As Jimmy Dean quoted “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” The ladies can’t change the fact being a ‘’helper’’ or the "seconded" to the man but the ladies can change their attitude towards their real role.
Now the question pop-out: How could I examine my own attitude and produce gracious attitude?
I learned a term called ‘’ lady of grace’’ when I joined the women fellowship retreat in my church on October 2010 (Well I was just being busybody joining the mothers’ retreat).It was too early for me to understand the term but I’m grateful my mom dragged me and my attitude being busybody because ‘’to be matured, we have to walk from today till we leaves’’ (Quoted by the speaker, Madam. Magdeline Teruki) I bet Mother Theresa or Mother Mary occurred in your mind as ‘’lady of grace’’ mentioned. We can’t be more or less like them but we can be ‘’me-myself-and-I’’ in a way.
Now the question pop-out: How could I examine my own attitude and produce gracious attitude?
I learned a term called ‘’ lady of grace’’ when I joined the women fellowship retreat in my church on October 2010 (Well I was just being busybody joining the mothers’ retreat).It was too early for me to understand the term but I’m grateful my mom dragged me and my attitude being busybody because ‘’to be matured, we have to walk from today till we leaves’’ (Quoted by the speaker, Madam. Magdeline Teruki) I bet Mother Theresa or Mother Mary occurred in your mind as ‘’lady of grace’’ mentioned. We can’t be more or less like them but we can be ‘’me-myself-and-I’’ in a way.
4 Personalities that WE HAVE (source: I have slow ‘’processor’’ system in my brain. Its retreat notes I jot down… discipline yourself to jot down anything important before u forget):
1. The person I think I am
2. The person I want others to think I am
3. The person I truly am
4. The person I can be
How can we be a lady of grace:
1. The person I think I am
2. The person I want others to think I am
3. The person I truly am
4. The person I can be
How can we be a lady of grace:
1. Be delightful in everything you do and be.
Life without passion is failing or boring. Passion drives our life on daily basis. My passion is teaching and food. I love teaching because every time I teach, indirectly I remind myself about what I have learned. Besides, it is delightful to see people’s eyes sparkling after understand the facts or the story that I’m teaching about. Then, passion for food and beverage, I do cook but not baking, every where I’m traveling, I would surely try new menu then share the menu with my friends and relatives. Not to forget be passion for God’s word (Psalm 1: 1-3), passion for prayer (Psalm 5:3) and passion to sing a new song to God. God-centered passion is guarding our confidence to face the world. God may molded us with soft-skin and soft-hearted compare to the man but we were created with spirit of courage.
2. Understand the ‘leadership’ term.
You may be a president of a country but u can’t dictate your husband or your father or your brother in the house as how you dictated the country.
You may be an owner or the CEO of an oil and gas company where 80% of the workers are majority man, we as the Ladies are not supposed to be arrogant and bossy.
Cast away the word of ‘dominancy’ but start to key-in ‘servant hood’ or respect in your ladies’ dictionary.
3. Never give up changing and adapting.
No matter how ruin is our life, lets the ‘damage’ be the needs to transforms. Get someone older or experienced to be your advisor or listener while you are in the process of transforming. We need a support system (Church leaders, best friend or the women’s ministry) to examine and keep on track not to be ‘’ruined’’ again.
Let us start to indulge the ‘’fruits of the spirit’’ (Galatians 5:22) as every day’s diet to provides ‘’Vitamin C’’ into our attitude.
This is a 4 parts series note.

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