While on the way down and
waiting for others 😛 I made a video, sharing some lessons I learned from hiking Mount
Santubong 😀 This is my third times this year, so I share Three Lessons:
#1 It's Not the Mountain that We Conquer, But
Ourselves 💪 Every day we need to
conquer the 'mountains' of laziness, procrastination, and bad habits. It's daily
battles of conquering ourselves.
#2 To Climb the Mountain, It Requires Fitness 🏋️♂️ Only when we climb then we know either we're fit or
not. In life, we need to strengthen our physical fitness, without it we can't
do much; take care of emotional fitness too, so that you won't give up easily;
and don't forget about your spiritual fitness. The spiritual life is more real
than you can ever imagine! All these require hard work, discipline,
determination, and perseverance.
#3 There Will Always Be More Mountain to Climb 🎒 Someone once said, "Success is never final, failure is never fatal." Never stop
improving yourself, dream on, go on 'climbing,' and hike another 'mountain' (or
the same). Challenge yourself. Don't fear failure, embrace it. By doing this,
you also show others that it is possible for them to do the same!
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