“If God is the Creator of the entire universe, then it must follow that He is the Lord of the whole universe. No part of the world is outside of His lordship. That means that no part of my life must be outside of His lordship.” (R.C. Sproul)
Jesus must be the Lord of all of my life or He cannot be Lord at all. I’m not supposed to call Him ‘Lord, Lord’ with my lips if in fact He is non-existence in my heart or not my all in all. My whole being must be His. Not just my moral values or my mind… all must be His. Now, that does not mean that I must be perfect to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior [I told students during one of my talk that ‘God doesn’t ask us to be perfect but to be holy in the Lord’]. It does not mean that I must live the rest of my life sinlessly or speaking holy-ly or that I won’t struggle to give some things up to the Lord – far from the truth! But nevertheless, He wants all of us, as it was written in the Scripture, that in “whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus” (Colossians 3:17NLT)*
Most of us, for example, are emotionally attached to the things such as food, music, friends, job and lifestyle. These give us feelings of security, identity and meaning. But as the Holy Spirit slowly penetrates our hearts, as you allow the Holy Spirit to mold you into Christ-likeness, we realize our identity and security must be in the Lord, none else. When you realize that your very life (and all of the above) is in the hand of the Lord, you can’t deny the fact that God is the Lord over all things even if you want to ignore Him. Therefore, in everything, “whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father”. The key respond is: to giving thanks to God [that’s all men can do]. The key calling is: to live under the Lordship of Christ [that’s what we ought to do].
You might say, “Well, I’m doing pretty good here, Mr. Rich. I have given most of those areas to the Lord. All are His’… just that… I’m holding back to just one or two mini things.... no big deal… Cool man.” P.s: I don’t want to shock you, no heart attack please, but that is not enough. Jesus does not want 51%, 73% or even 99.9% of our lives - He wants to be in control of ALL areas of our lives or none at all.

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