Imagine that you have a best friend, okay more than your best friend, who tells you he loves you and cares for you. Every time you call or see him, he says, “Darling, I am really concerned for you. I like you so much. I care for you… [bla... bla.. bla..] I love you, baby.”
Imagine that one day you fall on hard times. You fall sick. You failed your driving test. You lose your job. Your broadband and all the other bills mount up so high. Plus, thieves break in and empty your room… including your precious possession: - iPhone!
What would you expect from your best friend who tells you he loves you so much? In a desperate thought – you would expect him to prove his love by helping you (not by having sex!). You would expect him to give or lend you some money, send you to meet the doctor or buy you a medicine, make a police report for you, or whatever you need; as much as he can help you. If he did nothing for you, but still repeatedly said, “I love you!” you would surely call him a hypocrite and his words empty and useless. I love you? Yeah, right! Hypocrite!
“Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food,” writes James. “If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?” (James 2:15-16NIV) But overtime, both you and I am hypocrite sometime - we do the same with one another. Perhaps it’s the right time for us to examine our authenticity of our love towards God and thus, to check our genuine love toward one another, when we say, ‘God, I love you’.
Michael Wakely observed, “We know that God’s love was genuine because he proved it to us by sending Jesus into the world. He loved us not just in words (sending us love messages through the prophets) but in painful deeds (at Calvary; the Cross). If people tell us that they love us, we are within our rights to challenge them: ‘If you really love me, prove it!’ Love will prove itself, if it is genuine.”
“God, don’t tell me about love!” you might ask, “proof it!”
He might answer something like this: “If you want the proof, glance back at Calvary. See the agony, the price my only Son paid, He cried out because He did care, and that He does love.” John answered it Biblically, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.” (1 John 3:16)

THINK BIG Don’t just simply sing, “God, I give you my heart, I give you my soul, I live for you alone…”
GO DEEP “Love will prove itself, if it is genuine”

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