Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Angelus' Quote: Four (4) Keys to Avoid and Escape Over-Commitment

I believe that over commitment is one of the main reasons why leaders burn out 😥 In James Altucher's book Power of No, he writes, “When you say yes to something you don’t want to do, here is the result: you hate what you are doing, you resent the person who asked you, and you hurt yourself.” If leaders do these, there are no fun!

To help you to avoid and escape over commitment trap I have four (4) keys idea for you to implement in your leadership and life:

1) KNOW YOUR PRIORITIES Constantly remind yourself what your personal and professional priorities are. Make a list of what is really important to you in the long run

2) TAKE THINGS AS THEY COME 😉 Life is filled with moments that give rise to tension. Retrain your brain not to worry about the unknown. React to things as they come and you will be able to solve problems that arise

3) MAKE TIME FOR SOLITUDE Loneliness comes from emptiness, but solitude comes from wholeness. Take time each day to spent time with yourself. For me, I go for a walk, run, weight lifting, reading or just enjoy watching the trees. These self-time activities will reduce the pressure, clear your mind and become refreshed

4) BRING GOD INTO YOUR SITUATION 🙏 If you seek His guidance and receive His blessing of peace (shalom), you will be better able to handle any situation. Take time to meditate His Word and for prayer

Don't let the extra weights of tension, over commitment, and misplaced priorities cause you to lose your grip on what is really important in your life. In trying to hold onto and/or do too much, you could risk it all. Not worth it 👎 #ServeToLead


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