Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kathy Sierra's Advice for Me on Blogging

Kathy Sierra is the creator of the best-selling tech book series from O’Reilly, Head First. She’s worked as a game developer and interaction designer, and was a master trainer for Sun Microsystems. In Brian Bailey’s book The Blogging Church (John Wiley & Sons, Inc: 2007), Kathy shares her wisdoms on blogging that encourage me to think through about how to give value to my blog readers and I hope it will do the same to you too:

“Before I hit the Publish button on a blog post, I always ask myself the same question: ‘How does this help the reader?’ If the answer isn’t immediate, or it’s just too weak, I think very carefully about whether I should post it. This one simple rule, I believe, is the reason our blog went from having a single reader to more than ten thousands readers each day within its first year.
            My co-authors and I never forget that our readers are just as overwhelmed by information overload as we are. Our readers’ time and attention is a precious gift, and we try to respect that by offering something in return – something helpful and inspirational. Something to help them learn and grow, delivered with passion and energy. There are a million things they could do with the time they spend on our blog, and we are always grateful they chose to spend those moments with us.
            So, the one thing I believe is the most important in creating a blog that engages and helps readers is simply this: when you write, do not focus on what readers will think of YOU or your church. Care only about how readers feel about THEMSELVES, as a result of their interaction with your message.
            I don’t believe that ‘if you write it, they will come.’ But I do believe what ‘if you put your readers first, they will learn and grow.’ And every day, I feel so fortunate to have the chance, thanks to blogs, to help make that happen.”

Wow, isn’t these words are witty and inspiring?
I hope this words will encourage to you to start blogging (or to write blog again)
Best Blogger Tips

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