“And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you” (John 13:14-15NLT).
Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker a.k.a. Spiderman before he died, “With great power comes a great responsibility”. How true (P.s: I love Spiderman!). Power is intoxicating. With it not just comes responsibility but also recognition, control, fame and often wealth. These feed pride, and pride leads you away from God and into sin just like Peter Parker when he discovered a new ‘dark’ power. This is why power so often corrupts. If you are in a position of power or authority, two things will help you use it wisely: accountability and service. Ronald A. Beer writes, “When you have to explain your motives to others, you will be more careful about what you do or say. When you determine to serve others with your power rather than be served, you will gain great support and loyalty from those you lead.”
Let me emphasis more on service. Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords, with great power and majesty in his humanity picked up a basin and a towel and, in doing so, redefined the meaning and function of power. “The powers are strong,” writes Richard Foster, “but Christ is stronger still”. He gives an example of how to use power for greater good to serve others. In God’s sight, this is the meaning of strength and thus glorified God. That’s the point of having power – to glorified God.

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