"Every person who
knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself," said Aldous
Huxley, "...to make his life full, significant and interesting" 😊 January was
a busy month for me as I slowly (maybe 'slow' is not the right word, neither
'fast', so) continue the joyful vocation after Sabbatical leave last year 🤫 But since reading has become my habit and part of my life, even in the midst of busy schedule I will find time to read books. More accurately,
intentionally "allocate" time to read! Here are my #1Book1Week
January 2020:
1) The Fear of the Lord: Discover
the Key to Intimately Knowing God (1997) by John Bevere
2) Studies in the Sermon on the
Mount (1984) by Martyn Lloyd-Jones [finally finished after a few months
of slower reading]
3) The Heart of a Tender Warrior:
Becoming a Man of Purpose (2002) by Stu Weber
4) Start! - The Bible for New
Believers: New Testament (NKJV) selected books/letters
#LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeader
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