I’ll be using chapter titles from Andrew Murray classic book, With Christ in the School of Prayer. All of the contents in mine but I may quotes some of his writing to strengthen my point. I hope and pray that these 31 simple notes might help us to start our journey in becoming a warrior in the work of prayer.
Click titles below to Read
Day 1: The Only Teacher
Day 2: The True Worshipper
Day 3: Alone with God
Day 4: The Model PrayerDay 5: The Certain Answer to Prayer
Day 6: The Infinite Fatherliness of God
Day 7: The All-Comprehensive Gift
Day 8: Prayer must be Persistent
Day 9: Prayer Provides Laborers
Day 10: Prayer must be Specific
Day 11: Faith that Takes
Day 12: The Secret of Believing Prayer
Day 13: Prayer and Fasting
Day 14: Prayer and Love
Day 15: Power of United Prayer
Day 16: Power of Persevering Prayer
Day 17: Prayer in harmony with God
Day 18: Prayer in harmony with destiny of Man
Day 19: Power for Praying and Working
Day 20: The Chief End of Prayer
Day 21: The All-Inclusive Condition
Day 22: The Word and the Prayer

Ka sembiang ngagai Allah Taala ukai nature kitai mensia udah dosa masuk, kitai kelalah, lembau, enggai tang taja pia awak kitai mansal diri dah nya nadai penanggul unggal.