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The Forgotten Trinity: Recovering The Heart of Christian Belief (1998) by James R. White |
I’m a Triunetheist or Trinitarian. I believe in the doctrine of Trinity because it is clearly taught in the Scripture. Like the existence of God, in the past, in my fallen humanity, I don’t like to believe that God exists (I’ve considered becoming an atheist) - but He does. Or, like the life, the death, and the resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ, I used to wish that it wasn’t true or that He is a myth but the vast evidence in history and Biblical accounts - and my conviction - just can’t erase the truth from my heart and mind. Or, like the mystery of the Holy Spirit, I was lost in trying to understanding who He really is (the old translation “Holy Ghost” doesn’t help at all. For once, I thought He was a ghost! Scary!) but when I dive deeper into the Scripture and through personal experiences, truly, the Holy Spirit is a fully divine person. Some may think that these are very subjective approaches but one must understand that the truth is both subjective and objective (even fictional characters like Sherlock Holmes and Patrick Jane make guesses and theories all the time). There is no living creature who is purely objective. If you want to understand the concept of trinity, I suggest, you need to search the Scriptures, examine the historical accounts, apply reason, challenge your preconceived ideas, and be open with the supernatural experience. The Triune God can be known, if it’s true; and yet not fully known or comprehend, if He is God.
Now, let's go to James White’s The Forgotten Trinity. Not only Mr. White is an accomplished and excellent Christian apologist, but he is also a very articulate author. I’ve read many theology textbooks on the Trinity. The excellent ones are by Wayne Grudem, Millard Erickson, and Charles Hodge. But what makes The Forgotten Trinity the best so far is, in my opinion, that it is precise, concise, and non-technical (except the Greeks!). This is a lay-person-friendly book. It is written with specific goals: to outline proofs that the doctrine of the Trinity is clearly taught in the Scriptures, to lead Christian readers to a knowledge of God’s truth & to invoke love and worship toward the Triune God or as Mr. White says, “I desire that you will join with me in being able to say, ‘I love the Trinity.’” What is the Trinity? He defines it as: Within the one Being that is God, there exists eternally three coequal and coeternal persons, namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three foundations of the Trinity that Mr. White sets at the beginning of this book are very important too that I’m afraid most anti- or non-trinitarian often missed and misunderstood: Foundation #1 Monotheism: There Is Only One God; Foundation #2 There Are Three Divine Persons; and Foundation #3 The Persons Are Coequal and Coeternal. “Every error and heresy on this doctrine will find its origin in a denial of one or more of these truths.” Currently, I’m reading a book on Christian heresies, sects, and cults - so, I very much agree!
The book is divided into 14 chapters and progressively builds up from what is the Trinity, who God is, the nature and person of Christ, the truth about the Holy Spirit, brief church history, and finally, on Christian devotion, the Gospel and the Trinity. Usually, I try to read one book a week but this book took me about two weeks to finished, not because it is long but because I take time to savor, think, pray and examine (almost) every Bible passages that are quoted. I’m a Trinitarian like Mr. White, so I’m on his side. But it never crossed my mind that he or any theologian or preacher or apologist (or me, as a matter of fact) is 100% right. Only the Word of God is inerrant, infallible, and inspired - everything else is commentary. I’ve listened to almost a hundred debates on Christianity, Islam, atheism, other religions, cults, and social issues. I’m fully aware of alternative views, different interpretations, and refutes out there about the Trinity. But I’ve made up my mind that the Trinity is fundamental to the Christian faith. No Trinity, no real Christianity. Period. Let me end this somewhat review with a Christian hymn: “Holy, Holy. Holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy Name in earth and sky and sea; Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and Mighty! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!”
Here are some of my recommendations of James White’s debates on the Trinity:
1) With Michael Brown vs. Anthony Buzzard & Joseph Good, Unitarians https://youtu.be/kYhaH0ftujI The Best!
2) Vs. Roger Perkins, Oneness (or, Unitarian) https://youtu.be/U-KMGuXCs-c
3) Vs. Adnan Rashid, Muslim https://youtu.be/Y6G3AIqmB3I
4) Vs. Shabir Ally, Muslim https://youtu.be/NKeMsW2b71U
5) Vs. Dan Baker, Atheist https://youtu.be/UNZh-4pDio0
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