Sunday, September 8, 2019

Jesus' Leadership #31 Educating the People Around Him

There are many ways to sum up the focus of Jesus' time on earth. One verse that can sum up His ministry is in Matthew 4:23, "[Jesus] went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people." He focuses on three things: teaching, preaching and healing. Since teaching is educating the mind and preaching is educating the heart, 2/3 or about 67% of Jesus' ministry was education.

If you read throughout the Scripture, you'll find that when Jesus healed people, nine times out of ten (9/10 or 90%) He educated and commanded them about an attitude change (another aspect of repentance) or a new way of behaving that was to go along with their physical healings. For example, in John 8:11, Jesus said, "Go and sin no more." Although the main point of this verse is to show His authority and lordship, it also gives us a clue that Jesus was very serious about educating the people. Sir Willian Ramsey boldly claimed: "Christianity is the religion of an educated mind."

As leaders, we must put high priority to educate those under our leadership such as employees, workers and followers. A person who becomes a leader today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after. Never stop growing and educating others so that they may grow better and effective. Organized monthly training, send people to beneficial seminars, and spent money on personal development for self and others under your leadership. Horace Mann speaks about the importance of education this way, "A human being is not, in any proper sense, a human being until he is educated." That's also true for leaders!

Jesus educated people, are you?


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