Sunday, January 1, 2012

Unanswerableness Human Suffering and Unquestionableness of God’s Love

’Why am I living?’, ‘What’s the use if I can’t live normally?’, ‘Why I’m born like this?’ We’ve been through disappointment sometimes. But for some, all their lives. Life not fair; they are rich and you’re poor, they’re healthy and you aren’t, they can walk but you sit in a wheelchair… ‘Not fair!’ you say. Oh, we ask questions… hard questions; questions that only God can answer. Not many people have the guts to ask it out loud, but lots of us think it, feel it, lives it. I have to admit (because I’m not God), sometimes the purpose why all this happened is hard to pin down in this quick-fix, fast-paced, feel-good, self-esteem culture. Everything’s so external. But God, the God of the Bible – the Supreme All-Wise God, Jesus Christ that I personally know has His purposes that human not necessary have to understand, nor we can comprehended if God were to revealed it.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28ESV)
And some – could be you – ‘are called’ in the midst of your tragedy, illness, suffering and disappointment for ‘his purpose’. Keep questioning, but remain faithful. You are those who love God and being loved by God. Be strong!

John Wessells in his book Conversations with the Voiceless: Finding God’s Love in Life’s Hardest Questions writes,
‘If we’re honest, we all have questions. Questions about life, love, money. Happiness, tragedy, death. Questions we seldom voice. Questions about God. I face these questions on a daily basis, though it may look a little different than what most people face… In my work, the questions begin when we see someone trapped in a body or mind that doesn’t work the way it once did. ‘What sense does this make?’ we ask. ‘What possible purpose does it serve for somebody who once had so much potential to… exist this way?’… the truth is, we think answers are the only way we’ll ever feel better about the messiness of our circumstance. The mystery of it. The unanswerableness of it. Only an answer – a visible, knowable purpose – will take away the pain. Our pain.’

And in the end of his introduction he writes,
“What they [what he mean is the Voiceless – the comatose, the children, the poor, prisoners, the terminally ill, the suffering etc.] have to say it disturbing. Counter-cultural. Counter-Christian-cultural, even. Because the voiceless speak for God. And their words are untidy, inconvenient, impractical.
And, above all, a huge relief.
Just the way Jesus’ words are.”

After reading his book, my eyes wet with tears, my face shine with a smile and my heart filled with joy. Indeed, “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Praise be to God in the Highest!
 January 2012 FREE Book for You

I’m giving away ONLY 3 copies of Conversations with the Voiceless by John Wessells. If you never receive any book from Motivates4Life before, you are welcome to get a copy for yourself. Do these 2 things:
1)   1) Comment below “Rich, give me one copy___(Your name). I'm in 'suffering' and I want to embrace the mystery of God's love in all of this.”
2)   2) E-mail me at or send message to my Facebook your real name, phone no. and your postal address.
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  1. Example,
    Rich, give me one copy, Rosnah. I'm in 'suffering' and I want to embrace the mystery of God's love in all of this.

  2. Rich, give me one copy (Joyce Chong) I'm in 'suffering' and I want to embrace the mystery of God's love in all of this.

  3. Rich, give me one copy (Joyce Joel) I'm in 'suffering' and I want to embrace the mystery of God's love in all of this.

  4. Rich, give me one copy, (Connie Simon) I'm in 'suffering' and I want to embrace the mystery of God's love in all of this.

  5. ha2 :)
    3 of you remind me of the scene on Matthew 15:21-28 [Crumbs from the Table]... You all keep requesting even I already wrote "If you never receive any book from Motivates4Life before."...
    Well, my reply is:
    'O women, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you wish.' :)

    It is finished. Enjoy reading. And learned.

  6. Hahahaha. because the book inspires me a lot. thank you, richard.. =)

  7. Every book i read gives me hopes & inspiration Rich :)


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