“But if you refuse to forgive others,
your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:15NLT)
your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:15NLT)
“If you love me, obey my commandments.” (John 14:15NLT)
There is a friend that I find very difficult to forgive. The incident that inflicted pain took place more than 10 years ago (my school friend). My anger toward him is not a constant flame. But from time to time when I feel the effects of the old scars or whenever I see his face, I tend to become angry and resentful toward him.
Actually I have forgiven him, over and over and over again. I know it is the Lord wants me to do, and it is what I want to do as well. I don’t want the old scars to bleed again. I am not into holding grudges. Even so, every time I do feel the spark of anger whenever I see him and choose to forgive, it is an act of obedience. (Trust me, it’s hard, very hard – if there’s no Christ’s spirit in me, I would be an unforgiving person my whole life! Praise be to Jesus the Ultimate Forgiver!)
Forgiveness is a spiritual discipline. That means it is an exercise of the heart, a cultivated desire that come from the practice of “habitual obedience to the requirements of God” (Stephen D. Eyre, Meeting God in Forgiveness). Obedience brings us closer to God again. God in His Word has called us to follow Him; we are to respond to His Word in obedience. Sometimes we deliberately turn away from what we know He wants for us – forgiveness. Today as you read this post, could it be, God is telling you to forgive… Today…
· Would you forgive those who have hurt you?
· Would you bring the desires for revenge toward those who have hurt you to the Lord and trust Him to bring you justice?
· To whom you have unresolved conflicts today? Would you obey God and forgive him or her today?
As the Lord have forgive you;
go and forgive others.
It’s hard, I know.
go and forgive others.
It’s hard, I know.
But obedience to the Lord is the mark of God’s children.

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