“But when people keep
on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since
the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. Those
who have been born into God’s family do not make a practise of sinning, because
God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children
of God. So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the
devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers
does not belong to God”
(1 John 3:8-10,
The Apostle John goes on
to make it very clear that the devil is the mastermind of this problem of sin.
Just as love and obedience are evidence that a person belongs to Jesus Christ,
so habitual sinning and hating are evidence of the devil’s involvement.
When you think of the
devil or Satan, what comes to your mind? Many people think of a monster-type
figure with a terrifying face, goat-like head, dressed in red, and carrying a
pitchfork. Other people may think of a demon who floats in the air like a ghost
and causes scary things to happen. Some may just believe whatever the movies
depicted Satan to be. What do I think? I’m not sure. I don’t care much. But I’m
very sure that Satan is able to “disguises himself as
an angel of light” (1 Corinthians 11:14).
As we read the Scriptures,
we know that Satan existed for a very long time even before the earth was created (see Ezekiel 28). It was Satan who masqueraded as (or influenced) a serpent and tempted
Eve and Adam to disobey God. Satan “has been sinning
since the beginning” and is
the very essence of evil. And he seems to be very sly and cunning. Satan, no
doubt, has great power and influences great numbers of people. He even has a
temporary throne (see Revelations 2:13; 1 John 5:13). Many people are so
influenced by Satan and his demons that they worship him as the god of this world.
They are totally under Satan’s control (see John 8:44; 2 Timothy 2:26).
But you my friends, don’t be
afraid! We might think that Satan’s power is so great that he will rule the
world forever. Don’t be afraid! The Scriptures make it clear that even though
the devil is powerful, God is even
stronger. In fact, Satan’s overthrow began with the coming of Jesus (read
Matthew 12:25-29; Luke 10:18; John 12:31). “The Son of God came
to destroy the works of the devil.” Jesus took Satan’s power away to
neutralize this terrible influence and replace it with the power of love,
freedom, peace, and forgiveness. But even though the devil has been knocked
down, he still is alive and doing well in the lives of many people. He serves
God’s purposes on earth. Soon God will finally destroy Satan totally when
Christ returns to earth (read Revelations 20:10). Then Satan’s power will be
gone forever. Even at this moment, anytime Jesus would wish to snap His
finger, Satan will be destroyed!
Then John goes on to say
that “those who have been born
into God’s family do not make a practise of sinning, because God’s life is in
them”. “God’s life” is also translated as “God’s seed.” I think John here is compares the Word of
God to a seed that produces new life (read James 1:18 and 1 Peter 1:23). Just as a beautiful plant must begin by being a seed which is fed and watered, so we as
human beings grow spiritually as we study, understand, and obey what God wants
us to do. God’s Word gives us strength and guidance to know who God is, and what God wants us to do. If God’s Word is in us “[we] can’t keep on sinning, because [we] are children of God.”
There are two basic tests
to show what influence God is having in our lives: 1) the first is whether a person continues to sin deliberately, knowingly, and habitually. This is different from the occasional sin (which you and I,
all Christians will continue to do), and shows that sin is still dominant. The second
test is more positive: 2) the children
of God show that they belong to God by living righteously and loving other
believers. According to John, then, we show who our spiritual father is –
God or the devil – by the way we behave. It’s not our words but our actions that
make the difference. Talk can be cheap; actions are more costly. And the
actions of the Christians are to be summed up in one word: LOVE, agape.
What can you do to change your attitudes, behaviors,
and so on,
so that you can look forward eagerly for Christ to

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