“[This] world is
fading away, along with everything that people crave.
But anyone who does what
pleases God will live forever”
(1 John 2:17,
Apostle John concludes
this section (v.15-17) by reminding us material things have no long future. It all
will “fading away”;
they soon become outdated, fall apart, and get thrown away. They simply have no
future. Apostle Paul put it this way: “Those who use the
things of the world should not become attached to them. For this world as we
know it will soon pass away” (1 Corinthians 7:31).
What a difficult lesson
this is to learn! We are living in a world where material things are often a
measuring stick of our popularity, power, and value (Just browse through your
Facebook page. See the many Ads). We need to recognize them for what they are. It
certainly is nice to be able to dress in the latest fashions, enjoy luxurious
good food, listen to good music, own the latest gadgets, have four digits
part-time income, etc. But if these things become all we think about, we have
made them our gods.
But, as John says, “anyone who does what pleases God will live forever,”
with God at the center of our lives, we are hooked on what will last forever
and bring us long-lasting joy. Remember:
It’s what we think about and what we do that determines what is real and
important for us. Our words are not enough; it is our actions, based on God-given
values and thoughts that show what is ultimately important. The bible verses
above are practical and important for our lives. The world and all of its goods
can certainly influence us. We can draw into making these things our gods –
what we see, what we want, trying to impress others with what we have and want.
But to commit ourselves each day to God by saying, “Today Lord, I want You to be the center of my life. Help me want what
you want, what will truly last forever. Let me have Your perspectives. Thank
you for your loving care. Amen” is to change our attitudes to be what God
wants for us.
Ask yourself: How is it true that material things have
no future and will pass away?
What examples of this truth come to mind?
For example, what things did you have 5 or 10 years
that has since fallen apart and been thrown away?

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