilang begitu sahaja. Akan tetapi, kita tahu bahawa Paulus sedar bahawa kasih, kesabaran dan kemaafan Tuhan Allah adalah yang terutama dan terbesar sekali diingatannya – bukan dosa-dosa lampau. Oleh sebab itu, apabila dia sudah memaafkan dirinya sendiri dengan kasih kurnia Tuhan, hubungan dia dengan Tuhan Yesus disembuhkan dan dia mampu mengerjakan perkerjaan Allah dengan penuh keyakinan.

Kamu juga boleh berbuat begitu – maafkan diri kamu sendiri, kerana Tuhan Yesus sudah memaafkan kamu dahulu.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Enjoy Your Work

The main satisfactions of life come through
hard work which one enjoys
” (George W. Eliot).

I love my work now. Not because it’s easy or there’s no challenges and problems or everybody likes me – far from it, but because I believe that this is what God had appointed me to do (as for now) and I enjoy doing it. I also love my previous job, namely, in customer service area because I love meeting with people and it provide a platform for me to improve my communication skills. What joyful discoveries and learned experiences I gained during that time! I love all my jobs.

For most people, there’s a big difference between work (job) and play. Work is something you have to do or drag yourself to do; play is something you choose to do voluntarily because you love it. “I believe,” writes Ken Blanchard, “the greatest job is when you can’t tell the difference, and the best leaders are those who absolutely love what they’re doing.”

YB Baru Bian, for example, is a good leader because he believes and enjoy in what he’s doing. He became YB, a people’s representative not so that everyone will like him or foolishly assume that this job will go smooth without any opposition, but simply because he loves the Lord and His people (This I know personally). I suspect that his personal mission statement mostly have to do with his passion for other’s welfare – to build people and be the voice for them. He plays in his work.

Thomas Carlyle says, “Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness. He has a work, a life-purpose; he has found it and will follow it. Labor is life; from the inmost heart of the worker rises his God-given force, the sacred, celestial life-essence breathed into him by almighty God.”

Work done grudgingly is servitude.
Work done willingly is service.
Work done lovingly is sacrament.
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Friday, November 23, 2012

God is Happy when You Ask

My aunty called for help. She requested me to translate some English documents into Bahasa Iban. It was a very hard works. I labored in pain and headache. First, because my English is not that good; and second, my Iban is next to worst! But I have to do it, in fact, I want to do it. I told her, “Yes, my pleasure,” and I meant every single words that I said.

Yesterday I had finished what she assigned me to do. I tell you, my heart was outburst with joy and gladness when she said: “Thank you. You’re very helpful”. Even today, as I write this article, there is still joy leftover. I ask myself, ‘Why? Why I’m so happy doing it? Why this sudden joy in helping other? Why I’m so happy when she says thank you?’ Then this thought come to mind: God is happy when you ask of Him. This God-given thought (I believe) revolutionizes my theology in the matter of prayer.

Try to consider this Bible verses and count how many times God is asking us to “ask” for Him:
Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him” (Matthew 7:7-11NLT).
Can you count how many times God asking us to ‘ask’ of Him? My Bible summaries it this way: many times. This is amazing!

Just like I’m happy when my aunty asked for my help, it is much more will my Father be happy when I pray to Him. What can brings more joy to my Creator when His creation relies on Him, need of Him and trust of Him? I said to my students one day, ‘Why we pray? Why we praise God? Don’t you know that God will never cease to be God even if we didn’t pray to Him or lifted our hands in worship and praise Him? God need not us – we need God. God is not depending on us – we’re depending on Him. Therefore, we should pray and worship Him’.

God says ‘Ask’, therefore we joyfully pray to Him. God commands ‘Ask’, therefore we should obey Him – and He will “give good gifts to those who ask Him” according to His will. Pray, for this is your joyful duty to your Master. Give thanks, for He is worthy of our praise. And I tell you my friend, God is happy when you ask of Him. Pray.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Adakah Kita Diselamatkan melalui Iman atau melalui Iman dan Perbuatan Baik?

Artikel ini ditulis kerana seorang pelajar pernah bertanya kepada saya: Betulkah kita hanya diselamatkan melalui iman? Bagaimana dengan perbuatan baik? Sila jelaskan. Saya berharap ini dapat membantu kamu juga.

Hal itu demikian, kerana rahmat Allah, kamu diselamatkan oleh sebab kamu percaya kepada Yesus. Penyelamatan itu bukan hasil usaha kamu sendiri, melainkan kurnia Allah. Oleh itu kamu tidak mempunyai alasan untuk bercakap besar tentang hal itu” (Efesus 2:8-9, baca Efesus bab 2 untuk hubungan ayat yang lebih jelas).

Firman Tuhan atau Al-Kitab mengatakan bahawa kita HANYA boleh diselamatkan melalui iman percaya kita kepada Yesus Kristus. Tidak ada perbuatan baik yang boleh menyelamatkan kita. Perbuatan baik langsung tidak menyumbang sedikitpun dalam hal penyelamatan. Apabila Tuhan menggerakkan hati kita untuk meletakkan iman kita kepada Yesus Kristus, Tuhan akan memberikan kita penyelamatan (‘Salvation’) sebagai kurnia-Nya – pemberian-Nya. Kita tidak boleh berusaha atau bekerja untuk mendapatkan kurnia-Nya. Kita hanya mampu menerimanya. Jika kita memberi sesuatu sebagai balasan atas kebaikan yang dilakukan kepada kita, jadi apa yang kita terima itu tidaklah boleh dianggap sebagai kurnia, tetapi sebagai ganjaran (Berhenti. Berfikir sebentar). Oleh itu, Tuhan telah berFirman bahawa “penyelamatan itu bukan hasil usaha kamu sendiri, melainkan kurnia Allah”.

Tiada cara lain lagi, kita memerlukan iman percaya yang benar untuk menerima kurnia penyelamatan daripada Tuhan Allah (“Iman” ini juga kurnia daripada Tuhan. Oh, betapa besarnya kekuasaan Allah!). Kita yang mengaku bahawa kita telah diselamatkan oleh Tuhan oleh kasih kurnia-Nya SEHARUSNYA mempunyai iman percaya yang benar kepada Yesus. Tetapi bagaimana kamu atau sesiapa sahaja boleh tahu atau pasti yang iman yang kamu ada itu ialah iman percaya yang benar kepada Yesus Kristus? Cukupkah dengan berkata-kata sahaja? Tidak!

Rasul Yakabus menulis, “Dengan perbuatanku yang baik, aku akan menunjukkan bahawa aku beriman” (Yakobus 2:18). Beginilah caranya kita boleh mengenal pasti bahawa iman kita itu benar atau tidak – melalui perbuatan baik kita. Iman yang benar, hidup yang dipenuhi dengan pekerjaan Roh Kudus, akan meransang atau mendorong kita untuk berbuat baik.

Iman SAHAJA yang boleh menyelamatkan kamu, tetapi apabila kamu sudah diselamatkan oleh Tuhan Yesus, kamu akan “rajin berbuat baik” (Titus 2:14). Iman kamu akan menampakkan kasih melalui perbuatan kamu. Kenapa? Penjelasannya mudah sekali: “kepercayaan kepada [Yesus] Kristus... nyata dalam kasih kita kepada orang lain” (Galatia 5:6). Tuhan Allah itu kasih, dan apabila Roh Kasih Allah menyentuh hati kamu dan tinggal di dalam hidup kamu, Dia akan mendorong kita untuk melakukan perbuatan baik, perbuatan baik dengan kasih Allah.

Jadi soalan saya sekarang ialah; Adakah iman yang kamu ada sekarang ialah iman percaya yang benar? Adakah ia menghasilkan buah melalui pekerjaan baik? Jika ya, kamu memang umat pilihan Allah; jika tidak, berdoalah agar Tuhan Allah membuka hati kamu untuk menerima Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat kamu.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Stop to War on Gaza! Free Gaza!

We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace” (Jeane J. Kirkpatrick)

Pic taken from: http://akashma.
People oh people! Differentiate between Jews, Israel and Zionist: Jews is a race, Israel is a nation and Zionist is a Jewish movement. In my conviction, Jews is a race chosen by God of the Bible as His own people – therefore, I stand for them. Israel as a nation today had me in confusion: Is the Israel today the same as the ancient Israel in the Bible? I’m not sure – Therefore, I reluctant to stand for this nation (help me). On the other hand, Zionist is a Jewish movement that have their own selfish agendas. And to achieve that they use violent in the form of military to get what they wants – therefore, I fully disagree with what they are doing to Palestinians today! I stand up for Gaza, not because Gaza is innocent, but because Israel Zionist movement is using violent (which is obviously not authorized by God) to displayed their human pride and power. Stop war at Gaza! Free Gaza!

My advices for those who are concern about the War on Gaza (especially for Malaysians) are these:

1)    Do not blame ALL the Jews or says bad things about them just because a ‘movement’ or two within the nation of Israel are doing bad things. Write or say specifically, for example, “Zionist! We hate you!” is more appropriate and wise,

2)    Don’t just listen to Medias on national TVs (boldly to say, Malaysia’s Medias are obviously bias). Try to listen also to what other TV broadcasts around the world is saying – just to get a better picture of what’s happening,

3)    Not all Christians are violent and not all Muslims are terrorists – stop the attack against religious.

4)    If we fight back violent for violent, we’re not much different from the one who started it in the first place; be calm and prayerful, AND

5)    Let’s together join hand-in-hand with one another as fellow human being say: “STOP TO WAR ON GAZA! FREE GAZA!

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Pre-Christmas Message: Myrrh for a King (Part 3 of 3)

[Scholars from the East] entered the house and saw the child [Jesus] in the arms of Mary, his mother. Overcome, they kneeled and worshiped him. Then they opened their luggage and presented gifts: gold, frankincense, myrrh” (Matthew 2:12, The Message).

I found a set of gold earring (see Part 1). I found my clothes and it smells so good (see Part 2). And then I had a headache; partly because I inhale too much fabric refresher and partly because I stayed up late at night. So I took 2 tablets of Panadol for instant relief. I can’t stand the pain. It was like a miniature Metallica rock concert in my head. Oh, I was in pain and then no more...

The Scholars from the East entered the house, saw Baby Jesus, kneeled, worshipped Him, opened their luggage and presented gifts. One of it was “myrrh”. What is myrrh? Myrrh was (some info that I read from the Bible Dictionary) a gumlike substance with a bitter taste that was used in Jesus’ day as a medicine, and also for the purpose of embalming bodies after death. Jesus was offered “wine mixed with a drug called myrrh, but Jesus would not drink it” (Mark 15:23,TEV) because it would have deadened His senses somewhat to the pain He was suffering for us upon the cross. If Jesus didn’t took the pain on the cross fully (if He took painkillers such as Panadol, as I would suggest stupidly if I were there), it mean He didn’t really bore all our sins. But Jesus really took the fullness of suffering and all the pain on the cross to redeem us back to God. “It was our sins that did that to Him, that ripped and tore and crushed him – our sins! He took the punishment, and made us whole. Through His bruises we get healed” (Isaiah 53, The Message).

Therefore, myrrh speaks of His sacrificial death upon the cross for our sins. As gold speaks of His sovereignty (read part 1), demanding our God-size worship; and frankincense speaks of His divinity (read part 2), demanding our God’s smelling lifestyle; so myrrh speaks of His death, demanding our God-like sacrifice.

The celebration of Christmas then for Christ-believers is a called to live a sacrificial life as it was displayed by Christ on the cross. Questions: Do we sometimes want our own way? Do we often put ourselves first? Do we expect that everything should go just as we want it to? Or are we willing to sacrifice our desires for the desires of others? Finally, are we willing to sacrifice our time, our money, so that the gospel may be carried to others? Ask yourself...
Merry Christmas!
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Pre-Christmas Message: Frankincense for a King (Part 2 of 3)

[Scholars from the East] entered the house and saw the child [Jesus] in the arms of Mary, his mother. Overcome, they kneeled and worshiped him. Then they opened their luggage and presented gifts: gold, frankincense, myrrh” (Matthew 2:12, The Message).

Finally I found my formal clothes, but because my mom puts it in the closet for quite a long time – it smell like… hmmm… So I quickly sprayed some Febreze, that wonderful fabric refresher onto my clothes. Oh, it smells so good! My mom said, “Surely, you don’t need to use perfume. This ‘thing’ is enough”. Okay mom, I know.

There was no Febreze during New Testament time, but they have a natural perfume called frankincense. ‘Pearl tears of frankincense tumble gently from the fresh cut in a Boswellia tree. The resin hardens into jagged stones burned as incense, to produce a haunting, woody fragrance’, writes Stephen M. Miller author of The Jesus of the Bible. I imagined, it gave off a lovely sweet-smelling fragrance when the scholars from the East “opened their luggage and presented gifts: …frankincense…” (Or maybe not, it should be burned first).

Now, as gold speaks of Jesus’ sovereignty (read Part 1), so the frankincense speaks of His perfect, sinless life – His divinity.

The God-man Jesus lived a life of quiet obedience to His Father, always doing those things that would please God, always living a life of blessing to everyone (well, to those who believed His message of Truth). He healed the lame, the blind and the deaf. He healed the broken-hearted and raised the dead. His life was a sweet-smelling fragrance to God no matter where He goes. By men’s standard, He was not so impressive; but by God’s standard, He was perfect. His was a beautiful life.

The celebration of Christmas therefore, for Christ-believers is a called to live a sweet-smelling-fragrance life to God and letting others to smell the odour of God’s love in our life – but you see; that made possible only if you let Jesus’ perfect life lived in you – Have you ask the Holy Spirit to live in you? Ask now.

Merry Christmas!
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Pre-Christmas Message: Gold for a King (Part 1 of 3)

[Scholars from the East] entered the house and saw the child [Jesus] in the arms of Mary, his mother. Overcome, they kneeled and worshiped him. Then they opened their luggage and presented gifts: gold, frankincense, myrrh” (Matthew 2:12,The Message).

Yesterday before I went to church, I asked my mom where she kept my formal clothes. She puts it in the closet, obviously. As I searched through, I found a set of earring – a wonderful set of gold earring (I was like Gollum when I found it, “My precious...”). She said it was a gift from my uncle. It has a sentimental value attach to it. It symbolizes their brother-sister relationship.

The Bible is filled with beautiful symbols – pictures telling of the truths God wants us to know. Gold is a symbol of deity, of kingliness, and of sovereignty. When we think of gold we think of crowns, necklaces, rings and other beautiful things relating to a king. When we see gold, we’re reminded of our new relationship with God through Jesus Christ: King-Worshipper relationship.
Do you remember reading the Gospels when Jesus was about to be crucified, and the enemies prepared a sign to be placed over His head on the cross? They wrote these words, “THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS” (Matthew 27:37). At His birth He was hailed as a king, and at His death they wrote of Him as the king.

Question: Did Jesus reign upon the earthy throne? Yes and not yet. For sure one day Jesus will come back to this earth to reign on the earthly throne in new heavens and new earth. And all men on earth, even those long ago dead “will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ, and call out in praise that he is the Master of all, to the glorious honor of God the Father”(Philippians 2:10-11).

Another question: What did the scholars from the East bring to Jesus? They brought Him their worship (“they kneeled and worshiped him”). Therefore, gold reminds us of worship (“they opened their luggage and presented gifts: gold...”). In heaven, all of God’s creations sing worship to Jesus the Son of God, “The slain Lamb is worthy! Take the power, the wealth, the wisdom, the strength! Take the honor, the glory, the blessing!” (Revelation 5:12). Surely our King is worthy of our worship, isn’t He?

Someone told me that worship is the giving over of ourselves to the One worshipped. Friend, that exactly what Jesus wants us to do – to give our lives to Him, to worship Him. The celebration of Christmas therefore, for Christ-believers, is an opportunity to celebrate and worship Jesus our King together all around the world– but you see; it must first start with you individually – Is Jesus your King? Do you truly worship Him?

Merry Christmas!
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bagaimana untuk Mendengar Suara Tuhan?

Berhenti, dan ketahuilah bahawa Aku ialah Allah
(Mazmur 46:10, terjermahan dari ESV)

Saya bukanlah seorang pendengar yang baik (masih belajar lagi), tapi saya sering memerhatikan setiap perkara-perkara kecil yang seseorang itu lakukan apabila berbicara dengan saya. Menjadi pendengar yang baik, saya diajar, memerlukan lebih daripada mendengar bunyi suara seseorang itu. Kita mesti memerhati, melihat gerak-geri badan, nada suara, dan perkataan-perkataan yang digunakan seseorang itu untuk memahami apa yang mereka cuba untuk sampaikan kepada kita. Semua ini adalah lebih kurang sama dengan bagaimana kita mendengar suara Tuhan (tapi lebih lagi).

Pertama sekali, datang kepada Tuhan Allah untuk berdoa kepada-Nya dan bersabar menantikan jawapan-Nya (Mazmur 5:3-4). Tuhan akan lebih mendekatkan diri-Nya kepada kita (Ingat: Tuhan yang datang dulu kepada kita) apabila kita taat dan sentiasa bersedia untuk mendengar-Nya ketika Dia ingin berbicara kepada kita. Carilah masa untuk kamu ‘berhenti’ daripada melakukan apa-apa, tenang, dan mendengar suara-Nya. Seperti kita sukar untuk mendengar perbualan apabila kita berada ditengah-tengah kesibukkan dengan banyak bunyi lain yang mengganggu kita, begitu juga kesukarannya untuk mendengar suara Tuhan jika kita tidak mengasingkan diri kita daripada kesibukan aktiviti-aktiviti harian.

Tuhan Allah itu besar, jadi kita mungkin menyangka bahawa Dia akan berbicara kepada kita seperti suara guruh dengan cahaya kilat atau dengan gegaran gempa bumi atau dengan cahaya api (ya, Tuhan boleh berbuat begitu!). Namun begitu, selalunya, Tuhan sering berbicara dengan “suara yang lembut bagaikan bisikan” (1 Raja-raja 19:12). Berhenti, dengarlah suara Tuhan berbicara kepada kamu secara peribadi di dalam kesenyapan hati kamu. Perhatikan setiap perkara yang berlaku di dalam kehidupan kamu dimana Tuhan ingin berkomunikasi kepada kamu. Lebih kerap kamu mendengar suara Tuhan berbicara, lebih intim hubungan kamu dengan-Nya. Jadilah pendengar yang baik; inilah kehendak Tuhan bagi setiap umat-Nya.

THINK BIG Tetapi... Bagaimana kamu dapat mengetahui adakah suara yang kamu dengar datangnya daripada Tuhan Allah? Perhatikan bahawa apa yang dibisikkan itu adalah berasaskan Firman-Nya dan tidak bercanggah dengan kebenaran Al-Kitab. START SMALL Bagaimana? Dengan “berhenti” seketika, bebas daripada gangguan kesibukkan dunia, dan “ketahuilah bahawa [Tuhan] itu Allah” dengan membaca dan mempelajari Firman-Nya, dan berdoa supaya Roh Allah membuka hati kamu kepada-NyaGO DEEP Bercakap tentang umat-umat Pilihan-Nya, Tuhan Yesus berkata, “Domba-domba-Ku mendengarkan suara-Ku. Aku mengenal mereka dan mereka mengikut Aku” (Yohanes 10:27).
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Friday, November 16, 2012

My Straightforward Counsel to Young Christian Boys and Girls (especially): Don’t Date Non-Believers

I know a girl who had grown up in a Christian family and attended church activities faithfully. She wasn’t that pretty, to be honest, but she had a tremendous singing talent and an inner love for Christ – that what make her attractive. She was everyone favourite’s girl. Everybody loved her, but she longed for a romantic relationship with a boy. Well, she told everyone on her Facebook post. Not long after that, my friends told me that they began noticing that she always absent from many of the church activities. When she did come, they said, she was not the same joyful girl as she was. Her dress and outward appearance slowly began to change too. 

One day my girl friends told me that she had been to a social club every Friday night around town area with someone. When I talked to her about it, she admitted that she been dating a non-Christian boy. ‘He is the only one who really understands me’, she said. ‘He would take me out and treat me well. I love him, Richard...’. Obviously, my advice was no match with her undying love for this boy. My friends had tried to reason with her about her love-interests with non-Christian boy, but she hardened her heart like Pharaoh'.

Few months later, came to our surprise, she announced that she was marrying the non-Christian boy and converted to other religion. She said that God would understand her action and asked us not to judge her. ‘I love him, stop lecture me!’ she ended our friendship.

About 1 year later, I heard that the girl went through some hard times and emotional pain. She was not happy. One day, the boy finally walked out of her life for good; divorced her for someone else. Since then, I lost contact with her. As far as I know, she has never come back to the Lord. I hope that the ‘rumours’ is not true.

 ‘What happened to her?’ I often asked the Lord and myself this question. I think that she wanted a boy so badly that she was willing to pay any price to have her fleshly desire fulfilled. It began slowly by turning away from God’s people to hang out with godless people. This is common scenario that is happening to many young college Christians students in Malaysia.

As a brother (I’m old enough I guess) and as a fellow Christian, I want to advise you: it is very important that the people you choose to date are Christians. You may know someone you would really like to date who is a non-Christian, but don’t! Remember this (I learned from my senior), one of the purposes for dating is to get to know someone in a way that can lead to engagement and soon marriage. Many people I knew personally had gone ahead and dated a non-Christian saying thoughtlessly, ‘Richard, we’re not going to get married! Relax la bro; I won’t be converted to (fill the blank).We’re just dating, no big deal’. In the end, in most cases, it leads to tragedy and curse. I want to warn you earlier. More importantly, God wants to spare you.

Friend, your fellowship with Jesus is disrupted when you violate God’s command and date a non-Christian. Dating a non-Christian is sin (but friendship with non-Christian is not a problem. In fact, it's trully loving). ‘How dare you say something like that Richard?!’ you may respond. I tell you; I’m afraid actually, but I dare to tell the truth. God makes that clear throughout the Bible. For example, ‘Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? …how can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever?’ (2 Corinthians 6:14-15NLT; see also Deuteronomy 7:1-4).

Dating, my friend, should provide a mutual sharing on the deepest spiritual level. This is where intimacy really takes place. (I learned from my older mentor. Thank you taiko!) Rick Wilkerson wonderfully writes,
"The fulfilment in friendship – or a dating relationship – comes as two people come together in Christ to share laughter, tears, caring, and sharing based around their mutual relationship with Jesus. Only there will you find a sense of belonging and the companionship you need. Your relationship with God must come first. When it is right, the Lord can lead you into wonderful, exciting, fulfilling friendships and dating. God truly does want the very best for you".

Good summary, don't you think?
God want the very best for you.
Don't date a non-Christian.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Apabila Bencana Berlaku...

Allah mengajar manusia melalui penderitaan
dan menginsafkan mereka melalui kesusahan
’ (Ayub 36:15)

Atas sebab hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu, Dia mengizinkan bencana berlaku, bukan sahaja kepada orang yang mentaati-Nya tetapi juga kepada orang yang tidak mentaati-Nya. Kepada orang yang baik dan yang jahat. Tuhan Allah mungkin mengizinkan sesuatu bencana buruk berlaku di dalam kehidupan kamu supaya Dia dapat ‘mengajar... dan menginsafkan’ kamu melalui pengalaman itu. Dia mahu supaya kamu mengalihkan pandangan kamu kepada-Nya –sumber keselamatan kita.

Kadang-kadang bencana berlaku kepada kita disebabkan oleh dosa. Ia mungkin disebabkan oleh dosa kita sendiri atau disebabkan oleh dosa orang lain yang tidak mentaati Tuhan. Kadang-kadang ia juga disebabkan oleh perbuatan kita manusia sendiri, seperti peperangan, dan kadang-kadang ia berlaku disebabkan oleh kejadian alam dalam bentuk banjir kilat, kebakaran, kemarau atau ribut petir (saya tiba-tiba teringat tentang kejadian ribut teruk yang berlaku di Miri, Sarawak baru-baru ini).

Walau apa pun yang berlaku kepada kita, iman yang benar percaya bahawa Tuhan Yesus tetap mengasihi kita dan Dia mempunyai rencana-Nya yang baik bagi kita. Roma 8:28 mengatakan bahawa: ‘Kita tahu bahawa Allah mengendalikan segala hal sehingga menghasilkan yang baik bagi orang yang mengasihi Dia dan sudah dipanggil-Nya sesuai dengan rancangan-Nya’. Ini Dia lakukan bagi orang yang mengasihi dan percaya kepada Yesus Kristus Tuhan Allah dan Juruselamat manusia.

Kata-kata akhir...
Saya tahu... saya mungkin memahami... bahawa bencana yang berlaku kepada kamu pada masa ini ialah yang paling mencabar, teramat sedih dan sungguh dahsyat berbanding dengan orang lain (apabila kita ditimpa masalah kita sering berpendapat bahawa masalah kitalah yang paling teruk). Kamu juga mungkin berfikir bahawa semua yang saya kongsikan di artikel ini pernah kamu dengar sebelum ini (malah kamu mungkin juga tahu lebih lagi daripada saya). Pun begitu, izinkan saya berkongsi kebenaran kepada kamu untuk kali yang terakhir di artikel ini: kawan, ingat – hadirat Tuhan akan sentiasa disamping kita, tiada suatu pun yang dapat menggoncangkan kita (baca Mazmur 16:8). Oleh itu, hiduplah dengan tabah dan penuh dengan pengharapan. Tuhan Yesus ada bersama kamu.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lazy Richard, Wise Solomon, Hardworking Ant and God's Word

You lazy fool, look at an ant.
Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two

(Proverbs 6:6 The Message)

Today as I looked up at the blue-wanna-turn-to-dark sky, I saw an eagle.  The eagle looked strong and majesty. But then went I looked down, I saw an ant. There was this little ant that crawls busily about beneath my feet. It wanted to say something to me. I bend down and asked the little ant, “What is it, little thing?” Mr. Ant says… nothing.

After I went back home – a thought comes to mind: Yes! There are some wonderful lessons the ant want to teach me. I looked through the Bible and found out that the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon, said something about this little insect, “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!” (Proverbs 6:6NLT) or in case you might don’t get it, The Message made it simple and straightforward: “You lazy fool, look at an ant. Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two”.

If we want to be wise, God says we must “look at an ant”. Look at God’s lowly little creation. God made them all, and He tells us to “watch it closely”. Maurice Meaterlinck writes, “Today it is accepted as proven that the ant is incontestably one of the noblest, most outrageous, most charitable, most devoted, most generous creatures on earth.

What lessons did I learned from the ant?
1.      The ant looks ahead and prepares for the future (remember reading Belalang dan Semut children story?)
2.      The ant is always busy.
3.      The ant uses what God provides.
4.      The ant carries burdens many times his own weight (check your Science textbook),
5.      The ant is unselfish (Did you know that “some ants carry on their bodies a little sac they keep filled with honey-like substance which they generously share with the other ants”. I get this from National Geography website).
6.      The ants all work together to build their nests and gather their food.
7.      The ant is cared by God.

Aren’t you glad that God made the animals such as an ant to teach us lessons about life? When I remember back about the little ant that crawls busily about beneath my feet – I remember God’s Word: “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!” I thank God for His reminder (“Richard, be wise”) and grateful for His loving-rebuke (‘Richard, don’t be lazy!) – As you finished reading this may you get the same ‘treatment’ as I do. Amen.

Also read: The Ant Philosophy [CLICK HERE TO READ]
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