Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Loveless life is a Living Death

A person who is not loved and has no love leads a lonely and miserable life

I was preparing props for Christian Fellowship camp last months. One of the prop was a big scale of Ten Commandments. As I paste printed words on that box-like tablet; many eyes had landed their sight on it and few people managed to present their critics. Some give constructive suggestions and some even give their unwelcome comments.  All was normal... (peaceful music background)... but not until my cute little cousin with her big mouth asked a Sunday school question,
“How many commandments are there?
Eleven,” I replied without a pause.
[At one time I was washing my car and she asked, “What are you doing?” so I said ‘I’m eating!’ Then, she replied, “No, you wash your car~”]

Okay, it might not surprise you when I said that there are eleven commandments in total, for you might think that I was kidding with her or/and I was irritated by her. (Well, I was!) But have you read what Jesus said in the gospel according to John, chapter 13, verses 34 to 35, before? “Now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
This is the new commandment: Love each other.

Love is an attitude – love is prayer,
For a soul in sorrow, a heart in despair.
Love is good wishes for the gain of another,
Love suffers long with the fault of a brother.
Love gives water to a cup that’s run dry,
Love reaches low, as it can reach high.
Seeks not her own at the expense of another,
Love reaches God when it reaches our brother.
(by Unknown)

THINK BIG A Loveless life is a Living Death - to really living is to love others and to be loved by others. START SMALL “Love is like a smile – neither have any value unless given away.” GO DEEP This is a command from a loving God: Love each other. By doing so, you will prove to the world that you are Jesus’ disciples.

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