Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Angelus' Quote: Leaders Turn a Vision Into Reality

Leaders turn a vision into reality. Currently, I'm reading a book The Leader In You and I find that this short story is fascinating. Mother Teresa was a young Catholic nun, teaching high school in an upper-middle-class section of Calcutta, India. But she kept looking out the window and seeing the lepers on the street.

"I saw fear in their eyes,” she said. "The fear they would never be loved, the fear they would never get adequate medical attention." She could not shake that fear out of her mind. She knew she had to leave the comfort and security of the convent, go out into the streets and set up homes for the lepers and the poor of the poorest. Over the years, Mother Teresa and the people of Missionaries of Charity have cared for more than 149,000 (as 1993) people with leprosy, depending on medical attention and unconditional love.

Mother Teresa as an example of a leader? Why not? She makes things happen, she turns a vision into reality and leads thousands of volunteers to love the unloved. That's leadership! 😇😉❤ #ServeToLead


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