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It's not nail, but love that causes Him to died on the cross for us. Now, He is Alive! |
“This is the message
you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another. We must not be
like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and killed his brother. And why did he
kill him? Because Cain had been doing what was evil, and his brother had been
doing what was righteous. So don’t be surprised, dear brothers and sisters, if
the world hates you”
(1 John 3:11-13,
The Apostle John begins to
summarize all of his teachings again with one key thought: “We should love one another.” I like the Amplified Bible
translates this: “We should
[unselfishly] love and seek the best for one another” [The Greek word
for “love” here is agape, it is not
so much a matter of emotion as it is of doing things for the benefit of another
person, that is, having an unselfish concern for another and a willingness to
seek the best for another]. Actually, it was Jesus Himself who first made this
key teaching when He was on earth. He taught that our attitude should be one of
service rather than of superiority. In other words, we should be humble and not
just do it out of a sense of obligation or because we think we know more or are
better than anyone else. “Just as I have loved
you,” said Jesus, “so you too are to
love one another” (John 13:34; 15:12).
After making this strong
statement, John then warns us “not be like Cain,”
who was the oldest son of Adam and Eve (read Genesis 4:1-16). We read that both
Cain and his brother, Abel, brought offerings to God, as they were required to
do. But evidently only Abel was sincere and showed faith. Abel was “a righteous man” (Hebrews 11:4) and “doing what was righteous.” Cain, however, “had been doing what was evil.” Cain’s worship was
unacceptable to God because of the anger, envy, and hatred which he begin to build
up within himself toward his brother. Finally, Cain lost control of his temper
and he murdered his own blood brother, Abel. To complicated the situation even
further, Cain not only become the first murderer, but he also lied to God and
pretended as if he did not know what had happened (Genesis 4:9). In a sense,
Cain is the supreme example of hatred. Your worship will not be heard and
accepted by God if you harbour hatred toward others, especially your brothers
and sisters in Christ. Therefore, “love one another.”
Linked to what John had
said about “love one another,”
he reminds us that we, however, should not be surprised if some people in the
world hate us for no reason, even as we are trying to do what is right and
good. “So don’t be surprised… if
the world hates you.” Why do you think they get angry? Well, I think,
to persons who are evil or not in a right relationship with God, someone else
who is doing what is right is a walking reminder of his or her own
shortcomings. They are offended. Even we do not mean it this way, others may
thought or feel that we are judging them or acting superior, when in fact, they
have reacted with resentment, hatred and jealousy to what is right and holy.
Darkness hates light. “Don’t be surprised.”
Jesus received the same
kind of reaction when He lived on earth. As He showed love to the most marginalized
people – such as the sick, the poor and the needy – the religious leaders could
hardly contain their anger. Was Jesus doing something evil? Was Jesus taking
the advantage of other people? Was Jesus leading a rebellion? No, Jesus was
doing good and righteous. They got so mad that they wanted to kill Jesus. So,
if this happened to Jesus, we shouldn’t be surprised if people in the world do
not always admire what we are trying to do or respond with gratitude for our
efforts. Because the world is ruled by the devil, there is much hatred and
envy, jealousy and resentment. And because of this, we should not get
discouraged when people don’t respond as we hope they would. “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world
would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer
part of the world.” Jesus then concluded: “I chose you to come out of the world, so it hate you”
(John 15:18-19).
A reminder: We need to be
careful about our motives for showing love. If the reason we care is to feel
accepted by others or to gain popularity or to get applause from people, we may
be frequently disappointed, because people don’t always appreciate these efforts
(Maybe those self-centred actions might get people interested and gain more
followers). But if we care because we
want to show our love for God by caring for others, then the response of the
other person doesn’t really make much difference. We can love no matter what
happens. “We know what real love is
because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives
for our brothers and sisters.” (1 John 3:14). Do it! Amen.