“Our heavenly Father never takes anything from His children
unless He means to give them something better.” (George Müller)
unless He means to give them something better.” (George Müller)
We today, who live in a pleasure-seeking society, try at any cost to avoid suffering in our lives. But it is through suffering that we can grow. To tell the truth, on behalf of myself and you who are reading this article, we don’t like (No one likes!) to experience pain or adversary – but let me ask you this question: How many of you that had been through suffering and by the grace of God (by His Grace alone) you’ve become stronger and wiser for it? And tell me, how many of you become stronger and wiser when everything is fine, everything is perfect and everything is alright? None! Superficially 'stronger' and 'wise', yes.
After more than 20 years of living in this world, I may not know why God allow suffering happen to us; why some are more painful than the other; why some are saved and some are suffered to the end. But this I know;
God uses suffering to strengthen our character and to refine our faith in Him. The Apostle Paul writes, “We can rejoice, too, when we run into troubles and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character.” (Romans 5:3-4NLT) The Almighty God uses what seem harmful to us and uses it for good to change our shallow perspective of eternity and turn our thoughts, focus and priority heavenward. If it not because of suffering, we will not searching for God. You know it’s true!
Oh, God,
I’d never have known
I could rejoice in suffering
if I’d not suffered.
I could rejoice in suffering
if I’d not suffered.
I’d never have learned
to wait patiently had You given me
all I requested on my timetable.
to wait patiently had You given me
all I requested on my timetable.
I’d be devoid of character
had not trouble produced
more Christlike character.
had not trouble produced
more Christlike character.
Therefore, I can rejoice in suffering,
knowing all Your plans have purpose.
knowing all Your plans have purpose.
(Poet by Dorothy J. Buitendyk)

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