“For the world
offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see,
and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father,
but are from this world”
(1 John 2:16,
According to the Apostle
John [thus, it is according to Jesus really, since apostles are God’s
instruments] there are at least three different sins related to love for the
world: “a craving for physical pleasure, a
craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions.”
Let’s talk briefly about each of these concerns.
First, “A craving for physical pleasure” is
translated as “the cravings of sinful man”
and “the flesh’s desire” in other translations. It means to be
dominated by your senses or appetites. Food, sex, music, or other material
goods are examples. These items may not in themselves be wrong. The way we use
them makes them right or wrong. Wanting food, for example, is not necessarily
wrong, but if food becomes the most important thing in your life – you become obsessed
with it – then you have a problem. If we want something selfishly, and
we are willing to get that thing at practically any cost, then we are
concentrating on that thing and not much else. That item then becomes like a
god until we obtain it. But it is never enough; the desire for things tends to
grow and grow.
A second sin is “a craving for everything we see” or “the lust of the eyes” or “eye’s desire.” When we begin to feel
that happiness will be found in things that money can buy, we can be tugged
into sin which focuses on the
outward show. The Scriptures tell us again and again that what we see
around us is temporary – it will eventually wear out or fall apart. The Apostle
Paul reminds us of this when he says: “[Don’t] look
at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot
be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot
see will last forever” (2 Corinthians 4:18).
the eyes are the gateway to the mind, so they are a vital part of making us who
we are. The Psalmist says: “Turn my eyes
from worthless things, and give me life through your word” (Psalms
119:37). The more we look at something, the more we will think about it and the
more we will want it. And the more we want it, the more we will use whatever energy we have to get it. Then such things become gods to us.
A third sin, one which
goes a step further, is called “pride in our
achievements and possessions.” Another translator calls this “the boasting of what he has and does”
and “life’s empty pride.” Some
people are tempted to go beyond outward show or show off what they have –
even to the point of lying. In trying to
look better and richer, these people may try to outdo everyone else in
describing what they have, whether it is true or not. People who like this are
very insecure and unhappy. They spend so much energy trying to look great and
important and trying hard to impress others. Beware!
As we examine ourselves
over these three sins of the world, take to heart that “these
are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading
away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases
God will live forever” (1 John 2:16-17). Ask yourself further: what
do you think about most of the time? What changes do you need to make so that
God is at the center of your life? According to the Scriptures and the Spirit's leading, "what pleases God"?

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