Every time after finished reading some inspiring books, I used to think that ‘hey, I want to write something that will inspire others too!’ Initially I was fired up, flame above my head and my enthusiasm level reached it full signal. Then few hours later, after having a hot refreshing coffee, TV breaks and cool shower - my fire down, no more flame and enthusiasm level drastically decrease below empty signal.
I let hesitation and procrastination keep me from doing anything about it. Maybe some of you have the same internal dialog that goes like this: ‘If only I had this… if only this were different… if only I had more money, idea, resource, then I could do what I want to do.’ I hesitate because I always questioned myself, ‘Am I able to motivate or inspire or encourage others to live their life to the fullest? Am I qualified to say those words to them? Would my average readers who have a much better educational backgrounds will ever consider to read articles from a much lower education and village-born guy whom they didn’t know?...’

John L. Mason writes, ‘Don’t waste time in doubts and fears about what you don’t have; spend yourself in the task before you, knowing that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the years that follow it.’ He then quotes, “Grow where you are planted. Begin to weave, and God will give the thread.” (German Proverbs)
...Remember: THINK BIG don’t focus on what you don’t have, START SMALL start with what you have, and GO DEEP for what you have is a gifts from God. Use it mightily for His Kingdom.

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