“It was the book and particularly the character of Daniel that strengthen my faith in Christ when I worked as assistance manager in the entertainment industry for almost 2 years ago (Before I joined the full-time ministry). By God’s Word encouragements, I get to witness for Christ in my workplace (with my ups and downs of course). I hope that this book can encourage you to read and practice the Book of Daniel in your life.” (RA)
today often feel without a voice: a minority in an indifferent world. Should we
withdraw? Get stuck in, despite blurred boundaries? Like the Israelites in
Babylon, for many of us this is a time of temptation and defeat.
Ajith Fernando’s
Spiritual Living in a Secular World engaging
book uses the experience of the young Israelite, Daniel. Daniel and his
companions were the elite: young men of outstanding ability. God put them in a
position where their names – their very identity – were changed to fit
Babylonian culture. They learned pagan languages and became steeped in
Babylonian society.
Yet they did
not compromise. They avoided the opposite traps of isolation and accommodation,
preferring instead the option of obedient involvement. By their radical
obedience they proclaimed that the Kingdom of God is alive and well – and so
can we.
This month
of March 2014, I would like to offer you 3
BOOKS (ONLY) entitled Spiritual Living in
a Secular World by Ajith Fernando.
You are
welcome to get a copy of this book for yourself by simply do these 2 things:
comment below “Rich, give me one copy (Your name). I hope that through this book I can… [Not less than 10
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purposes only] Thank you.