Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Book is the Mind of God

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NLT).

The Book is the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christian’s character.

Paradise is restored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject, our good its design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. Follow its precepts and it will lead you to Calvary, to the empty tomb, to a resurrected life in Christ; yes, to glory itself, for eternity.

This is what the Word of God – the Bible – contains. “In regard to this great book,” Abraham Lincoln said, “I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to men. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.”

Question: If this is so, if you agree with all of the above,
Would you spend some or more time
in reading and listening to the Word of God every day?
Blessed are you if you do so.
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How Christianity Differed in Its Moral Rules from the Traditions

the Batak tribe children.
picture taken from:
When pioneer missionary Ludwig Nommensen began his work among the Batak tribes of Southeast Asia, a village chief gave him two years to learn the customs and to convince them that he had a message worth hearing. At the end of that time he was asked how Christianity differed in its moral rules from the traditions of the Batak.

We know what is right,” said the tribal leader, “for we too have laws that say we must not steal, or take our neighbor’s wives, or tell lies.”
That’s true,” the missionary answered, “but my Master supplies the power needed to keep these laws,
The chief startled. “Can you really teach my people to live better?” he inquired.
No, I can’t, but if they receive Jesus Christ, God will give them the strength to do what’s right.”

Being permitted to remain another six months, Nommensen preached the gospel and taught the villagers how the Holy Spirit works in the believer’s life. At the end of that time the chief said, “You may stay longer. Your religion is better than ours, for your God walks with men and gives them strength to do the good things He requires.

This is true! The Holy Spirit works in the believer’s life. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, empowers obedience for us to live right and to do what’s right according to His eternal Word. This is what God means when He said that: "I will put My Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations" (Ezekiel 36:27, NLT).  Through His Spirit in us, God walks with us and gives us strength to do the good things He requires – mainly – His holy commandments. This unique abiding-Spirit-in-us is what makes Christianity differ in its moral rules from all the traditions of the world.

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Taufan Haiyan dan Cadangan yang Boleh Diambil oleh Persatuan Pelajar Kristian

Banyak perkara yang memerlukan perhatian berlaku disekeliling kita. Persoalannya bukanlah apa yang berlaku (kebanyakkan kita tahu apa yang berlaku di dunia ini melalui TV, radio, internet dan sebagainya) tetapi apakah respon dan tindakkan kita sebagai orang Kristian terhadap apa yang berlaku.

Fakta Penting tentang Taufan Haiyan
Baru-baru ini kita dikejutkan dengan berita tentang ribut Taufan Haiyan (juga dikenali sebagai ‘Taufan Yolanda’) di Filipina pada awal bulan november 2013 yang sangat dahsyat dalam sejarah Filipina. Kelajuan angin dikatakan bertiup 235 batu sejam. Kekuatan taufan dikategorikan sebagai yang tertinggi; kategori 5. Menurut Ketua Polis Wilayah Leyte, Elmer Soria berkata:
Kami sudah mengadakan mesyuarat malam tadi dengan gabenor dan berdasarkan anggaran kerajaan, pada mulanya terdapat 10,000 mangsa terbunuh. Kira-kira 70 hingga 80 peratus rumah dan struktur bangunan di sepanjang jalan musnah akibat taufan.

Seramai lebih kurang 12.9 juta orang menjadi mangsa kesan taufan ini (13% daripada penduduk Filipina). 1.9 juta dianggarkan hilang tempat tinggal; 2.5 juta memerlukan makanan secukupnya; hampir 600 ribu orang lagi yang masih tinggal di luar pusat pemindahan sementara. Lebih daripada 280 ribu rumah telah musnah dan rosak teruk. Semua ini mengakibatkan ramai penduduk Filipina kekurangan bekalan air yang bersih, tiada tempat tinggal, memerlukan rawatan dan pencegahan daripada penyakit berjangkit, makanan tidak cukup, kebersihan diri terjejas, kekurangan bekalan keperluan seharian, dan sebagainya.

Fikirkan tentang anak-anak kecil, keluarga yang miskin, mangsa yang kehilangan sanak saudara; Apakah tindakkan kita sebagai orang Kristian terhadap bencana ini? Janganlah kita bersikap tidak sensitif terhadap orang lain dengan mengatakan bahawa taufan ini ialah penghakiman dari TUHAN. Jangan menghakimi orang atau negara lain – biarlah TUHAN sendiri yang melakukan penghakiman itu. Janganlah kita berfikiran tidak ambil tahu, pedulilah tentang orang lain – Bagaimana kalau perkara ini menimpa diri kamu? Janganlah bertindak bodoh di hadapan TUHAN dengan tidak menjadi pelaku Firman-Nya – Bukankah kita mengenal TUHAN Allah yang hidup?

Cadangan Tindakkan PPK (atau CF) terhadap Bencana Ini
Sebagai seorang pekerja sepenuh masa melayani pelajar-pelajar Kristian di kolej dan universiti, saya berpendapat bahawa Persatuan Pelajar Kristian (PPK atau CF, Christian Fellowship) mempunyai potensi yang besar untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berbeza daripada aktiviti-aktiviti kebiasaan (tidak bosankah kamu selalu mengadakan konsert rohani, buat album, sukaneka, makan-makan, malam puji syukur? Kadang-kadang buatlah sesuatu yang boleh dikongsikan dengan orang yang belum mengenal TUHAN).

Dengan memberi pertolongan kepada mangsa Taufan Haiyan, PPK bukan sahaja dapat memberi impak yang positive kepada pelajar Kristian yang lain, malah ia juga memberi mesej bahawa kita tidak syok sendiri tetapi peduli akan keperluan orang lain. Apabila pelajar bukan Kristian “melihat perbuatanmu yang baik” mereka akan “memuliakan Bapamu yang di syurga” (Matius 5:16). PPK seharusnya menjadi “garam” dan “terang” di kolej dan universiti tempat mereka belajar!

Disini ada beberapa cadangan yang mungkin boleh dilakukan di dalam aktiviti PPK kamu:

1) Mengutip Pemberian untuk Tabung Taufan Haiyan
Pemberian wang ringgit adalah lebih efektif berbanding dengan pemberian yang lain. Wang lebih mudah untuk dipindahkan berbanding dengan pakaian atau kasut. Wang boleh digunakan untuk membeli keperluan mereka berdasarkan keadaan. Kemudian, salurkan tabung itu ke organisasi-organisasi atau pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang boleh dipercayai seperti:
§  Malaysian Red Crescent (atau Philippine Red Cross)
§  Word Food Program (WFP)
§  Tabung Bencana Taufan Haiyan Media Prima (NSTP)
§  atau melalui FES Malaysia (disalurkan terus kepada (IVCF) Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Philippines) Hubungi saya jika ingin mengetahui secara lanjut.

2) Berdoa untuk Mangsa Taufan
Gunakan masa pelayanan dan persekutuan doa untuk berdoa bersama bagi negara Filipina khususnya dan mangsa ribut taufan khasnya. Berdoa juga untuk rakan pelajar dari Filipina dan serta keluarga mereka. Lantik seorang untuk menulis perkara doa setiap minggu (mungkin berterusan dalam 2-3 minggu).

3) Memberi Kesedaran tentang Keadaan di Filipina
Menayangkan video atau gambar-gambar yang diambil selepas kejadian. Adalah lebih baik jika PPK dapat mencari video testimoni dari mangsa-mangsa bencana dan/atau menyuruh rakan pelajar yang terbeban dengan kejadian itu untuk bersaksi kepada semua orang untuk memberi cabaran dan galakkan kepada yang lain.

4) Melakukan Kerja Amal dengan Menjual Barang-Barang untuk Menggalakkan Pelajar-pelajar di luar PPK Terlibat Sama dalam Kempen Ini
Jual baju, kuih-muih, cenderahati, buku-buku dan sebagainya sekali seminggu atau semasa pelayanan. Jika ada karnival atau hari sukan atau semasa majlis graduasi atau hari fakulti dan persatuan – gunakan peluang ini sebaiknya!

5) Mengadakan Konsert Rohani Khusus untuk Berdoa dan Mengingati Mangsa Taufan
Jika PPK masih juga mahu mengadakan konsert rohani (atau KKR), apakata kali ini PPK melakukan sesuatu yang berbeza daripada kebiasaan seperti mencipta lagu untuk mangsa-mangsa taufan, melakukan sketsa, membaca Alkitab yang berkaitan dengan janji TUHAN kepada orang yang dalam kesusuhan, menyanyi sambil berdoa bersama-sama, dan sebagainya.

Lakukan semuanya untuk kemuliaan Bapa yang disyurga!
TUHAN Bapa, Anak dan Roh Kudus menyertai PPK kamu semua. Amen.
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Every Christian a Missionary

Jesus came and told his disciples,I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age’” (Matthew 28:18-20, NLT)

If God wills the evangelization of the world, and you refuse to support missions, then you are opposed to the will of God” (Oswald J. Smith)

You must go or send a substitute” (Oswald J. Smith)

Suppose a child should fall into a well, who would get the reward for the child’s rescue, the one who held the rope and lowered the other to the bottom, or both? God says they will share alike. The one who stands at the top and makes it possible for the other to go down into the well in order that the child might be rescued is just as much entitled to the reward as the one who goes down. You may not be able to go down; you may never see the foreign field, but you can hold the rope. You can make it possible for someone else to go. You can send a substitute; and if you do, if you give your money, your reward will be just as great as the reward of those who actually go.

Everyone must be in the bucket brigade. You may not be the one who throws the water on the fire at the end of the line; you may be somewhere in the center passing the bucket. Or you may be dipping up the water. The question is, are you in the line? Do you belong to the bucket brigade? Are you doing something? Or are you merely a spectator? Our motto must be: “Every Christian a Missionary”!

God had an only Son and He made Him a missionary” (David Livingstone)
How about you? Will you go or send someone as your substitute?
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Is Jesus alive today?

Is Jesus alive today? You might think it’s a foolish question. After all, Jesus was born more than two-thousand years ago and His death remains the most publicized, violent, and infamous execution in history. Jesus was an extraordinary man, but even the best of men do not return from the dead; however, for two millennia now many people have said Jesus did just that.

Today more than two billion people worship Him as the living God. Some are scientists or teachers; other shines shoes or works the night shift. Some are rich; others are poor. Some reflected deeply on challenges to Christianity before casting their lot with Jesus; other believed without investigating. With one voice this diverse throng testifies that Jesus is alive today. Is this a credible belief? What does the evidence say, and why should it matter to you?

This book provides brief but solid answers to questions about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It also includes an essay from Lee Strobel, best-selling author of The Case of Christ. Strobel recounts how his investigation of the evidence caused him to shift from atheism to belief in Christ.

Also included is the text of the Gospel of John with study notes from The Apologetics Study Bible, a study aid designed to answer objections to Christianity. Is Jesus alive today? Begin you quest for answer inside.
[From paperback notes on Is Jesus Alive Today? Copyright (a) 2008 by Holman Bible Publishers. Nashville, Tenessee. Alright reserved]

This month of November 2013, I would like to offer my readers (ONLY) 3 BOOKS entitled “Is Jesus Alive Today? The Evidence and Why It Matters to You
You are welcome to get a copy of this book for yourself by simply do these 2 things:

1)    First, comment below “Rich, give me one copy (Your name). I hope that through this book I can… [Not less than 10 words]”

2)    Then, E-mail me at or send message to my Facebook account your real name, phone no. and your postal address. Thank you.
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Intentional Worship

You are worthy, O LORD our God, to receive glory and honor and power.
For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased
(Revelation 4:11, NLT)

Karen Burton Mains wrote these well-phrased admonitions about worship in the preface of the hymnbook, Sing Joyfully:

“Worship has been defined as being preoccupied with God. How do we learn to become preoccupied with God? By cultivating intentionally. By deliberately turning our minds toward divine preoccupation. By developing worship habits and working on them. Intentional worship means a worshipper is not going to church expecting that worship will just happen; but intentionality means that a worshipper is going to church determined to make worship happen…

“A church bulletin aptly (said): ‘Too many Christians worship their work, work at their play, and play at their worship.’ We must learn to work at our worship so that preoccupation with God becomes delightfully habitual.

“The biblical ethic regards worship as work. Av’dh in Hebrew, dienst in German, leitourgia in Greek, service in English all have the double meaning of worship and work. In fact, liturgy means ‘common work.’

“We must remind ourselves, over and over, that the focus of Sunday worship must be upon the living Christ among us. In truth, if Christ were bodily present and we could see him with more than our soul’s eyes; all our worship would become intentional. If Christ stood on our platforms, we would bend our knees without asking. If He stretched out His hands and we saw the wounds, our hearts would break; we would confess our sins and weep over our shortcomings. If we could hear His voice leading the hymns, we too would sing heartily; the words would take on meaning. The Bible reading would be lively; meaning would pierce to the marrow of our souls. If Christ walked our aisles, we would hasten to make amends with that brother or sister to whom we had not spoken. We would volunteer for service; the choir loft would be crowded. If we knew Christ would attend our church Sunday after Sunday, the front pews would fill fastest, believers would arrive early, offering plates would be laden with sacrificial but gladsome gifts, and prayers would concentrate our attention.

“Yet… Christ is present.”

You are worthy, O LORD our God, to receive glory and honor and power.
For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased

1) Karen Burton Mains, Sing Joyfully (Carol Stream, IL: Tabernacle Publishing Co., 1989), Pg. 3-6.
2) Robert J. Morgan, Preacher’s Sourcebook of Creative Sermon Illustrations (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2007), pg 814-815
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Monday, November 11, 2013

Evangelism: The Smallest Seeds becomes the Largest Tree

We do not have a secret to be hidden but a story to be heralded
(Vance Havner)

In his book What in the World is God Doing? Dr. Ted Engstrom relates a story told to him by a veteran Korean Christian. In the early 1880s three Korean workmen, laboring in China, heard the Gospel and embraced the Lord Jesus. The three soon conspired about getting the message of Christ into their own country, an action forbidden by the government. Since the Korean and Chinese alphabets were similar, they decided to smuggle in a copy of the Chinese Bible. They drew straws to see who would have the privilege of bringing the Gospel into Korea.

Chinese Bible
The first man buried the Bible in his belongings and headed toward the border, a journey of many days by footpath. There he was searched, found out, and killed. Word reached the others that their friend was dead.

The second man tore pages from the Bible and hid the separate pages throughout his luggage. He, too, made the long trip to the border only to be searched and beheaded.

The third man grew more determined than ever to succeed. He ingeniously tore his Bible apart page by page, folding each page into a tiny strip. He wove the strips into a rope and wrapped his baggage in his homemade rope. When he came to the border, the guards asked him to unwrap his belongings. Finding nothing amiss, they admitted him.

The man arrived home, untied the rope, and ironed out each page. He reassembled his Bible and began to preach Christ wherever he went. And when the missionaries of the 1880s fanned into the country, they found the seed already sown and the firstfruits appearing*.

This story reminds me of what Jesus said in the Gospel: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches” (Matthew 13:31-32, NLT).
§  Ted W. Engstrom, What in the World is God Doing? (Waco, TX: Word Books, 1978), Page 161.
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Refleksi tentang Kasih Kurnia TUHAN kepada Penduduk Niniwe & Respon Nabi Yunus kepada-Nya

Walaupun Kitab Yunus dalam Perjanjian Lama sangat kecil, ia mengandungi cerita tentang kebesaran TUHAN yang maha penyayang dan berbelas kasihan. TUHAN menyuruh nabi Yunus untuk mengkhabarkan berita tentang-Nya ke Kota Niniwe, ibu kota Kerajaan Asyur (musuh orang Israel). TUHAN berfirman kepadanya,
Pergilah ke Niniwe, kota besar itu, dan kecamlah penduduknya. Aku tahu bahawa penduduknya sangat jahat” (Yunus 1:2, BM).

Mungkin kerana Yunus sangat membenci musuhnya atau mungkin juga dia tahu bahawa TUHAN itu suka mengampuni orang yang berdosa, dia “pergi ke arah lain untuk menjauhi TUHAN” (1:3). Namun begitu, TUHAN tidak mengambil nyawanya dan menamatkan misinya. TUHAN menggunakan dia untuk bersaksi tentang kebesaran-Nya kepada para anak kapal (baca 1:3-16) walaupun pada masa itu Yunus memberontak dan berdosa. Akhirnya, Yunus terpaksa akur dan menyelesaikan misinya untuk mengkhabarkan firman TUHAN kepada penduduk kota Niniwe (baca bab 2-3).

Ini respon penduduk Niniwe apabila mendengar perkhabaran TUHAN melalui Yunus:
[Mereka] percaya kepada perkhabaran Allah itu. Segenap rakyat mengambil keputusan untuk berpuasa, dan semua orang, baik yang kaya mahupun yang miskin, memakai kain guni untuk menunjukkan bahawa mereka menyesali dosa mereka” (Yunus 3:5).

Ini pula respon TUHAN apabila Dia melihat perbuatan mereka:
Dia nampak bahawa mereka tidak lagi berbuat jahat. Oleh itu Dia mengubah fikiran-Nya dan tidak melaksanakan hukuman yang dirancangkan-Nya terhadap mereka” (Yunus 3:10).

Walaupun penduduk Niniwe buat masa itu telah terlepas dari murka TUHAN, Yunus pula sedikit sebanyak mengalami murka-Nya – angin kencang melanda kapal yang dinaikinya, dia ditelan oleh seekor ikan besar dan angin panas bertiup ke arahnya. Hal ini tidak mengubah hatinya, malah dia marah kepada TUHAN kerana telah menunjukkan belas kasihan kepada musuhnya. Yunus seakan-akan lebih keras hatinya berbanding dengan penduduk Niniwe. Mungkin semua ini terjadi kepada Yunus untuk menunjukkan kepadanya (dan kepada kita yang membaca Alkitab ini) bahawa: Dalam kita berbuat dosa, TUHAN ingin menunjukkan kasih dan belas kasihan-Nya kepada kita. Dia sedia mengampuni sekiranya kita memberi respon kepada Firman-Nya dan menyelamatkan kita sekiranya kita menyesal atas perbuatan dosa kita. Melalui Yunus, TUHAN telah menunjukkan bahawa Dia sanggup memberi peluang kedua – malah ketiga – untuk kita kembali kepada-Nya.

Dari segi pandangan manusia, hanya segelintir orang sahaja yang boleh menerima pengampunan dan penyelamatan dari TUHAN. Manusia beranggapan bahawa ‘Niniwe’ dan ‘Yunus’ masa kini tidak layak untuk mendapat kasih dan belas kasihan daripada TUHAN. Namun begitu, bagi TUHAN, semua itu tidak benar. Dia ialah “Allah yang penyayang dan pengasih, panjang sabar, lemah lembut, dan selalu bersedia untuk mengubah fikiran sehingga tidak menjatuhkan hukuman” (Yunus 4:2). Semua orang mempunyai peluang untuk menerima kasih kurnia-Nya jika mereka memberi respon kepada-Nya dan bertaubat dari dosa mereka.

Dalam kebanyakkan kitab di Perjanjian Lama, TUHAN seringkali menunjukkan kasih dan belas kasihan-Nya kepada umat-Nya, orang Israel. Tetapi melalui Kitab Yunus, khususnya, TUHAN juga menunjukkan bahawa Dia bukan sahaja TUHAN Allah Israel tetapi Dia ialah TUHAN Allah seluruh semesta. Oleh itu, adakah TUHAN sedia mengampuni saya? Kamu? Mereka? Malaysia? Ya! Dia sedia mengampuni kita semua! Amen.

Sekarang TUHAN telah menyediakan jalan bagi kita, musuh-Nya (oleh sebab dosa kita) untuk mempunyai hubungan dengan Dia semula melalui Yesus Kristus. “Semua nabi [termasuk nabi Yunus] berkata-kata tentang Dia. Mereka berkata bahawa setiap orang yang percaya kepada Yesus, dosanya akan diampunkan dengan kekuasaan nama-Nya” (Kisah Rasul-Rasul 10:43, BM). Apakah respon kamu?
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What You Cannot Buy but You Have it Now, Don't Waste It

Take time to work – it is the price of success
Take time to rest – it is the antidote for failure
Take time to think – it is the source of power
Take time to play – it is the secret of youth
Take time to read – it is the foundation of knowledge
Take time to worship – it is the highway of reverence
Take time to help and enjoy friends – it is the source of happiness
Take time to love – it is the one sacrament of life
Take time to dream – it hitches the soul to stars
Take time to laugh – it is the music of the soul
Take time to care – it is the act of justice and mercy
Take time to remember – it will cultivates your gratitude
Take time to pray – it helps bring Christ near to your heart
Take time to THINK BIG – it is the way to gain wisdom
Take time to START SMALL – it is the step of obedience
Take time to GO DEEP – it is the way to spiritual growth
Take time for Everything – Don’t waste God-given time!

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Fuge, Terche, Et Quisset

Pic taken from:
The desert fathers of centuries ago,” Henri Nouwen tells us, “understood the importance of a silent environment for the cultivation of the spirit when they called out to one another, Fuge, terche, et quisset – silence, solitude, and inner peace.”

Few of us can fully appreciate the terrible conspiracy of noise there is about us, noise that denies us the silence and solitude we need for the cultivation of the inner garden. It would not be hard to believe that the archenemy of God has conspired to surround us at every conceivable point in our lives with the interfering noises of civilization that, when left unmuffled, usually drown out the voice of God. He who walks with God will tell you plainly, God does not ordinarily shout to make Himself heard. As Elijah discovered, God tends to whisper in the garden.

Recently I read a missionary center in Latin America where workmen were constructing a sound studio for a radio station. They were taking careful measures to soundproof the rooms so that no noise from the city streets could mar the broadcasts and recordings that would emanate from that place. We must learn to soundproof the heart against the intruding noises of the public world in order to hear what God has to say. I love the words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “We need to find God and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how natures – trees, flowers, grass – grow in silence; see how the stars; the moon and sun, how they move in silence…


1.       Gordon MacDonald, Ordering Your Private World (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1985), Pg. 126
2.       Robert J. Morgan, Preacher’s Sourcebook of Creative Sermon Illustrations (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007) Pg. 708-709
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Saturday, November 2, 2013

What I Remembered (and Learned) While Waiting for KTM Komuter Train

Be still and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10, NIV)

He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul” (Psalms 23:2-3)

While waiting for KTM Komuter at KL Central station to Mid-Valley station yesterday, I remembered an old story about the wood-chopping challenge. Two neighbours lived near each other in the mountains. There were quite competitive and always testing each other’s strength.

One day, the first neighbour challenged the second to see who could chop the most wood in 3 hours. The second neighbour agreed to the challenge. The first man started out strong. As he chops away, the second man chopped for about a half hour and then sat down 10 minutes under the shade of the large tree. The first man could not believe his neighbour’s laziness. To his surprise, the second man continued to take these 10 minutes breaks each hour.

Finally, 3 hour passed. Not having paused to take a single break, the first neighbour was sure victory was his. To his dismay, he found that the second neighbour had chopped twice as much wood as he had!

In disbelief, he said, “That’s impossible! You took a break every hour
With confident and a smile on his face, the second man replied, “I wasn’t resting, I was sharpening my axe.”

The lessons from this short story are massive. One particular lesson that I want to emphasis here is that: if we don’t take time to develop our relationship with God and fine-tune our mind, body and spirit through His eternal Word, we will always lose in the end. As I recalled this story and put it in writing, I reflected on what I have learned and experienced for the last 5 days. I was having a good rest away from the internet and computer – and enjoying my time with my colleagues as we discussed and planning for the student ministry next year and rediscover God in the Book of Isaiah. It was also a time for me to get away from my daily ministry routines and be alone in silent and solitude with my Lord Jesus.

As in sharpening the axe, we may not see the instant short-term gain from taking time away from the ordinary everyday life and take time to cultivate our relationship with God, but the long-term physical and spiritual benefits are huge. We know we should sharpen the axe (“Be still and know that I am God”), but who has the time, desire, determinations, or focus in this fast pace modern world? If you don’t sharpen your axe, it will become dull and useless. When we do, by the mercy and grace of God – our axes are sharp. God will restore [our] soul

Give me six hours to chop down a tree
and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe” (Abraham Lincoln)
God be with you. Amen.

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