Monday, November 10, 2014

Guy Kawasaki's Advice for Me on Blogging

Guy Kawasaki is a managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm, and the author of eight books. Previously, he was a Mac Evangelist at Apply Computer, where he was one of the individuals responsible for the success of the Macintosh computer. In Brian Bailey’s book The Blogging Church (John Wiley & Sons, Inc: 2007), Guy writes about blogging that encourage me so much and I hope it will do the same to you too:

“I know a fair amount about evangelism and a little bit about blogging, so I’ve combined the two in order to provide some insights into the evangelism of a blog.
My suggestion is that you think of your blog as a ‘product.’ A good analogy is the difference between diary and a book. When you write a diary, it contains your spontaneous thoughts and feelings. You have no plans for others to read it. By contrast, if you write a book, from day one you should be thinking about spreading the word about it. If you want to evangelize your blog, then think ‘book’, not ‘diary’, and market it like crazy.
As you develop your blog, make sure you acknowledge and respond to people who comment. Only good things can happen when you read all the comments on your blog and respond to them. If people feel like they are part of your blog’s community, they will tell more people to read your blog. Also, if you are providing value in your blog, don’t hesitate to ask for your readers to help spread the word. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
Finally, be bold. If you can’t speak your mind on your own blog, you might as well give up and stay on the porch.”

Yes, I hope this words will encourage to you to start blogging (or to write blog again)
Much better, write and share for the glory of God!
Best Blogger Tips

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