A parable is told of two men who planted olive trees in their fields. Afterward, the one prayed, "Dear Lord, my trees need water. Please sent rain." The showers came! He then prayed again, "They need sunshine," and God bathed them with sunlight! Later he prayed again, "Father, my trees need something to make them hardy. Please send a frost tonight." It came but killed them all.
Traveling over to the other man's grove, he found his olive trees flourishing, "How can this be?" he asked. The reply came, "When I prayed, I didn't ask for rain, sunshine, or frost; I just said, 'Lord, you made these trees. You know what they need. Just send what is best!'" ��������� #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #ThePrayingLeader #SpiritualGrowth
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