When I went to book fairs, I realize that people buy books with the best intentions. They (me included) honestly 'intend' to read them when they pay the cashier. But let's face it, people are busier than ever today. Things come up. Life happens. And before they know it, the day almost end, month have changed, they're exhausted. "Richard, I simply don't have time to read," I heard this statement over and over again.
Think of it this way: What if the Malaysian government passed a law (how about the highest priority of SOP?) that would give RM1 million cash to every citizen who would read 15 minutes per day for one year? Do you think most people would suddenly TAKE the time to read? Would you? Unless you're having a chronic disease of laziness, of course, you would! You would rearrange your priorities to include reading in your daily agendas and perhaps kick out or reduce your idle times in social media.
Now, notice I wrote you could TAKE more time - not MAKE more time. The truth is we have all been given by God 24 hours a day (although the measurements of time are human inventions). No more, no less. You don't have to read one book every week or even one book every month, follow your own pace (this is not a race), and stick to the discipline for at least 15 minutes per day until you get into the habit. Slowly, increase your speed and widen your read. TAKE time to read. Andrew Carnegie puts it this way: "A man's reading program should be as carefully planned as his daily diet, for that too is food, without which he cannot grow mentally."
Come to think about it, I think it's a good idea if the government imposes another MCO SOP besides the usual like using your mask, check the temperature, stay at home... Why don't add, "Every Malaysian who doesn't read a book during MCO will be compound RM10,000"? Good idea, right? ��������� #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #15MinutesPerDay #PersonalGrowth #ThePowerOfReading #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain
Btw, here are my #1Book1Week for May 2021 ��� If you have read any of these books or just wanted to discuss and ask me about them, just chat with me below yeah:
1) Unplugged: How to Live Mindfully in a Digital World (2014) by Orianna Fielding. CLICK HERE
2) This is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn To See (2018) by Seth Godin. CLICK HERE
3) Happiness Is A Choice: The Symptoms, Causes, and Cures of Depression (2007) by Frank Minirth. CLICK HERE
4) The Ultimate Prescription: What the Medical Profession Isn't Telling You (2010) by Dr. James L. Marcum, MD. CLICK HERE
5) #1Book1Week Monthly Lists. CLICK HERE
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