This quote is taken from
Ray Comfort’s Spurgeon Gold (Bridge-Logos: Alachua, Florida, 2005. Page 10-11).
Late Charles H. Spurgeon writes,
“Judas was preacher; nay,
he was a foremost preacher. ‘He obtained
part of this ministry,’ said the Apostle Peter. He was not simply one of
the seventy; he had been selected by the Lord Himself as one of the twelve; and
honourable member of the college of the apostles. Doubtless, he had preached
the gospel so that many had been gladdened by his voice, and miraculous powers
had been vouchsafed to him, so that at his word, the sick had been healed, deaf
ears had been opened, and the blind had been made to see. Nay, there is no
doubt that he, who could not keep the devil out of himself, had cast devils out
of others. Yet how are you fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
He that was as a prophet
in the midst of the people, and speak with the tongue of the learned, whose
word and wonders proved that he had been with Jesus and had learned from him –
he betrays his Master. Understand, my brethren, that no gifts can ensure grace,
and that no position of honour or usefulness in the Church will necessarily
prove our being true to our Lord and Master. Doubtless, there are bishops in
Hell, and crowds of those who once occupied the pulpits are now condemned
forever to bewail their hypocrisy. You that are Church-officers do not conclude
that because you enjoy the confidence of the Church, therefore there is an
absolute certainty the grace of God in you.
Perhaps it is the most
dangerous of all positions for a man to become well known and much respected by
religious world, and yet to be rotten to the core. To be where others can
observe our faults is a healthy thing, though painful; but to live with beloved
friends who would not believe it possible for us to do wrong, and who, if they
saw us err, would make excuses for us – this is to be where it is next to
impossible for us ever to be aroused if our hearts be not right with God. To have a fair reputation and a false heart
is to stand upon the brink of Hell.”
This is scary, yet it is the truth. Amen.

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