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Entitled, "The eye of the universe". Amazing!!! |
has brought into existence the whole of creation, which He sustains and upholds
by His power. He created the universe out of nothing, and did this for His own
purpose and glory” (Robert Hicks and Richard Bewes, Understanding Bible Truth: God)
on my Facebook account I posted: ‘God did not need to create the universe, for He is self-sufficient. He decided
to bring all the things into being for His Own glory. Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God..." and until
today, 24th October 2012, 10.47am, (and forever) - He is still God. So it
doesn't make Him less God either you
worship Him or not... We need God to provide and sustain our being; God doesn't.
Give Him glory, don't waste your life!’ To say further on this statement, I wish
and pray that all of us may know that:
the Creator
universe has always existed. The consistent teaching of Scripture is that the
cosmos (‘the world’) had a beginning. It was not formed from any matter that
already existed (so I denied ‘the big bang theory’ – after all, it’s just a
theory!). God, the One and only Creator of the universe, brought the world into
being by the power of His Word. Hebrews 11:3 says, “[The] entire universe was
formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that
can be seen” (NLT). So I write, ‘God did not need to create the universe, for He is self-sufficient. He decided
to bring all the things into being for His own glory’. The creation involved
all three persons of the Godhead; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – are
One [So when I use the word ‘God’, I’m referring to the Godhead. Clear?].
the Sustainer
Bible, the Bible that I read, clearly teaches that God the Creator is also the
Provider and Sustainer of all that He has bought into being. He is not an
absentee God who made the world and then left it to run itself. I tell you,
there are people who believe that He did that: God made things and then He doesn’t
care – this is the root of self-centeredness and human self-sufficiency of false
teachings. God is the Creator and also the Provider and Sustainer. Acts 14:17
says that God “never left them [His creation] without evidence of himself and
his goodness”. Far from remaining distance and remote from His creation, God
continues to work in all of His creation.
is Achieving His Purpose
is the ultimate control of all that He has created. This does not mean that we
are unable to decide things freely for ourselves; He is not “Master of Puppets”
(as thrash metal band Metallica called it). God has given us that freedom – even though
we chose to rebel against Him. But it does mean that God is active, and
bringing about the things He wants to happen. He is the Creator of creation and
He has purpose for them – He is achieving His purpose. “God’s purpose may be
stated very simply,” writes Robert Hicks and Richard Bewes, “It is to restore
fallen humanity and the creation to the freedom and perfection that have
been lost because of humankind’s rebellion. God the creator is also God the
is a Focal Point
you never been anywhere outside this country, you might think that Malaysia is quite
big – true, but think again. Even the earth is a very small planet in a vast
universe that is filled with thousands upon thousands upon thousands of
galaxies! But it is apparent from the Bible that the Creator of the cosmos has
set His loving concern upon this earth that we living in. Our planet is the
central of God’s purpose. Our planet is the part of creation where a special
relationship has been planned between God and men, who have been formed in His
image (Genesis 1:27). Man is the central to God’s plan for the whole universe. The
Bible has a song for this,
“When I look at the night
sky and see the work of your fingers—
the moon and the stars you
set in place—
what are mere mortals that
you should think about them,
human beings that you should
care for them?
Yet you made them only a
little lower than God
and crowned them with
glory and honor.
You gave them charge of
everything you made,
putting all things under
their authority—
the flocks and the herds
and all the wild animals,
the birds in the sky, the
fish in the sea,
and everything that swims
the ocean currents.
O Lord, our Lord, your
majestic name fills the earth!”
(Psalms 8:3-9NLT)
this O Creation
is the Creator. God is the Provider and Sustainer. God is the Redeemer. God have
a Purpose for the universe and especially for Man. How does that make you feel
about God? about yourself?
Therefore, Give Him glory, don't waste
your life!
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Entitled: "M82 Galaxy, Crab Nebula" Superb! Glory to God Alone... I'm amazed. |

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