Dear Annie,
I miss you… Today I have to remind myself that I shouldn’t
be envious of other couple’s intimacy and romance by comparing our
long-distance relationship with theirs. I’m sorry because I felt that way. I want
to be honest with you. I was struggling about it. Thank God because He
strengthen me through His Word: “Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud” (1 Corinthians
13:4). God’s love in us doesn’t make us envy of others. I prayed about it and God
have replaced my envious heart, that demonic-inspired envious to contentment
and gratitude. It’s true when Charles Swindoll says, “When you worry about what you don’t have, you won’t be able to enjoy
what you do have.” For a moment I forget that I got you! I love you! I thank
God for every moment that we have together.
Dear love, because we’re frail, imperfect human beings,
we are sometimes envious of others. But God’s Word warns us that envy is sin. Thus,
we must guard ourselves against the natural tendency to feel resentment and
jealously when other people experience good fortune or great relationships. As believers,
Annie, you and I, we have absolutely no reason to be envious of any people or
couple on earth [Yeah!]. After all, as Christians we are already recipients of
the greatest gift in all creation: God’s grace. We have been promised the gift
of eternal life through God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and we must
count that gift as our most precious possession. When we trust God and submit
our relationship under Christ lordship, obedient to God’s Word – we have the greatest
relationship of ALL! The unbelievers should be envious of us instead.
Rather than succumbing to the sin of envy (like I was),
we should focus on the marvellous things that God has done for us. And we must
refrain from preoccupying ourselves with the blessings that God has chosen to
give others. Dave Ramsey wisely said, “Contentment
comes when we develop an attitude of gratitude for the important things we do
have in our lives that we tend to take for granted if we have our eyes staring
longingly at our neighbour’s stuff.” Our
relationship is unique from everyone else. So we shouldn’t compare and envious
of others. We must start counting our blessings and let others count theirs. It’s
a godly way to live!
I surely learned this:
feeling of envy will rob me of happiness and peace.
will not allow myself to be robbed! You too, okay? We’re unique couple :)
You’re God’s gift to me,
I love you so much,

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