Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 (2018) by John C. Maxwell
I read the first version
of this book before. I even listened to the audiobook many times and watched
videos of live seminars on the same subject. I read lots of John Maxwell's
books because I love the way he writes: simple, easy to understand, challenging
and applicable. I also can sense his passion, sincerity and authority on the
subject of leadership. If you're a young reader, I recommend reading The Winning Attitude and Failing Forward. If you're new on the
job (whatever your position), I recommend Talent
Is Never Enough and Be A People
Person. If you're a manager or in the people business, read Winning with People and 25 Ways to Win with People. If you're a
team leader, I wholly recommend The 17
Indisputable Laws of Teamwork and The
17 Essential Qualities of A Team Player. If you want to be a better leader,
don't miss The 21 Irrefutable Laws of
Leadership, The 21 Indispensable
Qualities of a Leader and The 5
Levels of Leadership. If you want to grow to be an effective person, read Today Matters and How Successful People Think. But if you want to start to explore
John's books, start with Developing the
Leader Within You. You'll not regret! (I just purchased Leadershift. Haven’t read it).
The new edition – after 25
years and over 2 million copies sold – of this book contains the 10
foundational lessons for becoming a good leader. John writes, "It's still the first book I recommend that
people read to start their leadership development journeys." With more
than 80% of the content revised, this new edition is fresh and, of course, much
better than the previous one. The 10 foundations are:
#1 The Definition of Leadership: Influence
#2 The Key to Leadership: Priorities
#3 The Foundation of Leadership: Character
#4 The Ultimate Test of Leadership: Creating
Positive Change
#5 The Quickest Way to Gain Leadership: Problem
#6 The Extra Plus in Leadership: Attitude
#7 The Heart of Leadership: Serving People
#8 The Indispensable Quality of Leadership: Vision
#9 The Price Tag of Leadership: Self-Discipline
#10 The Expansion of Leadership: Personal Growth
I'm very familiar with
John's teachings. Besides listen to his audiobooks, I also listen to The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast. So
most of the materials in this book are not new to me and yet, because John is
always learning – he takes his own advice on personal growth very seriously – I
noticed that his writings are getting more interesting and the examples,
stories and quotes are just wonderful. As I examine myself with these
foundational lessons, I find that my strengths are (also can be my weaknesses
if I'm too confident) problem solving,
attitude, self-discipline and personal
growth. I want to think that I have influence
and character. I just see the
importance of priorities a few years
ago. I need to improve in creating
positive change and vision. And
I must learn to serve people with
love, care and patient. Like John, patience is my greatest weakness.
I will do a book review
video soon. So, much of what I've learned from this book I will share in there.
As for now, if you want to continue leading, you got to continue learning. Read