Sunday, November 9, 2014

Kuchingnites, You Can Make a Difference this Christmas: Give Gifts to the Needy

God has given us two hands – one with which to receive and the other with which to give. What if this Christmas instead of waiting for people to give you gifts, why don’t you give? What if you take initiative and start giving with what you already have instead of making excuses and delay your action? What if you be the change rather than asking for things to change and be the worship song that you sing and be the answer to your prayer to make a different in someone else’s life? What if – regardless of your race and religion – you embrace the spirit of Christmas that is the spirit of giving for the good of your community? What if your gift can make those who are less fortunate smile this Christmas, would you like to do that?

Here is (one of) your opportunity to do so. BB Love Box, a community project by the Boys’ Brigade (BB) in Malaysia (2nd Kuching Company) is organizing a project that is design to collect and distribute gifts to the less fortunate people during Christmas Season, irrespective of their races and religions. BB mission is to share LOVE and JOY with the needy. The Boys are passionate to promote the spirit of CARING and SHARING among the people of Kuching. The recipients are identified with the help of welfare and social organizations/groups, religious and voluntary bodies. It consists of children (from infant to 17 years old), families and elderly folks from various villages around Kuching area, old folk’s homes and ophanages.*

There are three categories of recipients in this project:
1)    Children. Their wish list range from toys, school stationary, school bag, exercise books, colouring books and story books.
2)    Elderly folks. Biscuits (in tin), beverage (min. 500g/ in packet or tin), milk powder and bath towel.
3)    Families. Rice (10kg), canned food (halal) and instant noodle.

WHEN, WHERE and HOW can you fulfil the recipients’ wishes?
BB Love Box gifts collection booth and wish trees will be set up from 1st November to 7th December 2014, 10.00am to 8.00pm at Crown Square and Plaza Merdeka, Kuching. Go there and pick up a Wish List (or more) with the recipient’s name and wish item from the wish trees provided. Shop for the gift stated in the list(s) that you choose. Then, wrap and return the gift(s) to the booth where you pick up that list(s) together with the Wish List(s) securely attached to it. Easy, right? You can do this.

What are you waiting Kuchingnites? Come and fill BB Love Box booth with gifts, joy and love! John Bunyan writes, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who cannot pay you back.” Calvin Coolidge once said, “No person was ever honoured for what he received. Honour is the reward of what one gives.” “We make a living by what we get,” remind Winston Churchill, “but we make a life by what we give.” Kuchingnites, we can give without loving, but we cannot love without giving. Blessed are those who give with love! Amen.

Imagine the children’s smiles
Picture the elder’s gladness
Don’t you want to see a family having a dinner together this Christmas?
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