On Our Life of Service and Evangelization, Mother Teresa writes:
“Sometime ago a man came to
our house and said: ‘Mother, there is a Hindu
family that has eight children. They have not eaten for a long time. Do something
for them.’ So I took some rice and went. When I arrived at their house, I could
see the hunger in the children’s eyes. Their eyes were shining with hunger. I gave
the rice to the mother. She took it and divided it into two, and she went out. When
she came back, I asked her, ‘Where did
you go?’ she said, ‘They are hungry
too.’ Her neighbors were also hungry. What struck me most was not that she
gave the rice but she knew they were hungry. Because she knew, she shared. I did
not bring more rice that night. I waited until the next morning so that they
could experience the joy of sharing and loving.
Love, to be true, has to hurt, and this woman who was hungry – she knew that her
neighbor was also hungry. That family happened to be a Mohammedan family. It was
so touching, so real. This is where we
are most unjust to our poor – we don’t know them. We don’t know how great they
are, how loveable, how hungry for that understanding love. Today God loves
the world through you and through me. Are we that love and that compassion? God
proves that Christ loves us – that He has come to be his Father’s compassion. Today
God loves the world through you and through me and through all those who are
his love and compassion in the world.” And I [Richard] say, Amen.
[Quote from Mother Teresa: Contemplative at the Heart of
the World. Page 118-119]

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