‘Then Peter came to him [Jesus] and asked, “Lord, how often I should forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”’ (Matthew 18:21NLT, insert mine)
Seven times??? I think Peter’s question was a generous one. Even five or six times is too much to ask, what more if we are to forgive someone (especially if it is for the same things) seven times? That’s insane! But to increase the insanity of this question, we should read further on Jesus’ reply to Peter;
“No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!” (18:22)
Jesus got to be kidding, right? Well, if you read your Bible – He was obviously not. So what does it mean by ‘seventy times seven’? Albert Barnes’ notes on my E-Sword software explain the term clearly:
“…we are not to limit our forgiveness to any fixed number of times. As often as a brother injures us and asks forgiveness, we are to forgive him. It is, indeed, his duty to ask forgiveness. If he does this, it is our duty to declare that we forgive him, and to treat him accordingly. If he does not ask us to forgive him, yet we are not at liberty to follow him with revenge and malice, but are still to treat him kindly and to do him good.”
In my own interpretation: Jesus wanted Peter and his followers – that includes us – to understand that forgiveness isn’t simply a numbers, legalistic way to practice it; forgiveness is sincere, complete and lasting. After Jesus launched a story (Read Matthew 18:23-34) to illustrate his point further, he ended it by saying that our Heavenly Father will punish those who refuse to forgive their brothers and sisters from the heart (Read 18:35).
“…from your heart”, now that’s the keyword!
To truly forgive our brothers and sisters “from your heart”, you shouldn’t say;
“You know, I forgive you for hurting me so much by what you did.”… passive-aggressive
“I’m not going to forgive you until you really show you’re sorry by not doing it anymore” …conditional
“I’ll forgive you, but I won’t forget!”…partial
“Yeah, I’ll forgive you… but there have to be consequences!”…threatening
But instead, true forgiveness comes from the heart that is based on God’s love. The Love Chapter; 1 Corinthians 13:5-7 says love ‘keeps no record of when it has been wronged… Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”
In others words, forgiveness “from your heart” is a perfect, unconditional love that says:
“I love you, and I forgive you.”
This is the kind of forgiveness that Jesus wanted from his followers. It reflects how God Himself has forgiven us through the saving work of His Son, Jesus Christ. No strings attached. No subtle threats. Unconditional love and never ending forgiveness…
“No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!”
Forgiveness, yes, it should be endless!
*Get inspired to write this article after reading Friendship First™ New Testament. I brought it from Logos Hope ship on Thursday, 10th November 2011, 21:04:18. Sell your land and buy this book!

hy richard..monink daa..let me start..this thing happend 2 yrs ago..n aku ada kwn tok or more specific is roommate.
ReplyDeleteshe's very nice, sweet, sopan santun,always right me when i do sumty wrong.n i respect her for e fact tht she's older thn me..smpei la skali ya..ya ngmbi duit aku or in brutal word,she stole my money which also include bayar sewa rumah.i got so mad with her, i mean she's my friend since diploma n until now-how could she do that?
later she minta maaf la..since she paid the money back, i say ok la.fine.i forgive her.tapi
even after she say sorry or trying to be nice to me these day,i still can't be with her, do the old things we usualy do b4.this thing ..everytime, i misplaced my money or any stuff in my room.came this feeling that she stole it--sometime i felt guilty for thinkin like tat..huhu..so,i dono, is this actually means i still not forgiv her or is it just a matter of trust?
What do you think? :)
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